Mileage Reporting 28th Week of 2013

Lee, my suggestion was just your suggestion from a few months back, with the micro runs. This week I am actually changing things up a bit and getting more like you... Running longer runs Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. On Tuesdays and Thursdays I will do the bike for an easy half hour. I think the bike may work just as well to work out the kinks yet give me a day of low impact. I will also be doing the gym Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. Basically an exercise routine that is twice a week. We'll see though. I seem to have found a groove with my weight loss (8lbs in 5 weeks) and so I am hesitant to change things up, but I think changing things up is good every now and then and I also want to be able to do my gym routine twice a week rather than just once, and I also wanted to see if with that day of rest between each runs allows me to run at a higher pace, which can then just help breed even faster paces.
Lee, my suggestion was just your suggestion from a few months back, with the micro runs. This week I am actually changing things up a bit and getting more like you... Running longer runs Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. On Tuesdays and Thursdays I will do the bike for an easy half hour. I think the bike may work just as well to work out the kinks yet give me a day of low impact. I will also be doing the gym Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. Basically an exercise routine that is twice a week. We'll see though. I seem to have found a groove with my weight loss (8lbs in 5 weeks) and so I am hesitant to change things up, but I think changing things up is good every now and then and I also want to be able to do my gym routine twice a week rather than just once, and I also wanted to see if with that day of rest between each runs allows me to run at a higher pace, which can then just help breed even faster paces.
Yah, but my main idea with micro runs last February was to keep my legs loose, to ward off the ITBS. I'd also thought about every day running before that, but it took your suggestion and linking it to pace improvements to get me to consider it seriously again. And instead of just running around the block on a micro-run, I'm thinking more along the lines of 'mini' runs of one-to-two, maybe even three miles for my recovery runs.

We'll see how it goes. Like you, I'm always willing to change things up as I see fit.

I'm also going to be biking more. This week I'm kind of taking it easy so that I can understand more clearly how my legs are reacting to the more frequent running. In a few days I'll start riding my bike to pick up my kids too. That's another 6-7 miles on top of the three-mile commute to my office. I'm also not sure how my (ideal) weekly mix of power/speed, tempo, and long runs fits in, but I'm sure I'll get a feel for it as time goes on. Then there's also the possibility, similar to what you're doing, of breaking up my st sessions into 30-minute chunks, and doing it six times a week instead of three one-hour sessions per week. I feel like I would make more progress on the big lifts if I did some of them twice a week instead of once, or really focused on just one once a week. What would vary are the 'assistance' exercises (as Abide calls them).

Finally, I'm also getting tired of not losing weight. I've been steady at 220 for almost a year. It'd be great to get rid of that last 20 pounds around my waist.

Man, I'm really getting drowsy right now. I hope my body adjusts soon to the early morning exercise rhythm.
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A power nap might be healthier.
Yah, I actually have a small futon rolled up in my office just in case. My older brother does the power nap thing, and my mom has told me how my maternal grandfather always used to take a quick 10-minute nap after lunch before returning to his store (he was a pharmacist), but my problem is sleeping too long and then waking up groggy. I've never been good at napping, but perhaps I should reconsider, especially since I'm kind of overhauling the daily rhythm anyway. Maybe if I power nap listening to a power ballad and then set an alarm to play power pop ten minutes later I'll be able to resist falling into deep power slumber.

Thanks for the link in any case. You are an amazing resource--always with an apposite link at the fingertips!
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40 mins hilly run.
I haven't done much since last week and being very bussy on other things but this is what happened last week(i know, i know wrong week so what). Last Wed 7/3 on our way home from work my husband asked me,
"what are we doing tomorrow?"7/4 I said, lets enter a 5K! AND HE SAID OK!:wideeyed: I don't know why a suggested that, I didn't think he was going for it and I had just one stinky run in the whole week.
So here we are, standing on the starting line on July the 4th right somewhere behind the 8K runners.
I thought I'll just run at a comfortable pace and see were I am as far as speed goes.
Went too fast on the first mile of course at 7:15 and told myself "knock that off, you're not going to keep that pace for the whole run" so I slowed some.
Finished in 25:25 for a 8:11 mm and first on my age group. My slowest 5K EVER! but it was fun none the less.
26 overall out of 385 female runners
99 overall out of 758 runners
two female runners in their 20's, one female runner on her 30's and one female runner in her 40's finished ahead of me the rest were all teenagers tha beat me to the finish line.
And today's run was my first run since.
Saw another barefoot runner Jeremy was his name I think(I intorduced myself and told him about our little cult-I mean club).
He did really well I think he finished the 8K in 38 mins not too shabby for some one that has being running BF for only six mos.
So there you have it!
my problem is sleeping too long and then waking up groggy. I've never been good at napping, but perhaps I should reconsider, especially since I'm kind of overhauling the daily rhythm anyway. Maybe if I power nap listening to a power ballad and then set an alarm to play power pop ten minutes later I'll be able to resist falling into deep power slumber.

Be careful you don't do TMTS! ;)
Finished in 25:25 for a 8:11 mm and first on my age group. My slowest 5K EVER! but it was fun none the less.
26 overall out of 385 female runners
99 overall out of 758 runners
two female runners in their 20's, one female runner on her 30's and one female runner in her 40's finished ahead of me the rest were all teenagers tha beat me to the finish line.
Nice work on your "slow" run. :p I might be finally up to that pace on a semi-regular basis in my training runs and am having fun with it. I have some guarded hopes that I will benefit from that in my triathlon, if my legs aren't too wiped out from biking.

In my March 10K, I was second in my age group, being beaten by a 53 year old that I could irritatingly see for much of the race. (FWIW, you may recall that I had trouble with heart palpitations during that race, after a week of travel in Taipei). But, when I was at the booth checking out stats and saw her age, I commented, "Ah, well. Maybe I will get faster when I get older." The 30somethings manning the booth thought this was a unique perspective and decided they might also adopt that attitude! :D
Day off today, and beautiful weather for it. Had my Tai Chi class this morning, then a late afternoon mini run bf; 3/4 of a mile only, but that was fine. A mixture of paths and grass again. It was still pretty hot, and was cheated of my post run pot of tea by the tea-room staff closing up at least 2 minutes before the advertised time! Went swimming afterwards, just a leisurely cool down.
Then came home and found I had won a giveaway!
Nice work on your "slow" run. :p I might be finally up to that pace on a semi-regular basis in my training runs and am having fun with it. I have some guarded hopes that I will benefit from that in my triathlon, if my legs aren't too wiped out from biking.

In my March 10K, I was second in my age group, being beaten by a 53 year old that I could irritatingly see for much of the race. (FWIW, you may recall that I had trouble with heart palpitations during that race, after a week of travel in Taipei). But, when I was at the booth checking out stats and saw her age, I commented, "Ah, well. Maybe I will get faster when I get older." The 30somethings manning the booth thought this was a unique perspective and decided they might also adopt that attitude! :D

And you Will get faster, trust me. You are more dedicated than me and I don't push myself but I SHOULD.
All the different training that you do is going to benefit your running a great deal.
This year with my body's ups and downs I kind of loss motivation but hopefully I can get back to a decent running schedule again.
Yea, I do remember the run and how concerned you were about your ticker and glad that all was a false alarm:D
Jen, each state has one capital. each country has one capital. therefore it would be selfish and extravagant of me to use more than two per post. it may happen from time to time but i promise to keep capitals to a minimum.

while we're at correcting people. why the need to quote entire posts? aren't quotes used for quoting what you want? it makes me wonder how people read anything. always going back and forth? must have a worse memory than me. :wacky:
30 minutes on the bike and did st of shoulders, back, legs, and abs. Back is feeling even better today and hopefully it will keep improving.

Lee, I actually do my full workout twice now instead of just once. I'm on my phone right now but when I get on the computer to do homework in just a bit I will load up a pdf of my workout schedule so you can see what I'm doing. I really like it, but I don't do as high of weights as you do. Keep in mind when you see the weights listed on the dumbbell exercises that is the weight of 1 dumbbell, not both. Easier for me to not grab the wrong weights that way. :)
Ok Lee, here you go. Now I do this as a circuit so to speak. So Monday would go the first chest exercise, first bicep, first tricep, and the abs. That is one set. Since weight lifting can burn a ton of fat but the breaks can offset this fat burn, I try to minimize my breaks which is why I do it as a circuit. I do three sets of each circuit. With my back I only do the abs workout with the first circuit and then the following circuits after that are only the three exercises (for example chest, biceps, triceps). Also keep in mind that the weights listed for the dumbbells are for a singular dumbbell and not the total for both being used.

Oh, and with the weight loss I have been using the myfitnesspal app on my phone so I can track the calories I eat and also the calories I burn. The weight lifting isn't counted on myfitnesspal so I have figured out the totals for each day on fitdays website (free) and then just add the calories burned for that day as a cardio exercise into the myfitnesspal. I had been trying to make sure I ate as many calories as the app was telling me, even with the app set at losing 1.5 pounds a week it was telling me to eat too much. I have in the last week and a half or so been just eating what I would eat and not what it told me to eat (caloriewise I mean) and magically the weight has started falling off fast. I'm seeing a lot of change in my whole body, especially in my shoulders, arms, and chest. I think if I could do more ab work without hurting my back I think I would see more definition there too (and I am seeing change, but not as drastic as the others mentioned). Sometimes it really is a simple change that spurs on the weightloss. Also, you lift quite a bit and do a lot of heavy work which adds on muscle versus the light work that I do for toning. Maybe you've added on a lot of muscle is why your not seeing weightloss like you would like to.


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Yesterday: I did go for that group bike ride. Ended up being 25.5 miles. These ladies are not sissies. They were holding back so that I could keep up.

Today, Tuesday: My legs woke up thinking about cramping up. This morning, I walked around with a spray backpack on for about 2 hours, but only 2 gallons at a time. This afternoon I had a nice swim. Total of 30 minutes, with a 20 minute long interval again at a slightly faster speed, I think. Other than general fatigue, I felt like I could have kept going. Not winded at all. I got on the spinning bike for 30 minutes right after and was breathing hard then. Entertained myself by watching some of Finding Nemo in Chinese. Can understand little bits of it. Haven't been able to keep up with my studies much since wedding and hubby's surgery, so am trying to get my mind used to it again.
I'll try, it's hard not to sometimes. The ankle tweak (I listened to my ankle tonight) told me not to do my 30 minutes tonight. No swelling but has been nagging me all day. I'm giving it until Thursday..... hopefully it will have fixed itself by then.

You should put a video on here of it talking, I'd like to hear what the voice of an ankle sounds like. :D
Jen, each state has one capital. each country has one capital. therefore it would be selfish and extravagant of me to use more than two per post. it may happen from time to time but i promise to keep capitals to a minimum.

while we're at correcting people. why the need to quote entire posts? aren't quotes used for quoting what you want? it makes me wonder how people read anything. always going back and forth? must have a worse memory than me. :wacky:

Which reminds me...for the first time today, I AUTOMATICALLY left capitals off the beginnings of my sentences on FB. That is totally and entirely YOUR fault!
I intuitively workout at the gym. Just thought you should all know that. There are no specifics for me, just a general idea of what I need to do. I scan my body and it talks in a "body-like" voice and tells me what I should work on and what I should avoid. Today, however, apparently EVERYONE in the gym was eavesdropping on my body's voice -there was a line-up at every machine. I was getting ready to "release some gases" just to get on one. :eek:
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Yesterday - shot some hoops for an hour or so with some guys from work. Knee OK, jumpshot sucked.

Today - 5km BF on the beach. Knee OK! Yay. On the negative side, it was bloody cold! Ice on the car window as I walked out the driveway cold. Started in the dark, and watched the makings of a colourful sunrise at the end, which made it quite enjoyable. Had a funny moment around 4km when I became a little bit disoriented and couldn't work out if I had passed the correct set of stairs that goes over the sand dune back to my house. It's pretty hard to tell in the half light - every set of stairs looks about the same.
Had a funny moment around 4km when I became a little bit disoriented and couldn't work out if I had passed the correct set of stairs that goes over the sand dune back to my house. It's pretty hard to tell in the half light - every set of stairs looks about the same.
yeah, that rough beach life....;)
Glad your knee if better!

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