[May 24, 2012] NY/New York - SoHo "Barefoot Night" w/Jason Robillard (New York, NY)

Barefoot TJ

Staff member
Mar 5, 2010
FREE EVENT! Presented by Merrell Barefoot

Jason Robillard is the founder and director of Barefoot Running University. He has been a barefoot runner since 1992, and has run race distances ranging from 5k all the way up to 100 miles.

He is the co-founder of the Barefoot Runners Society, a member of the Society for Barefoot Living, and has been a certified professional educator since 1999.

Needless to say, Jason is one of the preeminent resources for barefoot running!

This event will start with an Intro to Barefoot Running (15-30 minutes) that includes drills, followed by a short run around SoHo to put the lessons into practice. Minimalist footwear will be provided by Merrell Barefoot for people that do not currently own a pair.

There will be a coat/bag check, so you can change in to your running gear in the store.

Electrolyte beverages will be available.

Raffle prizes include a free pair of minimalist footwear!

Jason will hang around until 9:30pm to answer any questions and sign his book: "The Barefoot Running Book First Edition: A Practical Guide to the Art and Science of Barefoot and Minimalist Shoe Running" which will be available for sale.

Event: http://www.facebook.com/events/384728924882612/?notif_t=event_invite

Check out Jason's pages: