Mileage Reporting 50th Week 2013

1 hour of walking in the snow interspersed with squats, lunges, 2 legged crawling, backward walking up steep ramps and leg circles.

two legged crawling? is there a 3 or 4 legged option?
Started running again last week. Time that I got back into it.
Went about 1.5 miles last Wed on sidewalk.
4.5 mi on the trail on Sun. Saw some hikers.
1 mi run today on sidewalk before my short swim.
I like the trail more, but I think some hard surface runs are good, too.

Been working on developing more foot flexibility, trying to straighten out my bunions, and making some good progress with it. Feet are more symmetrical after improving the more severe bunion on the left foot. As a result, I feel that my landings have improved.

Goal is to get back in shape to run some local 5k's to spread awareness of barefoot running. Also, would like to try to acclimate to running on the 3/4 mi of drainage rock on the trail. I bought a bag of it and put it in bin so I can practice. I think that it's helped to further develop my foot flexibility. Also, it's helped me to be more springy when on the rocks. Had to wash off the rocks though. What's up with all the dirt mixed in with my rocks?

Oh yes, Nick was right all along. According to ISO8601 Standard, the week begins on Monday.
4.5 mile run including .95 km barefoot (ahh screw it lets call it 1km) at -33 degrees C tonight. Sweet, that was my temperature goal for this year , now to extend it to 2km and we are good. No damage to the feet, not even the least bit numb, but I did see some smoke.
Yep, that seems about right for dressing in those temps.
Not sure why you need waterproof shoes for snow? I wear soft stars, and if the snow is warm and slushy(air temps around 30) , my feet may get damp but never cold.
In cold snow (20s and lower), my feet never get wet unless I accidentally go in a puddle beneath ice or snow. Even then, not that bad. And I have feet that get very cold when bare in the 40s, so I'm not that hard core.
Just sayin you might find non waterproof is ok.
Useful info. Thanks!
Monday - 38 minutes of swimming with only 2 short breaks interspersed. Later in the evening 75 minutes on spin bike.

Tuesday - Decided to experiment with treadmill running as it was going to get dark soon and I was not mentally up to running in the teens (F) as the light waned. Did 10 miles in my newish Lunas and had a good time!

Wednesday - Am very short on sleep for various reasons, so will pnly ride spin bike. Have accomplished 30 minutes and am aiming for 90

Baby granddaughter leaving hospital today! It has been a wild week! Won't get to see her (and her parents ;-)) until they fly home next week.
Cross county skiing Tues and Wed. 1 hour each day, don't want to do TMTS. Got hot spots on the heels that need to toughen up. Wearing thin glove liners inside of fleeced lined leather work gloves. Ok at 0 degrees but a little cold at -5 F. Itching to run but holding off. Missing the sole stimulation like Bare Lee is and going to bring the gravel in a tupperware container in today.
Chilly 8 mile run at 5 :00 am., 27 deg.. I still carry a camelback and the water froze in the hose!
Had a descent run this evening after work. Distance was 5.3 miles. My goal was to make 6 miles but have not done much running lately (for the last month/longer). My right knee has been getting tight on the outer side on some of my recent run attempts preventing the 9 mile runs I had been enjoying this fall. Have not done as much running as my wife and I have been far from our usual routine since her parents both found out they had cancer and we have been caring for them and taking them to some Dr.'s appointments with my wife doing the majority of that. My running (and most everything) was put on the back burner during that time.

Both her parents are doing better now and our usual routines are nearly back on track. Been trying to get back into my daily routine of running but seem to have lost quite a bit of my distance I had gained during the last year. My distance is limited by the tightening in my right knee. Plan on taking it somewhat easy to gain the distance back. Have been running in VFF's and when the temps were below the mid 20 ran in my tennis shoes. Talk about some clumsy runs. Definitely not used to running in the clod hoppers!

Did run 4.5 miles Tuesday night after work before the right knee tightened up. Guess I'll keep on - keeping on!
At the gym, I warmed up on a strange machine, including lots of backwardness. Then ran 3 miles on a treadmill in my Moc3s -first time running on a treadmill since changing to barefoot form - while interspersing all this with a bit of squats, leg extensions, leg curls and lungish things, all in an attempt to keep my hips where they belonged. I did where 3 layers of fabric in the short-leg side (3/8th of an inch short). I have no way of knowing what horrificness is in store for me, from doing this, until tomorrow. I managed to work up to a 4.3ish speed at a 15 m/m and at a flat incline that kept me periodically running into the monitor, slightly -which made the speed just right. I run 15 m/m on Wildwood at my fastest. I did run half of my miles while varying the incline every 50 steps trying to replicate a real trail, but that was super annoying. Their intervals aren't fast enough for me. Surprisingly, it felt better to run on that treadmill than on pavement -but only WHILE doing it. Tomorrow will reveal the truth.
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Had a descent run this evening after work. Distance was 5.3 miles. My goal was to make 6 miles but have not done much running lately (for the last month/longer). My right knee has been getting tight on the outer side on some of my recent run attempts preventing the 9 mile runs I had been enjoying this fall. Have not done as much running as my wife and I have been far from our usual routine since her parents both found out they had cancer and we have been caring for them and taking them to some Dr.'s appointments with my wife doing the majority of that. My running (and most everything) was put on the back burner during that time.

Both her parents are doing better now and our usual routines are nearly back on track. Been trying to get back into my daily routine of running but seem to have lost quite a bit of my distance I had gained during the last year. My distance is limited by the tightening in my right knee. Plan on taking it somewhat easy to gain the distance back. Have been running in VFF's and when the temps were below the mid 20 ran in my tennis shoes. Talk about some clumsy runs. Definitely not used to running in the clod hoppers!

Did run 4.5 miles Tuesday night after work before the right knee tightened up. Guess I'll keep on - keeping on!

So sorry to hear about your wife's parents. Glad they are better now. Take it easy on getting back into running. It will come!
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5 kms in almost freezing temperatures. Good run. except I got hit from behind by a bicycle. I did a somersault and landed on my back (well, not quite, I fell and rolled over), he fell off the bike and lost his shoe (another reason not to wear shoes), we both got wet and dirty. My pinkie toe is bleeding and sore, but I don't think it is broken, and I have a couple of cuts and bruises. I think he hurt himself more.

Afterwards, I ran 2 kms home, more or less the same tempo as before the collision. No harm done, run tomorrow as well, I hope.

Lesson: even though the ground is a bit more painful to run on, try to run as far as posssible from the bike lane.

Lesson 2: running in cold, windy rain is wonderful, but sometimes, cyclists will have a harder time seeing you (in you fluorescent yellow jacket) as they squint and hide from the wind.

Lesson 3: there is no lesson 3.
5 kms in almost freezing temperatures. Good run. except I got hit from behind by a bicycle. I did a somersault and landed on my back (well, not quite, I fell and rolled over), he fell off the bike and lost his shoe (another reason not to wear shoes), we both got wet and dirty. My pinkie toe is bleeding and sore, but I don't think it is broken, and I have a couple of cuts and bruises. I think he hurt himself more.

Afterwards, I ran 2 kms home, more or less the same tempo as before the collision. No harm done, run tomorrow as well, I hope.

Lesson: even though the ground is a bit more painful to run on, try to run as far as posssible from the bike lane.

Lesson 2: running in cold, windy rain is wonderful, but sometimes, cyclists will have a harder time seeing you (in you fluorescent yellow jacket) as they squint and hide from the wind.

Lesson 3: there is no lesson 3.

Good thing nothing you didn't get more hurt.

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