Mileage Reporting 12th Week of 2013


May 17, 2010
Kulmbach, Germany
12th week

tscha ... a crummy run, no pics. I had planned on getting over the 40km hump, and maybe stretching it to 50 if I was feeling up to it. Things were actually going well up to about the 22km point, felt strong, had gone up a couple steep climbs. But I did a dumb thing and went off the path I was on and into the woods, along what at first looked like a doable deer trail, leading off in the general direction I wanted to go.

We were at higher elevation and it was getting very cold, down in the teens fahrenheit, with a good wind blowing. There was also quite a lot of snow and I found myself running along a very steep grade, way to steep to just ascend to the top, where there's a hiking trail, and too treacherous to go straight down, where there's basically nothing but forest anyway. So I kept pushing forward, following deer tracks.

Leni of course loved it. She thought we were hunting the deer.

But it got really difficult, and my feet became frozen solid, shoes full of snow. I wasn't running, I could barely walk, and spent a lot of time picking myself up out of the snow. And because I wasn't running, yet was dressed for running ie layered but light, and I was sweaty, I started getting chilled.

It was pretty adventurous. Could have been beautiful, too, if I weren't so preoccupied with just getting out of there. And when I finally did get out of the woods, after a good 100m of almost vertical climb, and tried to run -- no way. My feet felt terrible and I started getting cramps in my inner thighs. And snow blindness was making me feel nauseous.

So I called my wife and told her she'd have to come get me. First time that's ever happened!

It took a good half hour for her to get to me. I did walk to a rustic restaurant in the area and waited inside, but it was too warm and I started feeling sick. Leni knew I didn't feel well, she kept trying to hop up on me and lick my face, which actually felt comforting. I was totally relieved when I saw my wife pull into the parking lot!

Got home, went straight into the hot shower and that's where I felt how hypothermic I really was. My feet and hands were hurting, and blue. So I got into bed, fell straight asleep ... and feel all right now, phew!

I am so sick of winter but there doesn't seem to be a change coming any time soon.
Glad your feeling better Willie!

Ran 3.15 miles BF today. It was a good run. :) Kinda windy but temps climbed to 46F and once I warmed up the annoyance of the wind seemed to disappear some. After my run I decided to walk a bit as my right knee seems to get tight muscles after my runs. Probably from not streching after running. Usually I hop in the car immediately after running and head home. Today after my run I walked one lap around the asphalt road in the park which I drive to for access to the trails I run on. Not only was this great for continuing the work on conditioning my soles but my knee did not feel tight at all afterwards. Yippie! :happy: Definately will start doing some stretches, etc after running from now on.
After walking the asphalt loop I walked about a half mile on the gravel roads and nature trails in the park. The park attendants had just placed freshly chipped wood chips on these trails. After walking some distance on these wood chips the bottoms of my feet were getting quite sore. Ouch! :eek: Some areas were still the natural dirt pathways as the park people had not finished putting wood chips on all of the pathways so these natural areas just had some twigs and pine needles on the surface. The natural parts of the trail were really fun to walk on BF. Wish there were some local trails with a couple miles of natural earth pathways and some hills to walk/run on but I live in the Platte Valley were its flat surrounded by corn, corn and yes more corn.
While heading home I remembered the 7Up my wife wanted me to pick up for her on my way home. I had driven to the park I run at BF with no shoes as backup so I decided to go into the convenience store barefoot. I picked up the 7Up and continued to the counter to pay for my purchase. The attendant did not even notice I was barefoot. :barefoot: The tile floor felt extra smooth compared to the woodchipped trails I had just walked on. Enjoyed it!
Sunday afternoon
7.56 mi / 12.17 km
26 F / -3.33 C
12 F / -11.1 C windchill

My gait felt plodding the whole run--my sinews didn't seem right. The muscles were fine though, so I decided to go for decent mileage. My feet felt pretty comfortable for most of the run, despite the windchill. The wind kind of came and went, which helped. The last mile or so home through the neighborhood sidewalks was kind of rough though. There was enough moisture that my feet started numbing down quickly again. My wife's delicious pork chops helped warm me up once I got home.

I'm starting to rethink having my 'long' run on Sundays. Might be better off putting them on Saturdays, 48 hours after my last weekday run on Thursday instead of 72 hours later. I'm also concluding that the micro runs after st sessions are necessary during any break from running longer than 48 hours, to keep the legs loose and primed.

@ Willie, glad to hear you made it back OK! Hopefully you've learned your lesson not to explore new routes in harsh / dodgy conditions.
this week, I could run 48 miles, I could also do an hour of cycling, I would have liked, to increase the number of miles run, but I'll gradually increase the volume, the races are on around the corner.
Good week :barefoot:
12th week

But it got really difficult, and my feet became frozen solid, shoes full of snow. I wasn't running, I could barely walk, and spent a lot of time picking myself up out of the snow. And because I wasn't running, yet was dressed for running ie layered but light, and I was sweaty, I started getting chilled.

It was pretty adventurous. Could have been beautiful, too, if I weren't so preoccupied with just getting out of there. And when I finally did get out of the woods, after a good 100m of almost vertical climb, and tried to run -- no way. My feet felt terrible and I started getting cramps in my inner thighs. And snow blindness was making me feel nauseous.

I am so sick of winter but there doesn't seem to be a change coming any time soon.

Sorry willie but I am glad you're ok.
The same thing happened to me on my last marathon I got so hypothermic that I couldn't run at all after mile 18 so I walked the rest to the finish line that was the worst time of my life.
It took me about 6 hrs for my body to warm up, it was horrible.
Sorry for not being here since like forever. :sorry:
I have being in a running slamp and tired, tired, tired of this weather.
I did manage a "long run" of 8 mi on the mill last night. I have to confess that my last weekend long run was several weeks ago. Can't remember how many moons ago I last run on a weekend. :(
At least you didn't eat the yellow snow Willie!

I have had two runs in the last two days where I absolutely did not want to run, but my body is at a 10k warm-up point. IF I can get a full night's sleep, I'm looking at 45-60 miles this week.
5 miles, still with sinus issues, but I felt zippy, legs were ready to go and lungs were fine with mediocre capacity. It was cold, mid 20s went on one of my usual country routes.
~1hr swim, maybe more, treading water (lap lanes full), diving with the kids, a few laps here and there, practicing flip,goofing off.

3.5 miles this am before 6. Blowing wind, mid 20s temp. tired of winter. grrrrr

about 40 min swim, but includingb short breaks. Faked some flip turns! I was so proud of getting to the wall,flipping, and turning, though that I forgot what to do afterwards, and would be stuck underwater only to realize "swim! swim! no one will carry you to the other side!" then I would burst forth like a sea monster and finish the lap. Hey, I've had no instruction---just trying to fake it. tried nose clips for the first lap but hated them enough to figure out how to not get water in my nose during the flip. I'm sure I won't impress my instructor with my precocious flip turns tomorrow, but i will try. ;)
Tuesday morning, first run of the week, did a slow recovery run, 7.6km...Temp dropped, we can feel it is not summer anymore (15C this morning). Goal for this week, reach the 50km total for the week...

I also checked my calendar, and I have been running non stop (not a week without at least 2 runs !!) since July last year, which is kind of a record for me, before that, every 3-4 month I had to stop for some sort of injury.
Ran 3.15 miles after work today with some dificulty. Had some sore leg muscles from some lunges I started doing yesterday. Legs became a bit cool as the wind was blowing 30mph with temps in the low 40sF which did not help matters. After the run did some stretches and walked 1.5 miles and kinda snuck up on a white tail doe in the park that didnt here me comming. Just before reaching the car I could here an owl whooting up in the trees but couldnt spot as it was a bit too dark. May rest the legs some tommorow and not run but will see how they are feeling after work and make the decision then. Temps expected to be 50 but windy as heck again. Tight / sore leg muscles = bad form.
So we have the Abominable Snowman and the Swamp Thing in our midst.... can't say I want to compete with those personas!
Swam about 30 minutes in my pool today. Arm is still a little touchy after pushing it too hard on the roof top in Taipei. I'm sure I'm not going to get much sympathy there.
Then rode the spinning bike 75 minutes.
Sorry willie but I am glad you're ok.
The same thing happened to me on my last marathon I got so hypothermic that I couldn't run at all after mile 18 so I walked the rest to the finish line that was the worst time of my life.
It took me about 6 hrs for my body to warm up, it was horrible.

Ugh. Sounds rotten, Dama. But at least you didn't call Mama to come get you! :D

This is the second time I got chilled. The first was during a long run where the weather changed drastically and I ran about an hour home in an ice rain, in a t-shirt. I started a thread at rwol (in the ultras forum?) to ask if a person can become susceptible to hypothermia. Like, if it happens once, am I at higher risk of getting hit again? The responses were basically negative, but no one really knew. I feel like I've been more sensitive to the cld since then, though.

And thanks to everyone who responded previously. No yellow snow for me, I've been a Zappa fan long enough to know to avoid that stuff! And the dog-doo snowcones, too! :stop:
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Monday afternoon
Half hour of st shoveling, a la Dutchie style, but with lower intensity as our accumulation and winds were less, then a hurry-up st session with the 30 minutes left--bench press, chin-ups, and biceps curls. Just as well, my shoulders were still sore from the new plank rows I did on Saturday. That's a bent-over row with dumbbells but from a plank position instead of using the bench. Killer. Works the supporting shoulder & lat almost as much as the side doing the rowing.

Two more sub-freezing runs this week, today and Thursday, then hopefully we'll be above freezing until November. Would it be imprudent to move to Colorado before I find a job there?

So, Dama's back, but for how long?

Tuesday morning, first run of the week, did a slow recovery run, 7.6km...Temp dropped, we can feel it is not summer anymore (15C this morning). Goal for this week, reach the 50km total for the week...

I also checked my calendar, and I have been running non stop (not a week without at least 2 runs !!) since July last year, which is kind of a record for me, before that, every 3-4 month I had to stop for some sort of injury.

Great to hear you're running injury-free. I hope I'm on that path as well. It's also cool to be reminded that one hemisphere's gain is another's loss. We here in the northern half are all anxiously awaiting spring, just as you say good-bye to summer . . .
Has anyone seen spring? If you have can you send her up Winnipeg way, tired of winter already.
I share your pain dutchie, last time I checked Spring is still hibernating and guess were, Winnipeg, of all places.
So we have the Abominable Snowman and the Swamp Thing in our midst.... can't say I want to compete with those personas!
Swam about 30 minutes in my pool today. Arm is still a little touchy after pushing it too hard on the roof top in Taipei. I'm sure I'm not going to get much sympathy there.
Then rode the spinning bike 75 minutes.

Hope your arm feels better soon, soon, soon Laura.
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Ugh. Sounds rotten, Dama. But at least you didn't call Mama to come get you! :D

This is the second time I got chilled. The first was during a long run where the weather changed drastically and I ran about an hour home in an ice rain, in a t-shirt. I started a thread at rwol (in the ultras forum?) to ask if a person can become susceptible to hypothermia. Like, if it happens once, am I at higher risk of getting hit again? The responses were basically negative, but no one really knew. I feel like I've been more sensitive to the cld since then, though.

Ha,ha,ha but I have called daddy to come and pick me from one of my runs.
This was about couple of years ago and the temps were on the 90's but that was ok since I don't mind hot weather. What happened was I too, went exploring new routes and I came to this one route that was nothing but loose gravel for miles and miles. I kept thinking that the gravel will soon end but no, it just kept appearing so I turned around and faced the same gravel route again and by the time I came out of it the soles of my feet felt so raw that I felt like crawling back home but I was a good four miles away and by that time I had put 18 miles already to what it was supposed to have been a 12 mi run. So I called daddy to come and pick me up. :)
The good news was that I didn't have blisters :singing:
I know I am prone to hypothermia because I have this thing called Raynulds condition and anything below 60 degs is bothersome and needless to say that winter is pure torture for me.
So how are feeling today? besides you ego? :playful:

edited by the mod squad ;)

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