Lotus pose?


May 13, 2010
Anyone know some stretches that can help me with doing this? Its one of the few things I haven't gotten better at since I started doing yoga. It feels like my hips just aren't flexible enough?

 you'll be able to get it

you'll be able to get it eventually...couple of things, butterflies, reclining butterflies, assisted/bound butterflies....Frog Pose, and all asana that also works your ITB and SI bands....like...Cow Face, Pidgeon, leg cradles...also, ankle rotations, the ankles have to be relaxed. Wide angle forward bends as well (sitting or standing).I'd be able to help more, if I knew the exact issue you are having with it :).
Wow N3, you don't happen to

Wow N3, you don't happen to know a thing or two about yoga do you? ;)

I don't do yoga much, though have really found Pigeon to be a good stretch for the hips as well as the standing hip stretch
and butterfly
 Hey, Zumba, next time  you

Hey, Zumba, next time you try that variation of Chair pose....don't do it like that picture....straighten up your back so it's perpendicular to the floor, and sit back so that supported leg is parallel to it :-D
ay ay Cap'n or would it be

ay ay Cap'n or would it be Masta?, beautiful the things you learn around here. Would that stretch the hips then, the Chair pose?
Thanks for all the ideas Nate

Thanks for all the ideas Nate and Zumba, I'll make sure to add these in at the end of my workouts.

I am not really sure how to specifically describe it, but for example if I do the pigeon pose I have trouble getting my front leg to sit perpendicular to my body. Or if I try doing half the lotus pose (not sure what it is called), the knee of the leg on top is about a foot off the ground. Does that make sense?
Abide, I'm no expert but it

Abide, I'm no expert but it does sound like you still have some outter hip tightness. My front leg, during Pigeon, isn't to the point where it is perpendicular yet either. Just have to keep working on it and once your good and warmed up...moving it just a bit more into position. I've found that belly dance and Zumba have both been good for loosening up the hips and creating a fuller range of motion in the hips, might be worth a shot to look into some good hip movements, hip circles, figure 8s, up 8s etc just to do while your standing at the sink doing dishes, or stirring your spaghetti, brushing your teeth etc. Or I know Willie does Qigong, has some good movements that loosen up the hips. Maybe he's got some tips for you.
 It's not just about the

It's not just about the hips...it's actually more about tightness in ALL the muscles of the thighs and lower back, including the hamstrings, and the muscles on the inside of the thighs. Don't push it, that's a good way to injure your knees. It's all interconnected. Let go of "achieving" full lotus, and just continue to enjoy your yoga practice, trying to be in the moment with your breath. It will happen. Also, propping can help you learn to release more, your teacher should know proper ways to prop you. Sit in easy lotus (one foot close to the groin, the other leg on the ground in front of it) often, until you gently progress to half lotus...and make sure you sit in half lotus with each leg taking turns being on top.

Zumba, that pose is better for core and leg strength :) It will "stretch" the hips a little, but better to do that sitting if that's the goal.

Please remember, yoga is NOT about trying to get into particular poses...it's about using a pose to understand yourself in a particular moment, using the breath to unify your mind and your body. Flexibility and strength are not goals of yoga, they are side-effects. So ask yourself, "Why do you want to do a full lotus?"
Interesting point Nate, that

Interesting point Nate, that makes a lot of sense (about using yoga as a tool to get in tune with yourself). I'm thinking I need to do more of this, though am going to have to keep my time to about 15-20min in the mornings. Got any suggestions on something, a routine, that I could with my kids to start our day? Videos good?
 :-/...I'm really not a fan

:-/...I'm really not a fan of yoga videos....I mean, they can be helpful if you can't get into a studio...but yoga is really easy to "fool" yourself into thinking you are "doing it"...why having a teacher is so important, to adjust you and help you learn the subtle aspect of the asana....

That being said, I really think, besides proper instruction in pranayama, the best thing for everyone to do is simply the sun salutation. Three or four done slowly in conjunction with the breath, should take about 15 min....

Ideally, they physical practice of yoga, should lead to true relaxation, that leads to the ability to sit still with a silent mind....
I'll give the sun salutations

I'll give the sun salutations a shot, I'm not a fan of videos of any sort but to help out with getting started. There is yoga at the gym, I'll try to get into more of those classes. Thanks for your insight.:)
 No problem Zumba ...remember

No problem Zumba :)...remember too, not all yoga classes are "good" LOL...so if the teacher isn't right for you, find a different one!! Preferably one who doesn't stay on his/her mat, who adjusts the students is best...
So this weekend I spent some

So this weekend I spent some time sitting as you described and it felt great. I could feel the strecth spanning from my hips down into my achilles.

I have to fess up I try to get to my yoga class (actually is a combo class, so not entirely yoga) twice a week. But often this is even difficult. I miss a lot of instruction in the class too since I am hard of hearing. For me it helps to read about it and then put it into practice next time. So thanks again for the tips I really appreciate it.
 Glad to help Abide!!  here,

Glad to help Abide!!

here, my yoga snobbery shows up....there are many classes who use "yoga postures" and say they are doing yoga...i.e. combo classes, many gym classes, etc...because, lets face it, yoga has some really good stretching techniques, and core strengthening techniques. Yoga is NOT about the postures, the postures are a tool...

The actually definition of the word yoga is "yoke" as in binding an animal to a cart...yoga is about binding the mind (the animal) and the body (the cart) THROUGH the YOKE of the breath. If this is not happening, it's not yoga....it's a stretching routine...and it has different effects on the body and mind.

Enough of my soap box...like I said....Yoga Snobbery...Frequently, I can be a bit of an arse.
You know N3, you're right.

You know N3, you're right. I've had both, sadly the good one at the gym isn't there anymore.

Lately, I feel like my belly dance is my "yoga". It's very internal for me with a lot of focus put on individual parts of the core and I focus on not only muscles, but breathing and getting to know my body. It's pretty empowering and I end up feeling after belly dance the way I always did after a good yoga class. Thanks for your snobbery, if you're passionate about something, it's hard not to be
 That is not surprising to me

That is not surprising to me at all Zumba...Yoga and Belly dancing have very similar histories, and are also from the same geographical place....and from what little I know about the practice, one main reason for it was to condition and develop the body for ease of childbirth ;-)...

Anyway, many things that are not "yoga" can actually be "yoga"...the spiritual head of the Himilayan Institute, when I was there doing my teacher training stuff asked me what I did for a living. When I told him I taught Kung Fu, he said "Oh, see, you've been doing yoga a lot longer than you thought you were, they're the same thing." :).

It's the same thing with Kung Fu....Kung Fu litterally means "Skill aquired over time with effort." It takes BOTH time AND effort to become skilled at anything. So now, I'm trying to develop my barefoot running kung fu :-D.
You and me both on the

You and me both on the barefoot running kung fu, though apparently I'm working on the more meditative/mental/internal part of barefoot running than the physical :p Still nursing your ankle? And yes, a part of belly dance history includes it's practices that helped ease the pains of labor and much to contrary belief, it's a sacred dance for women that was perfomed primarily amongst and for women. It's very empowering and beautiful and a wonderful way to connect to the earth via barefeet, some of the moves are very grounding. It pairs nicely with barefoot running as a form of cross training ;)
sorry for the hijack Abide,

sorry for the hijack Abide, how's the lotus coming along? Hips loosening up nicely?
No problem Zumba, actually I

No problem Zumba, actually I have learned a lot more because of all of the discussion about yoga, so it is appreciated :)

There has been some improvement, however I'm not really sure the lotus pose is the one I am having problems with? Anyway I figure I would get a book and read more about yoga so I have a better understanding of all the things Nate was talking about.


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