Mileage Reporting 51th Week of 2012

Slightly pulled a muscle in my hamstring yesterday and somehow hurt my hip/back last night playing on the floor with my son after he jumped on me. Gonna see how I feel today and I will at least do my ST day and will play it by ear for the bike. If I do the bike it will be a very easy steady session.
Well, the leg and hip/back seems to be ok enough for me to do a light spin with no intervals on the bike at a steady easy pace. It hurts to squat down to pick something up off the floor but just walking around I am ok. I think I hurt the hamstring from getting to aggressive with weight while doing deadlifts yesterday.
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30 min on the bike at a medium intensity while keeping the cadence 95-100. My legs are much stronger now than a few years ago when I used to ride that thing all the time. I would never have been able to keep at the level I did today back then, and this was me being relatively easy because of a pulled hamstring... Also did ST (chest, tri's) today. I need to find some easy ab exercises because I am finding that I cannot do my old ab workouts due to funny grinding popping in my back where I had my fusion. I only made it halfway through my first set of abs and called it quits because of the funny stuff it was doing. Don't want to re-hurt myself.
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7.6mi on the trails. Saw a raccoon hugging a tree before it scurried away. Funny how it's much cuter in a natural environment, than when it's tipping over your trash can.

Been doing a lot of running and very little strength training for the past four weeks (including the 2 weeks that I took to recover from overdoing it with my back). Trying to find some type of strength training comparable to trail running in terms of fun level. Hmm...I don't know. Suggestions?

Edit: These Indian club exercises look interesting. I happened to have a disassembled table and took some of the legs and tried it out. It was different. I like the multijoint movement engaging various muscle groups. Maybe try will some kettlebell exercises, too. Have to keep things interesting.
Another day on the recumbent. Did 30 min on it at a steady easy pace and relatively easy setting. Hip/back seem to finally be fine but the hamstring is going to need another couple days I think. Also did ST training (shoulders and biceps). Tomorrow will also be a bike and ST day and then Sunday will be a full rest day of just watching football, drinking beer (haven't had one since last Sunday!), and eating all the bad stuff I've skimped out on all week. ;)
I forgot to mention that while in the gym I noticed in the fully mirrored wall that I have skinny runners legs now but am still chubby up top. Seems running for the last two years made the legs and butt skinny but did not take much, if anything off the top. Of course, I've only lost about 12lbs in the last two years too... Gonna have to work on this.
wed: between 7 and 8 after i felt better from resting the previous day, then ST routine. It felt good at the time, then...Dumb idea: got sicker again and had to take thurs off.

fri: 4 miles in the wet wet snow (about 2 inches on the ground), icy blowing wet icy/snow stuff winds ~20mph gusting to much more. out was painful on the face (into the wind), back was fine. feet were fine in soft stars, but the muscles sure got a workout in the unplowed slush. fun. think i'm almost better

will go for short run today? still feelign better but not all the way to booger-free.
36.6 miles for the week.
45 min on the recumbent again today doing 2 min intervals with a 2 min warm up and a 3 min cool down. Each interval I tried to keep at the highest setting I could while still maintaining a cadence of 90+. Wow I was flat dripping sweat when I got done. Looked like someone had hosed me down with a garden hose. Pretty nasty but felt great. Also did ST training (back and legs). Feeling really good and strong and will start running again on Monday. Hamstring is just a slight minor niggle now so hopefully with tomorrows full day of rest and relaxation (at least until Sunday night football comes on, Go Hawks!!!) I should be fully recovered. I'm thinking I'm going to really like going back to running just 3 days a week while riding the recumbent 3 days a week with only one full rest day. I've also noticed going back to my 6 day a week ST schedule that my muscles don't hurt so much and I feel much stronger during my exercises that when I was on my 4 day schedule. Feels like I am getting more out of my workouts if you will.
8.78 miles this morning, temps were chilly and snow was falling with a north wind. Couldn't feel my face below my nose, it was stuck in a perma-grin, kind of looked like this :D .
So today concludes my workout week, and since it is a rest day I figured I would just give a brief update on how my body feels from it's first week back on a schedule that I haven't done in a few years. My body feels great. I only lost a pound, but the first two weeks from what I remember you don't really lose much weight as you seem to build a lot of muscle at first. I came up with this 6 day workout while I was in the Army, about a decade ago. It's a little strange in the muscle groups that are worked together but it seems to be effective and gives plenty of recovery time. The workouts are shorter than my 4 day workout (same amount of exercises as 6 day workout just done in 4 days instead of 6) I tried a few months ago, but there are more days of workouts and you have enough strength to really take full advantage of each workout. Quite a few exercises I was able to add 20-30 pounds this week to vs my 4 day workout. This week I've only had minor muscle ache (the oh it feels so good muscle ache of gym workouts) and my legs seem to feel really good, other than that stupid muscle pull in my hamstring that was my fault for getting to exuberant.