Marathons... How is the training going


Sep 19, 2010
Reading the forms over the winter it looked like there are a few of us prepping for marathons.

Just curious how the training is going.

I am entered in the Calgary marathon on May 29.

I think my distance is good with a barefoot half mary back in Nov, a 52 k ultra in Feb (water shoes) and half marathon on April 17(water shoes). Currently weekly mileage is ~30 to 45k, about half of that barefoot.

My big worry is foot conditioning. Longest barefoot run has been 13 k, no blisters and a bit of abrasion. I will be using tape on my second toes as they take too much abuse. Over the next three weeks I hope to take my long barefoot runs up to +20 k then have a one week tapper.

I am trying not to sych myself out .
I was absolutely ready for my

I was absolutely ready for my first marathon coming up on sunday...two weeks ago easily ran 20 miles on the actual course too...but alas, my first marathon is going to have to wait...oh well, I'm a patient man.
Pbarker, what type of tape do

Pbarker, what type of tape do you use on your second toe? Did you find something that doesn't come off with sweat? Good luck for next month.

Nate, what happened? I hope you didn't get injured.

I recently registered for my first marathon, in Philadelphia at the end of September. I will start training during the summer. My longest distance so far is 13.1 miles in huaraches. I dpn't know yet if I want to run the marathon barefoot or in huaraches. I will see during training what feels the most comfortable.
I have my first marathon on

I have my first marathon on the 8th. My longest run was 1.5 weeks ago for 20.8 miles. 3 in VFF 18.8 BF. I'm pretty excited but I've been eating like crap since the taper started last week so Im not feeling great right now ;)
@sloutre--yep, injured....on

@sloutre--yep, injured....on a very steep and muddy slick trail in gross picture thread...race report on my blog ( )....can't even walk yet :-/.
I am going to try and get 50k

I am going to try and get 50k distance at Mind the Ducks although I doubt more than 20 miles will be barefoot. I have come to realize that for this Iowa girl spring marathons are just too much stress and a slim chance of success given that I am not a good cold weather runner. Now a fall marathon, thats where its at!!
I have started my training

I have started my training for a 50k in October. My longest run so far is 9 miles this year mostly in VFF, and yesterday I ran 6.4 (over 2 miles more then my furthest BF run) to get ready for the 10k this sunday. My feet took a beating due to rough roads.

Other then that the training is awesome and October can't come fast enough!
Yes patients Nate is what I

Yes patients Nate is what I need. Angie I think a fall marathon sounds good. May marys may be early for northerns. I will have my shoes with me as backup. Tape I have been testing a few different kinds, but I will have to be ready to stop and retape if necessary. Melph you are good to go. You are probably just used to mega cals with all those miles you are putting in. Good luck on the 8th.
I've got my first marathon on

I've got my first marathon on June 11th. The training seems to be going well. I'm a bit concerned about running it barefoot or in minimalist footwear. My training has been off and on with BF and Vibrams and Merrell's. This last weekend I attempted a 16 miler barefoot, at mile 14 the bottom of my feet were so sensitive that it was too painful to continue. I had to walk the last two miles because of the sensitivity. I'm concerned that this will happen to me at the marathon although, I believe that I won't have to deal with as much debris as I did on saturday (seemed like there were berries and tree parts on all of the path, they would stick to my feet and then pebbles would get stuck). I guess I'll keep trying to run BF and see if my feet get strong enough. I hate carrying shoes with me and like my hands to be free, but I guess that is an option. Anyone come up with cool ways to carry your shoes other than in your hands? Also good luck to all of you on your upcoming marathons!
I'm signed up for the Berlin

I'm signed up for the Berlin marathon on September 25th, so I haven't "officially" started training yet. I think this is going to be my first marathon without an offical plan, though. So far, I've been building up my mileage with one long run and two shorter runs a week and it's been great. Since I'm not going for a PR this time, I think I'm just going to stick to that and maybe add a fourth run starting in May or June if I feel like I can handle it. My next long run should be 13k, so if all I do is add 1k a week all summer long, I'll be up to 31k by the time it's time to taper.

I'm kind of curious, for those who have run a full bf (not minimilist!) marathon, how is the jump from 20miles/30k to 26.2miles/42.2k on marathon day? I know that when properly trained, the muscles are more than able to make the jump, but I have no idea what to expect skin-wise.

Caleb, I carry my shoes in a Camelbak. I was a little afraid when I bought it that it'd be too bouncy and I'd only use it for hiking, but it's not bad at all! It actually stays pretty still and eventually you don't even notice it anymore. Plus it keeps the hands free, and it's great for carrying water and food when the marathon training runs start to get long.
if you've done 20 BF with no

if you've done 20 BF with no issues, you shouldn't have any problems doing 26 on race day ;-)
it wasn't the rain...I've run

it wasn't the rain...I've run in rain to no detrement plenty of times ;-) was what the rain CAUSED....and it was monsoon torrential rains...the event is even calling it Hyner-2011--the year of the was the over-abundant mud that caused the issues...the inavoidability of SLIDING that did me inability to run (or walk for that matter) with a "foot land" and "take off" my race explains everything....the link is on here somewhere...and if you click on my blogspot site on my signature, it should take you there too...then you might understand exactly WHAT happened :-D.
I'm 1/2 ready so I'll just be

I'm 1/2 ready so I'll just be running 1/2 a marathon this Sunday in VFF's. The weather looks nealy ideal with cool temps, mild winds and no rain. Woowee! Anybody else running in Allentown, PA? The majority of the Philly area BRS folks are meeting up in Philly at the Broad Street Run 10 Miler....along with 30,000 buddies.
I actually read your race

I actually read your race report about a week ago, right after the conversation between you and TJ about which forum the link should be posted in. (Yes, I am a lurker. ;)) Just wanted to mess with ya a little... :p

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