Mileage reporting 35th week of 2013

4 miles today at a MAF pace. Went golfing today and walked those 4 miles, that is the only way I could keep my AHR low enough to qualify as MAF training. ;) I did get the AHR a little high when I sculled a bunker shot into a water hazard though, but after a calming drink of a beer or 2 and everything was good with the world again. :happy: Still on the hot side out this way with temps in the mid 30's C., but the humidity has lessened somewhat. Getting a early morning run in tomorrow morning before heading to the golf course again, on a side note, one of the golf courses in my area posted on their site that footwear must be worn on the course, first one I have run into in 2-3 years of golfing barefoot.
4 miles today at a MAF pace. Went golfing today and walked those 4 miles, that is the only way I could keep my AHR low enough to qualify as MAF training. ;) I did get the AHR a little high when I sculled a bunker shot into a water hazard though, but after a calming drink of a beer or 2 and everything was good with the world again. :happy: Still on the hot side out this way with temps in the mid 30's C., but the humidity has lessened somewhat. Getting a early morning run in tomorrow morning before heading to the golf course again, on a side note, one of the golf courses in my area posted on their site that footwear must be worn on the course, first one I have run into in 2-3 years of golfing barefoot.

Hard life ah? ;)
4 miles today at a MAF pace. Went golfing today and walked those 4 miles, that is the only way I could keep my AHR low enough to qualify as MAF.

Hah! You're joking but I decided today I would find a pace that would let me keep my HR in the aerobic zone, so I went for a very slow run along the flattest track I have available. There is no such pace, unfortunately. If I walk I don't get high enough and if I run, I quickly reach the beep zone and have to walk again. At first I got frustrated with it keep stopping me, but then I decided just to enjoy the outing, and it was nice - literally half way between a walk and a run, about 2.2 miles in minshoes. My feet feel less stiff this evening than they have since I did the 5k at the weekend.
You carry tweezers! I know about goatheads, but what is a Texas sandbur? Cool about the dragonflies!

The texas sandburs I believe are the same thing as the goatheads. Ouch!

I started carrying tweezers after a couple of instances last summer where I had stepped on some glass and had it pressed into my foot. Guess I wass tired of having to carefully walk back to the car each time causing the glass to go deeper so I decided to start carrying tweezers and a mini flashlight just in case in a small runners fanny pack designed to carry car keys. It is just big enough for my car keys, tweezers, and the flash light. Guess maybe I love barefoot running more than some as most people would have given it up after a couple of episodes of mining the glass out of their feet. Or maybe Im just dence? I find it easier to pull things out early before they get driven in too deep.

This summer I have been avoiding the places which are fun to run but are more likely to have broken glass lurking in the shadows.

I forgot to mention last nights run was 6.25 miles. OOPS!
4 miles today at a MAF pace. Went golfing today and walked those 4 miles, that is the only way I could keep my AHR low enough to qualify as MAF training. ;) I did get the AHR a little high when I sculled a bunker shot into a water hazard though, but after a calming drink of a beer or 2 and everything was good with the world again. :happy: Still on the hot side out this way with temps in the mid 30's C., but the humidity has lessened somewhat. Getting a early morning run in tomorrow morning before heading to the golf course again, on a side note, one of the golf courses in my area posted on their site that footwear must be worn on the course, first one I have run into in 2-3 years of golfing barefoot.

A poor short game and MAF training wouldn't go well together. I know that as well as anybody. :rage:

I always wonder about shoe policy on golf courses - I doubt most of the clubs in my part of the world would have even thought about it, but if I decide to go barefoot I always plan on invoking the ghost of Sam Snead.

On topic - well sorta - I'm having a week off running for sore feet, but ran out a game of basketball last night and felt fine. Made a couple of nice jump shots too. I think I'll have a run on the weekend.
Wednesday afternoon
Lower-body ST & 1/3 mile micro recovery run around the block

My garage was downright hot, and it usually stays pretty cool in the summer. Only managed 225 deadlift, did lesser maxes on everything else too. But as often happens when I start out weak on the heavy lifts, I ended up paying more attention to some of the lighter exercises at the end of the workout, ones that are often neglected or rushed. This time I tried to work more on my form with the "Tipping Bird" or "Drinking Bird," a hammie exercise I incorporated a few months back, but haven't gotten very good at yet. It goes something like this, only I have two dumbbells in my hands and let them touch the floor on the lean forward:

Thursday morning
8 miles, 2:20 am start

Continuing with this week's dream theme, I woke up at 2am from a dream where two Makhuwa clans were feuding by throwing heavy everyday objects at each other, things like the mortar for milling grains. I was on one side. With no spears or arrows, it was easy to dodge or bat away the incoming objects, no one was getting injured, and so the battle was quite futile. Around noon they decided to take a break. The chief from the other side asked the chief of the dialect group I was doing research with if he could chat a bit with the white man, having already heard a lot about me. So I went over to their side. I told him I thought the two sides should make peace. He got a kick out of the fact that I knew the word for 'peace' in Makhuwa: ithawala

I lay there for a bit, wondering whether I should go back to my MAF sleep or go out for a run. I hadn't ever started this early. But the more I thought about it, the more running seemed like the right thing to do. So off I went, not really sure what route I would take. I felt like trying to run a bit faster, so I took my headlamp along, in order to avoid all the acornic squirrel shrapnel (Zetti's term I think), but attached it at the waist to avoid tunnel vision (I think Jason suggested this, but it might have been someone else). I again left the Garmin at home though.

By the time I got up to Larpenteur, the street that forms the border between St. Paul and its northern suburbs, I was feeling pretty good, so I decided to keep going east to Como Lake, instead of turning up north towards my son's daycare, which has been my usual routine lately. I hadn't been out by the lake for a while, not since my 11.5-mile long run of several weeks back I think.

I was sweating pretty good--the humidity was still 86%--but I've more or less acclimated to it now after almost a whole week of daily slogging through the stickiness. I had the streets pretty much to myself, so I was able to avoid most of the tree-debris on the sidewalks. I ran in and out of patches of cricket soundscapes throughout the run. (Or were they cicadas?) I liked how the slight swaying of my gait caused the cricket racket to flip back and forth from left to right ear, kind of like a stereo delay effect. It matched the rhythm of my lilting waist light. Kind of like a minimalist Philip Glass piece with an equally minimalist lightshow.

Como Lake and its turn-of-the-(last)century pavilion were quietly beautiful in the soft urban luminescence. It would've been nice to have gone out on the still waters in a canoe. By this time I was approaching a tempo pace. As I rounded the lake and began heading back towards my neighborhood, I thought about stopping to clown around at my favorite stretching spot a bit further on, a pedestrian bridge in a little wooded area with a super-high handrail, but as I entered the dark shadows of the trees, I smelt a faint trace of cigarette smoke, and decided it would be best to stick to the well-lit street. Probably just harmlessly high teens partying in the woods, but I didn't need to find out for sure.

I ran past the nearly deserted fairgrounds, and marveled a bit at the transformed landscape of temporary barriers and parking instructions, rides, parked trucks and trailers, and noisy fans blowing in the barns, cooling the poor prized animals. The last mile was kinda hard, and I had to shut it down towards the end when I began to feel some strain on the inside of my left leg. I also seem to be feeling the onset of PF or something on the bottom of my right foot, although it might just be sole stimulation or some bruising. Still, it may be a sign that the daily running is catching up to me, so I'll have to stretch and massage extra good today.

Anyway, still loving the early morning runs.
followed by therapeutic weed extraction.
I thought it was Colorado and Washington State that grew the therapeutic stuff.

I always wonder about shoe policy on golf courses - .
As teenagers we used to walk on the golf courses barefoot in the summer under the moonlight. This morning's run past a golf course on Larpenteur recalled those magical moments. I love the feel of well-trimmed grass. It's one of the most pleasant surfaces, right up there with wet sand and cool tiling. To prohibit barefooting on it is just wrong.
About 2.5 miles this morning, warm and humid. I consoled myself with the fact that the humid air meant less wind resistance, so at least I had that going for me while the sweat began dripping. Other than it being a bit too sticky for comfort, I had a good time and didn't have to think too often about relaxing my shoulders. They tense up so easy, it's one of the big things I have to think about while running. While I can't remember any dreams from last night, I'll catch on to Lee's mentioning of dreaming with another language making an appearance and tell how while I was out running, my thoughts began drifting some into Esperanto, a language which I have learned to a reasonable fluency.

When I finally reached the top of the last long hill, and then stretched the legs some on the flat before turning around and make the mostly downward descent to home, I would think things like, "Kuru! Malstreĉiĝu!" And when I began the downhill, the thought that leapt into my head was "Kuras mi por vivi" which means "I run to live".

If it had just been 10 degrees cooler and less humid, it would have been a f'ng awesome run.
Lee, I used to have to do that drinking bird thing for physical therapy for my back, only back then it was visualizing picking up a golf ball off the ground, same exercise though.

Hoping to get over to that bike store to get those pedals today. I had stopped in there the other day near the end of my run to see what they had, but I did not have my wallet with me so I kicked myself for not having it. Will be nice to add the bike into the mix with my running.
"I run to live".
I must learn to say that properly in Chinese, to reply to comments when I'm running. Although, I could probably just say anything in Chinese with enthusiasm and that would really confuse people.
I must learn to say that properly in Chinese, to reply to comments when I'm running. Although, I could probably just say anything in Chinese with enthusiasm and that would really confuse people.

Just make sure you get the tones right and don't say something totally off-beat or profane.
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Took my doggie for a 4 miles this morning. Haven't taken her out for various reasons the last month, but mostly because I have to have her on a leash where I run and I didn't want to risk the knee. She is out of shape already, but thought it was fun.

I kept it easy again, really concentrating on form and relaxing. I thought I would be more frustrated by having lost my 1/2 marathon gains, but it has been just plain fun to run these last 2 times. Today, I didn't have traffic or hills and my time was about a minute per mile faster than yesterday without pushing it. I have the Boise Barefoot 10K in a couple of weeks, but I am being realistic and have no other goals other than to finish it with a smile.
Oh, and I wanted to add a photo of my favorite view of the morning, which happens to be in my driveway.


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