Mileage Reporting 7th Week of 2013

Since I was posting in the wrong week, I'm'a'gonna recap:
Sunday: 1hr 45 min in the pool, either swimming laps, kicking, doing balance drills, laps with my 9yr old, or jumping in from the diving board.
35 min gym workout, 20 min elliptical, the rest half hearted st and abs
swim at lunchtime
swim while my daughter was in class, this one only about 20 min, since my body was finally getting tired.

50 min gym workout, same old same old
35-40 min swim, alternately doing the one full lap freestyle, then one full lap kicking, about 10 times? Not sure, since I gave up on counting until I can actually swim more. Shoulders/back arms are still tired, good tired, though, and no worse from yesterday's swimming, but I don't want to get myself super sore for my first official swim lesson tomorrow night, so I tried to take it easy today. My form is feeling more consistent, and the breathing is starting to feel more normal. Just a week ago, I was taking big breaks every half lap to catch my breath, now I adjust my goggles take a few deep breaths and go. So I'm not quite at continuous laps and breathing in the water but I can envision it in the not too distant future.
I also think I'm starting to get the 'rotation' aspect. In any case, it feels like I'm working less hard lately to get across. Swimming is starting to be a lot more fun. Even had a few moments last night and today when I felt smooth.

Sid: not sure how big your lanes are at the pool you go to, but at my school you almost always share a lane with one other person, and they are plenty wide for that, even for a beginner. However, 3 to a lane is a bit much for me. There is a sort of basic etiquette that most people follow with lane sharing.
My school has swim from 630-745, and I can only make it on Fridays for that, but people are out there doing it---the lanes are always busy but not overly full. Evening swim is often ridiculous, though, 3 to a lane and people waiting for someone to get out of the pool for a chance to go.
Somethign that is nice about running, right? You can always find a place to do it and don't have to foresake your run because there are to many people already doing it.
25min in the pool. I got a lane, and by 5A all 4 lanes were occupied! Tried to practice the backstroke a bit. Chlorinated pool at the gym was much less buoyant than the saltwater pool at the Sportsplex, so sucked down some more water. .

Wow, salt water pool, fancy.

Maybe when you switch to the chlorinated pool you should do your first lap or two just floating and kicking gently, or doing one of those balance drills, rather than trying strokes, so as to acclimate your body to the change and relax all the way before you get really going?

For me, I have found that making sure I'm relaxed before I swim and take it nice and easy for the first lap makes everythign go better. If I accidentally suck water or my form is tight on the first lap and I feel like I'm not gettign enough air, I'm tense for the rest of the time and don't get much out of it.
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60 minutes on the spinning bike went really fast as I had a spring garden/chicken/pool landscaping planning session with my landscape architect son. Then, I took a nap because it felt like I hit a wall.:) Still fighting a bit of the illness.

Swimming Tip of the Day: Only concentrate on one aspect of swimming at a time. For instance, for a couple of laps think about blowing out steadily. For another couple of laps, think mostly about pressing the chest for balance. For another couple of laps, concentrate on finger tip drag, etc.

Bummer on the recovery taking longer than you anticipated. Great that you nap. I'm a big believer in listenign to my body when it tells me to nap.
My husband and I have tag teamed on weekends while my kids refuse to nap.

Great swimming tip. I get so tense when I'm trying to evaluate myself all over and all the way through a lap, which then ruins the breathing. It's hard to stop myself from constantly wondering what I'm doing with every part of my body.
I gave up on trying to multitask the self form evaluation today and decided to work on proper rotation, reaching and pulling through with my arms.
Wow, salt water pool, fancy.

Maybe when you switch to the chlorinated pool you should do your first lap or two just floating and kicking gently, or doing one of those balance drills, rather than trying strokes, so as to acclimate your body to the change and relax all the way before you get really going?

For me, I have found that making sure I'm relaxed before I swim and take it nice and easy for the first lap makes everythign go better. If I accidentally suck water or my form is tight on the first lap and I feel like I'm not gettign enough air, I'm tense for the rest of the time and don't get much out of it.
From what I understand, they are all chlorinated and technically a chemical salt of some sort. Some just "taste" saltier and add end up with the higher buoyancy. Sort of like not all gases are exactly the same, but still gases.
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From what I understand, they are all chlorinated and technically a chemical salt of some sort. Some just "taste" saltier and add end up with the higher buoyancy. Sort of like not all gases are exactly the same, but still gases.

I don't know about the States or anywhere else anymore but here in Germany there are 'brine' pools (in German it's called 'Sole') combined with ozone filters. Nice stuff.
Did about an hour of ST, shoulders and biceps, and then added in 3 sets of planks at 45 seconds at the end before I jumped on the bike. Thought I was going to die by the end of the 3rd plank. I was twitching like crazy. Since I can't do a lot of other ab work though because of my back I figured I would try and see how my back reacts to doing the plank, and it seems to be favorable so far. 30 minutes of intervals on the bike. Did 7 1 minute and 50 second intervals which pyramided up in intensity and then back down after the 4th interval. According to the bike burned about 325 calories. Still not sure if that's right. Seems high to me. Every interval I tried to keep my cadence between 90-100, and let me tell you, doing my workouts in reverse order made today extremely difficult on the bike to do this. Was good though, I actually feel like I really got a great workout in. The experiment continues...
When/where is it???

This weekend starting at 7:00 am Saturday. It is called Actif Epica, 130 km of winter running across the Manitoba prairies from St. Malo to the Forks located in downtown Winnipeg. It is all part of Winter Festival Season here, we run through 5 communities and their associated winter festivals before ending up in Winnipeg at the Festival de Voyageur.
Here is the link,
4.37 miles ran over lunch, awesome weather and the trails are nicely plowed. Overall great run:)
Tempo run on tread mill yesterday with a incline of 2, every 5 minutes increased the speed slightly. At the end of 45 minutes I had a pretty good clip going. Today another tempo run on treadmill. raised the incline to 3.5 and ran for 45 minutes. The treadmill I was on kept track of vertical climb, and I was surprised to see that I had run a vertical climb of 2000 feet.
:D ROFL That is so great. Tales of woe of an injured barefoot runner trying to fill his early morning workout time. ha ha ha ha Step away from the chainsaw!
No, no, actually I'm not injured. Well, actually my chest is really sore, possibly from the swimming and/or getting back into weights, but my legs are okay. Just doing this for a change of pace. Since, I didn't want to run this morning or strength train, that left some time to fill.
Sid: not sure how big your lanes are at the pool you go to, but at my school you almost always share a lane with one other person, and they are plenty wide for that, even for a beginner.
The lanes aren't that wide. I saw some people sharing on Sunday, but I need the whole lane for my flailing.
Wow, salt water pool, fancy.
The Sportsplex was where the Orlando Magic trained before they got the new facility. The Magic owners then converted the old training facility to a gym.
Maybe when you switch to the chlorinated pool you should do your first lap or two just floating and kicking gently, or doing one of those balance drills, rather than trying strokes, so as to acclimate your body to the change and relax all the way before you get really going?
I'm probably most relaxed when I first hit the water. Then I get tired and everything goes after that.
From what I understand, they are all chlorinated and technically a chemical salt of some sort. Some just "taste" saltier and add end up with the higher buoyancy. Sort of like not all gases are exactly the same, but still gases.
Here's the science behind saltwater pools, and the specific chemistry involved.
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Woke up this morning feeling off-colour - must have eaten something that didn't agree with me. I was considering staying home from work, so I made the mental deal that if I could get through 5km I could go to work.

The first 3 km were pretty good - even passed a guy - but the last 2 were a struggle. I made it though, so here I am.
This weekend starting at 7:00 am Saturday. It is called Actif Epica, 130 km of winter running across the Manitoba prairies from St. Malo to the Forks located in downtown Winnipeg. It is all part of Winter Festival Season here, we run through 5 communities and their associated winter festivals before ending up in Winnipeg at the Festival de Voyageur.
Here is the link,

Awesome man, have a great run!

8mi for me today, these past two weeks have been a turning point for me to get back in the swing of things this winter. I should be able to get another weekday run in, but this weekend I might be up to the camp all weekend running a chainsaw so I might miss out on a long run. But I'll be burn'n calories just the same.
Monday afternoon
Chest ST & micro-run around the block

Tuesday afternoon
6.24 mi / 10 km running
31 F / -.5 C
20 F / -7 C windchill
Shod in Aqua Lites, one mile bare

We got a good bit of snow Sunday thru Monday, so shoveled a couple of times and made a humongous snow man for the kids with the help of my brother.

Monday I didn't get through all of my ST workout. I hadn't slept much and then got work-obsessed and started the workout late. Did manage to get in my micro-run though.

Yesterday, I was able to add a mile to my last run, so now I'm over six miles and still running nigglelessly. The conditions were kind of treacherous--lots of ice, but I did find a small section of wet asphalt with a few dry patches near the campus side of the fairgrounds, where the snow had already melted off, so I decided to take my shoes off there and run a micro-loop of about a quarter mile, just to get in a little sole reconditioning. I was a bit overdressed so I left my shoes, jacket, hat, and gloves in a campus bus stop shelter on one side of the divided street. The four-lane street forms a border between the ag campus and the fairgrounds parking lots, which are used by U of M commuters during the week. There's a fair bit of traffic at that hour, around 5pm., with everyone going home, but they're all civil rural academic types, concocting GMOs to further our planetary ruin, so I'm still able to run on the side of the road without concern for safety.

My feet seemed to handle the cold moisture fine, but I stopped after four micro-loops, about a mile total, just to make sure I wasn't overdoing it. Bits of my frost-nipped forefoot pads are molting now, and my toes' calluses are just starting to re-form after the stimulation of last Saturday's bare mile. If conditions are favorable on Thursday, I'll extend the bare portion of my run to two or three miles. My right big toe's blackened nail looks like it's about ready to come off too. The new nail is about a quarter inch long now. Kind of fun to watch the feet go through these changes. Still dreaming of the day when I can leave the house for a completely bare run. All these micro and mini snows we've been having lately make it difficult for sidewalks and streets to clear completely. And then there's the endless seasonings of salt.

Anyway, after putting my shoes back on, I ran a somewhat shorter second fairgrounds mini-loop, and then, while leaving the fairgrounds to go pick up my daughter, I decided to pick up the pace a bit, to under 9mm, since the surface conditions on this part of the run were fairly nice 'n iceless. But I started to feel my right calf tighten up again, so I slowed back down. By the start of the run my calf cramp from last Tuesday's run had completely healed up, but I guess there's still a little something there, so I'll keep running slow Mike Maf-like runs for a bit longer. No signs of ITBS, despite the slow paces (today's overall pace was 10mm), so perhaps the micro runs on my off-days are doing the trick of keeping my legs loose.

After picking up my daughter, we walked the half mile home with her on my shoulders, conversing in absurdities and implausible postulates.

No swimming unfortunately. I feel like I'm missing out.

Go Barefooting Bob!
15min pool. Got to the gym early before they opened. You can tell who is gunning for the pool, because we wear sandals, and everyone else has sneakers. I was ready, had the goggles around my neck and everything, and some other fella still beat me to the pool. Though, no "swim meet" today. It was only the two of us. Last Wed, all four lanes were full by 5:20A.

Good grief! No major injuries with running in 3 years (other than the occasional TMTS), and on Day 11 in the pool, I pull a lat. Ouch! Tried to continue on, but apparently, freestyle and backstroke both use the lats. Also, no tree trimming, no car washing this morning to fill the time before work. On the other hand, I think that I'm beginning to develop a sense of body rotation a bit. I think that's how I pulled it, by getting in the right position to use the right muscles. Chest and shoulder feel a bit better, though.

I thought that swimming was supposed to be easy on the body. Check that, I guess swimming is supposed to be easier on the joints. Yep, joints feel all right.

Edit: I think it might be my serratus. That would make more sense. I probably haven't used them all that much until I started swimming.
30 min of ST back and legs. Had a migraine so bad felt really bad. Left after only doing less than half my workout. Got home and started dry heaving the migraine got so bad. Was trying not to take any pain killers because of my doc apt today, but that didn't workout and I had to take something. After laying on the couch for the last hour I am finally able to sit up without feeling like I am going to blackout. Wow that sucked.
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Nice relaxed 16km, 250m climb, 1:45

Oh yeah... Leni almost got murdered and then I almost murdered the owner of the dog that tried to kill her... Grrrrrrrrr :mad:

YIKES!!!! Big mean dog without proper supervision, I take it?
Oh people. Why do the things they do, and not do the things they should?????

Glad Leni is ok. Glad you didn't have to commit homicide.
30 min of ST back and legs. Had a migraine so bad felt really bad. Left after only doing less than half my workout. Got home and started dry heaving the migraine got so bad. Was trying not to take any pain killers because of my doc apt today, but that didn't workout and I had to take something. After laying on the couch for the last hour I am finally able to sit up without feeling like I am going to blackout. Wow that sucked.

Blessed art they who have never had a migraine.
I've not had many, but they are a new level of pain.
Feel better.

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