Mileage Reporting 40th week 2013

Took a couple days off after a sharp twinge in the arch of my right foot on Friday.

Did just over 6km tonight; it was a rough start today-knees and ankle really did not want to be running. Loosened up after a bit and felt pretty good for the first half. Took off my vff about halfway in and felt good for most of it...but have clearly now done TMTS with blisters on both feet. All the warning signs were there, but it was just so great to be out there. Anyway, I'll rest up and get back into it next week.

Got a positive reaction from another runner who said "that's awesome" as he passed...then we got to talking for a few that was nice.
got a 5 mile run on "my trail" done this morning in the AWESOME rain. I brought 6 flashcards with me for kinesiology and managed to memorize 6 new movements, along my run...arm flapping "may" have been
Wednesday afternoon.
Nice two-mile run-commute home, pushed the pace slightly. Might be last sweaty run of the season.
Then did my back (lats & 'core') st workout. Really good pump, was able to increase weight on a few of the exercises.

Thursday morning.
Nice one-mile run-commute to the office on dark, fresh, wet streets on top of colorful leaves and other tree debris from the previous night's storm. Very enchanting. Probably should've done a proper mezzo run but I'm keyed up for a good run later this afternoon down by the river to catch the first fall colors. Achiness in left foot just about gone. Now for a few incline sit-ups and mobility stuff with my ankle weights.
Ran 2.5 miles after work yesterday, very warm and slightly humid, wearing the Xeros.

They finally posted pictures from the 5K that I ran in back on Sunday.


You know, the most remarkable thing about that photo is not me standing there in bare feet. It's the smile I've got. Happiness has been a rather elusive feeling in my life thanks to emotional predisposition and other factors that keep me more on the somber sided viewpoint. But Sunday morning was a good one. I had felt alive and light, I felt good about a large variety of decisions that I've made which led me to where I there stood. I couldn't help smiling right then.
did a few pistols yesterday and not much else since i had a massage appointment. he worked on my left leg and gave me some relief there. i was falling asleep as he worked on my front and side calf muscles when suddenly i woke up with lots of energy. ant. tibialis and my peroneals have been giving me lots of problems and he relieved a lot of pain but they still need more work. my abductor hallicis has been locked in a spasm and giving me a pain in my heel like a bruise. i have to strengthen it by turning it out, not lifting up. quite difficult.

this morning i got up and was going to just go 3m but went 6m instead. i was feeling good then slowed down after mile 4. i think it was the torn up back country road because once i hit the nice butter asphalt of the suburbs my pace picked up. waked the dogs for my cool down and my mom's dog slipped right out of his harness. he is an escape artist of epic proportions.
did a few pistols yesterday and not much else since i had a massage appointment. he worked on my left leg and gave me some relief there. i was falling asleep as he worked on my front and side calf muscles when suddenly i woke up with lots of energy. ant. tibialis and my peroneals have been giving me lots of problems and he relieved a lot of pain but they still need more work. my abductor hallicis has been locked in a spasm and giving me a pain in my heel like a bruise. i have to strengthen it by turning it out, not lifting up. quite difficult.

this morning i got up and was going to just go 3m but went 6m instead. i was feeling good then slowed down after mile 4. i think it was the torn up back country road because once i hit the nice butter asphalt of the suburbs my pace picked up. waked the dogs for my cool down and my mom's dog slipped right out of his harness. he is an escape artist of epic proportions.

I started purposefully turning my left out over my runs this last summer. Doing wide-stance squats helped strengthen that as well cuz of the way my ankles were positioned to balance myself.
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wednesday: early 4 miler again, same route, I'm on a kick this week. It was darker than tuesday, heard one owl in the distance, some strange bird at the start of the run, then nothing but crickets. didn't even have a car pass me. Flashed on the headlamp once in a while to check for road kill (got a feeling ima gonna step in a big-un one of these days), then gave up since the mist was waist high and it was impossible to see more than a few feet anyways. I decided that as a statistician the probability of stepping (tripping) on road kill was a Poisson distributed random variable with a very small lambda, which meant that I was unlikely to do more than a little squish over many many runs, but that eventually, over time, it would be inevitable. I was consoled that even this inevitability was more likely to be a possum or flattened raccoon that would be unlikely to do more than gross me out and trip me slightly. Not too many deer in the road I run.

In any case, it allowed me to relax and embrace the velvety misty darkness and let my feet feel along on their own.

lunch: 35 min swim. No dead stuff to worry over.

thursday: morning 4 miler again, this time no stars, morning clouds instead. heard howling coyotes...halloween spooky style. no owl. (I believe the only one i've heard so far is a barred owl). only one car. perfect temps again.
Lee, you found your core! I've been missing mine for days. I might do a few sit ups while I mull over where it might last have been seen, or felt, or heard from.
Ha! Yes, no use fighting popular currency; "core" best conveys something of what I'm doing in that area--pikes, hyperextensions, woodchoppers, landmines (which work the obliques as well as the lats). Note the scare quotes though. Even if the concept is vacuous (insofar as there are no specifically 'core muscles' or even less 'core stability muscles'), the term is more elegant than other equivalents describing the middle of the body, like midsection, or center, or simply middle. I suppose I could just say the "back workout" and leave it at that, or say the back workout is lats & lower back, but lats & core has a nice ring to it. Linguistics has cursed me with a strong terminology fetish.

Here's how I've labeled the four st workouts (not that you asked):

Front: Chest & Bi's
Back: Lats & Core
Top: Delts, Traps, Tri's & Forearm
Bottom: Hips, Butt & Legs

Here's how they're currently ordered:

Sun--Front: Chest & Bi's
Mon--Bottom: Hips, Butt & Legs
Wed--Back: Lats & Core
Fri--Top: Delts, Traps, Tri's & Forearm

OK, OCD outburst done for the day.

I don't include abdominals/sit-ups in any of the st workout descriptions, because I like to do those almost everyday, spread them out throughout the week, cuz I don't really like doing a whole lot at once.

Thinking about signing up for the Monster Dash HM btw, trying to work up the courage to ask my wife's permission. Would like to run it in a Tarzan custom or something nearly naked. It would go well with the bare feet and chilly temps.
wednesday: early 4 miler again, same route, I'm on a kick this week. It was darker than tuesday, heard one owl in the distance, some strange bird at the start of the run, then nothing but crickets. didn't even have a car pass me. Flashed on the headlamp once in a while to check for road kill (got a feeling ima gonna step in a big-un one of these days), then gave up since the mist was waist high and it was impossible to see more than a few feet anyways. I decided that as a statistician the probability of stepping (tripping) on road kill was a Poisson distributed random variable with a very small lambda, which meant that I was unlikely to do more than a little squish over many many runs, but that eventually, over time, it would be inevitable. I was consoled that even this inevitability was more likely to be a possum or flattened raccoon that would be unlikely to do more than gross me out and trip me slightly. Not too many deer in the road I run.
Nice to see you suffer from a similar OCD professional curse!
First run jog since I bailed on my long run last weekend with leg pains. I did about 3.6 easy miles, with the first and last .5 miles just walking, so 2.6 miles jogging, and starting at like a 13-15 minute pace for the first half of it, and maybe maxing out around 11-12 minute pace. Super easy, just to stretch it out and use the muscles. Didnt feel any discomfort at all really, but there is still a small spot on my leg that is tender if I put some pressure on it with my fingers. take another day off then try a couple more miles, and hopefully by Sunday I might be able to do what I had planned already, my first weekend I was going to start tapering for the marathon, an easy 10 miles or so. But really depends how I am feeling, want to make sure I recover and not re aggravate anything so close to race day.

Meant to post this up a few days ago but keep forgetting. I tried to indicate the area thats in pain. If I recall, this is what I struggled with shod. The inside of my lower leg, right along the edge where the calf meets the bone. And it runs up and down this edge, but most of the pain is from the mid point of my calf down to about an inch or two from my ankle bone. Shod, this was a big problem, and happened with only 3-8 mile runs (and only in the teens for weekly mileage). Barefoot, I'm up into the 30's and last week that I did this was about 40 miles. So I've been able to do so much more barefoot until this became a problem. Maybe some bad habits are coming back. Or maybe I just pushed it a little too hard on the 5k and then didnt let it recover going into that 40 mile week.


Excuse the hairy legs... and my lack of muscular calfs. For as good of a runner as I have been, I sure dont have muscular legs to show for it. Not one hint of muscle definition in my legs:( , well maybe just now starting to be a hint. But where my fingers are, and maybe another inch up and down from them. After a day, they didnt hurt at all just walking around or flexing my legs, but touching them in that spot with any pressure was quite painful. I can put my whole body weight on that foot and hop on it and it doesnt feel like its hitting that spot. If I put some weight on my toes and try to lift them up seems like it hits it a little more, especially with the big toe side, but still not really. I can't seem to flex in any direction that gets the painful spot, so I'm not sure what causes this. Is it a shin splint? Sorry I don't really know exactly what they are, but didnt think they were on the inside section of the shin like this.
A super windy 40 min run.
Tristan, trigger points. you can use your supported thumb to work it out or supported fingers.

Lee, i've seen the talk about the straps but i'm getting good results so far by just using body weight and whatever door or pole around for the rows. no need to spend money now.

Rick W, was it this thread you said you're wearing conventional shoes?? :eek:. as far as the pain behind the knee you should get that book i keep talking about. "the trigger point self therapy manual" by Clare Davies. it will help you faster than i can.

today i took my mom's and my dog for a little jog. by mile 2 they were dragging. my mom's dog isn't used to any exercise. she doesn't walk him and wonders why he escapes whenever he gets out. yesterday i took them for a walk to the store. 2 mile round trip. i wore my lunas. tied up outside the store together they were fine. alone, wouldn't happen.
3.4 miles today. Love that it is getting cooler now. Today was 45 deg F out. I had to start with a long sleeve shirt but less than half mile into run it was off (short sleeve shirt underneath). I think that was a bit much for me, so next run I may just wear short sleeve shirt and my headband thing for my ears as they were a bit chilly.

But where my fingers are, and maybe another inch up and down from them. Is it a shin splint? Sorry I don't really know exactly what they are, but didnt think they were on the inside section of the shin like this.

Does the edge of the shin bone feel bruised where the pain is when you push around on it? If it does then it could be the early beginnings of shin splints but very minor. There are I believe 2 separate shin pains referred to as shin splints...I've only experienced one type and that is micro stress fractures of the shin bone feels like painful bruising even when just walking around. Hopefully just your muscles have been over worked a bit and massaging and slightly lowering your running amount is all you need to do.
Tristan, trigger points. you can use your supported thumb to work it out or supported fingers.

Yeah a few of you always mention these, I don't really know much about em. Probably should check out that book you mentioned earlier. I mean I work the problem areas with my thumb, fingers, fist, roller, whatever but not sure that its the same thing your referring too.

Tristan, I occaisionaly get pains in the same area. For me it's when I push off, typically when I push the pace too hard. I can usually work it out with a softball or the stick.
It might be, that is what preceded it, but the pain didnt start until a long slow day so not sure. However it was definitely way too tender to use a softball or anything hard on, fingers were about it and although I was pretty vigorous I still couldn't dig in like I do for most of my muscle massaging. I often get tight calves and light pain in them, especially the first year going barefoot, but all of that was in the meatier part of the calf muscles nearer where they are widest, 3/4 the way up to the knee. Easy to get with a pvc pipe and rolling on the floor. This is very different and its the first time I've experienced it in years.

Does the edge of the shin bone feel bruised where the pain is when you push around on it? If it does then it could be the early beginnings of shin splints but very minor. There are I believe 2 separate shin pains referred to as shin splints...I've only experienced one type and that is micro stress fractures of the shin bone feels like painful bruising even when just walking around. Hopefully just your muscles have been over worked a bit and massaging and slightly lowering your running amount is all you need to do.
Yeah it kind of feels like the edge of my shin bone, right in the area on the inside of the leg where the calf meets the bone. It feels like it is bruised. But I dont feel anything walking around (at least after that day), I just feel it when pressure is applied to that spot, it was very tender and still is slightly.
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