Mileage reporting 35th week of 2013

Sunday - I know, I know, this is last weeks old news but I did run 6 miles BF on the local

Tuesday evening - Waited for temps that were near 100F to cool down so started my run at 8:00pm. Temps were in the mid 80's and had an excellent run. Ran BF again on the local bike trails and had noticed that the grass/weeds on the path edges had been mowed sometime earlier in the day and therefore I was on look out for stickers and sandburs that could have been blown on the trail.

At about 2 miles from my car I stepped on something with my left foot that felt like a sticker which I'm quite sure I picked up when my foot stepped on one of the cracks of the trail. I kept running as the pain was tolerable. After about 50 feet I decided I had better check it out. Sure enough it appeared to be a short sticker. After a failed attempt to pull it out with the fingers I kept running. Another 25 feet later I decided that this sticker has to come out instead of getting pushed in deeper as the pain was now making the run anoying. I pulled the set of tweesers I carry in a runners pouch around my waist along with a mini Mag Light as it was now dusk and was able to pull out the sticker which was 1/4 inch long. No wonder it hurt like it did!

Didn't see much for critters but did run through the busy airspace of a squadron of dragon flies. Ended up having a nice run and didn't even get over heated as there seemed to be enough of a breeze to keep me cool. By the last half mile it was quite dark and I had trouble seeing the trail in places. This is where I then stepped on a texas sandbur which hurt some but after pulling that out with the fingers I made it back to the car and headed home. Was a good run but will get started earlier next time to avoid running in the dark. The daylight hours are really getting short.
I read these interval things all the time, but I never tried to analyze exactly what it means...what the hell does 4 X 8' mean? Cuz I interpret it as running 8 feet, four times. I'm so confused... :rolleyes:
I am with you Jen but this is Mike after all so we could expect just about anything.
He probably meant he run 4x800 meters. Who knows:rolleyes:
Haven't run since the Spartan Sprint on the 17th, finally got out tonight and did 6 1/2 km. I'm also doing the Beachbody T25 focus workout. I did that earlier today. :)
Ran barefoot tonight, felt decent, other than a stone on the ball of my left foot.
Also passed two runners headed in the opposite direction, the closest one smiled, gave me the thumbs-up and said, "jammin' !" Nice reaction! :)
Why? where you hurt?
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No, just out camping, still had a chance to run, but I got lazy...:(
Oh I know really well how that goes I get lazy too when I am on vacation but I keep telling myself that I'll pick it up once I go back home:D. Just glad that it was just being lazy and not hurt.
Sunday - I pulled the set of tweesers I carry in a runners pouch around my waist along with a mini Mag Light as it was now dusk and was able to pull out the sticker which was 1/4 inch long. No wonder it hurt like it did!

Didn't see much for critters but did run through the busy airspace of a squadron of dragon flies. Ended up having a nice run and didn't even get over heated as there seemed to be enough of a breeze to keep me cool. By the last half mile it was quite dark and I had trouble seeing the trail in places. This is where I then stepped on a texas sandbur .
You carry tweezers! I know about goatheads, but what is a Texas sandbur? Cool about the dragonflies!
Running dreams count for mileage, right? I don't actually remember running in the dream, but somehow it was after a 5k race and people were congratulating me for running a sub-20 5k for the first time and they were asking me how I did it. I said that I had been running every day and a couple times every week I would run some faster stuff. Heh. I very much doubt I would ever run a sub-20. I'm pretty sure that I ought to be able to get sub-25 and maybe if I were to work consistently at things, maybe get a sub-23.

Sub-20 5k? That should have triggered the this-can't-be-real effect and made me realize I was dreaming. Oh well. It just always kind of fun when dreams get lucid. The really good ones are when you take enough control of it you can go around flying.
Oh I know really well how that goes I get lazy too when I am on vacation but I keep telling myself that I'll pick it up once I go back home:D. Just glad that it was just being lazy and not hurt.
What annoys me is, it would grave been cool running on the trails in Jasper, nice mountain scenery!
Plus now my foot muscles are sore after not running for a while and then starting again...oh well, I'm back at it anyway... :)
What annoys me is, it would grave been cool running on the trails in Jasper, nice mountain scenery!
Plus now my foot muscles are sore after not running for a while and then starting again...oh well, I'm back at it anyway... :)
That's too bad wasting the scenery:D I might not run but I certainly hike the nice trails, I feel the hiking gives me more joy cause I get to see all the beauty and soak it all in.
Running on the other hand would prevent me from admiring the view.
Take it easy now and don't go and hurt yourself trying to make up for lost time.
This is interesting about your feet hurting I can take up to two weeks off from running and when I comeback to it I resume where I left without any issues-funny.
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Running dreams count for mileage, right? I don't actually remember running in the dream, but somehow it was after a 5k race and people were congratulating me for running a sub-20 5k for the first time and they were asking me how I did it. I said that I had been running every day and a couple times every week I would run some faster stuff. Heh. I very much doubt I would ever run a sub-20. I'm pretty sure that I ought to be able to get sub-25 and maybe if I were to work consistently at things, maybe get a sub-23.

Sub-20 5k? That should have triggered the this-can't-be-real effect and made me realize I was dreaming. Oh well. It just always kind of fun when dreams get lucid. The really good ones are when you take enough control of it you can go around flying.
Hate to burst your bubble but wake up! those miles DON'T count:p
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That's too bad wasting the scenery:D I might not run but I certainly hike the nice trails, I feel the hiking gives me more joy cause I get to see all the beauty and soak it all in.
Running on the other hand would prevent me from admiring the view.
Take it easy now and don't go and hurt yourself trying to make up for lost time.
This is interesting about your feet hurting I can take up to two weeks off from running and when I comeback to it I resume where I left without any issues-funny.
Then again, I did also do the T25 workout, which involves a lot of going and jumping, so that may have been the culprit.
Then again, I did also do the T25 workout, which involves a lot of going and jumping, so that may have been the culprit.
Well there you have it:smuggrin:
Running dreams count for mileage, right? I don't actually remember running in the dream, but somehow it was after a 5k race and people were congratulating me for running a sub-20 5k for the first time and they were asking me how I did it. I said that I had been running every day and a couple times every week I would run some faster stuff. Heh. I very much doubt I would ever run a sub-20. I'm pretty sure that I ought to be able to get sub-25 and maybe if I were to work consistently at things, maybe get a sub-23.

Sub-20 5k? That should have triggered the this-can't-be-real effect and made me realize I was dreaming. Oh well. It just always kind of fun when dreams get lucid. The really good ones are when you take enough control of it you can go around flying.
Fun dream!
Running dreams count for mileage, right? I don't actually remember running in the dream, but somehow it was after a 5k race and people were congratulating me for running a sub-20 5k for the first time and they were asking me how I did it. I said that I had been running every day and a couple times every week I would run some faster stuff. Heh. I very much doubt I would ever run a sub-20. I'm pretty sure that I ought to be able to get sub-25 and maybe if I were to work consistently at things, maybe get a sub-23.

Sub-20 5k? That should have triggered the this-can't-be-real effect and made me realize I was dreaming. Oh well. It just always kind of fun when dreams get lucid. The really good ones are when you take enough control of it you can go around flying.

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That's too bad wasting the scenery:D I might not run but I certainly hike the nice trails, I feel the hiking gives me more joy cause I get to see all the beauty and soak it all in. Running on the other hand would prevent me from admiring the view.

This is right on for me too...I still run part of the trails though...these are my favorite runs of all...when the scenery gets good or I see something interesting I'll walk or stop for awhile a bit here and there.:happy:
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This is right on for me too...I still run part of the trails though...these are my favorite runs of all...when the scenery gets good or I see something interesting I'll walk or stop for awhile a bit here and there.:happy:
I would probably do the same if I were in your situation, I mean you running on trails more than I do but when I am on a new area I hike because I don't want to miss a thing:happy:
Only 2.1 miles today because I have a phone interview coming up for a job today so I had to get back quicker so I can somewhat prepare. I averaged a 9:38 pace though so I am happy with that. I was trying to go faster, but this particular route that I took today I found had too many obstacles on the sidewalks such as signs, mailboxes, people in wheelchairs, etc... to really push the pace too much. I guess next time I know and I will go a different route that I know around here. Ok well, time to go prepare a bit for this phone interview and cross the toes for good luck. I also got another email while out running from another company who wants to interview me, so I've got to call them too in order to set up that interview. :D
Only 2.1 miles today because I have a phone interview coming up for a job today so I had to get back quicker so I can somewhat prepare. I averaged a 9:38 pace though so I am happy with that. I was trying to go faster, but this particular route that I took today I found had too many obstacles on the sidewalks such as signs, mailboxes, people in wheelchairs, etc... to really push the pace too much. I guess next time I know and I will go a different route that I know around here. Ok well, time to go prepare a bit for this phone interview and cross the toes for good luck. I also got another email while out running from another company who wants to interview me, so I've got to call them too in order to set up that interview. :D
Good luck Nick. Will keep my toes crossed so you can get the job you really want.
40 min run on 89 degs. Took a new unknown route and found that wooden bridges get hotter than dark surface. I think I am getting better at this hot weather running as didn't struggle as much still, didn't break the sound barrier:D
Good luck Nick. Will keep my toes crossed so you can get job you really want.
40 min run on 89 degs. Took a new unknown route and found that wooden bridges get hotter than dark surface. I think I am getting better at this hot weather running as didn't struggle as much still, didn't break the sound barrier:D

You sure about that? Because if you break the speed of sound, you won't hear the boom because you will be outrunning it. You should ask around from people in the area if they heard a boom while you were out running.
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You sure about that? Because if you break the speed of sound, you won't hear the boom because you will be outrunning it. You should ask around from people in the area if they heard a boom while you were out running.
Hahaha! now that you mention it there were people talking about a huge thunder and they were kind of intrigued by it since it's very sunny with clear skies and no rain predicted. It was me after all:D
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