Look what they are saying now..

NickW wrote:  Am I as fast

NickW said:
Am I as fast as I once was? No. Will I ever be as fast? Probably not. Will I be able to run for the rest of my life? Hopefully. That's why barefoot running is relevant for me and many others. Many of us do not care about distance or speed, only to find happiness and health with it. To blow it off like it is something irrelevant is what really bothers me.

This I completely agree with.

Going on almost a month without running, and slowly healing I really can say I learned alot from this injury, and that is I am getting older, and running is changing for me. Now my attitude is exactly what you mentioned, distance and speed is slowly becoming irrelevant for me. I just want to run, period. I can see your point about Ryan blowing off barefoot running, it can be irritating to hear that. It really just goes to show you the mindset of an elite runner towards barefoot running, it's an interesting comparison how we look at it, as opposed to others.
It is very interesting to see

It is very interesting to see how elite runners view barefooting. He's not the first that I've seen blow off barefoot running. I've seen it from Kenyan runners too.
Like, you know, like, um,

Like, you know, like, um, barefoot running is great and all, but like, you know...
Don't forget, you can't make

Don't forget, you can't make much money off of barefoot running, and these elite runners, especially the Africans, send their paychecks home to support their families. Of course, they aren't going to bad-mouth the shoe endorsement that is feeding them.

So basically, Ryan is admitting he wouldn't be worth a chit if he were to take off his shoes and try to run "naturally." He's admitting that he needs this equipment to do the job to his fullest. Do we call this cheating? Oh, don't let a shod runner hear you call them a cheater. They don't like that. But is it true? Could running in shoes with all the bells and whistles, or any shoe for that matter, be compared to taking performance enhancing-steroids, be compared to cheating? Hey, just putting it out there. You tell me.
And let's not forget about

And let's not forget about how many shod runners are injured each year. Ryan says the minimalist runners are all excited about their new way of running, but then they're injured a week later. How many shoddies do we know who are injured, all the time? Everyone wants it to seem like only barefoot runners are the ones getting injured, when it's really shod runners wearing minshoes and calling them barefoot and letting barefoot get the blame.

Sure, there are injuries in all three groups; that's a no brainer, since we're human. But I would wager that if we were to make percentage comparisons on each of the types, we would find that the majority of the injuries would come from traditional running shoes (TRS) (those that Ryan endorses
), then the minshoes (MRS), then barefoot (BFR).
I would love to see a study

I would love to see a study on injury rates between shod, min shod, and barefoot. I don't know that we would ever see a good study though as there are people on both sides who are very extreme to their side and may skew the study. (this sentence sounds funny, wasn't sure how to word it)
Yea, and the fact that some

Yea, and the fact that some people, doctors and scientists included, can't tell the difference between bare feet and minshoes, a.k.a., so-called barefoot running shoes. So barefoot will always get the bad rap in their eyes, and they will spew their ill-conceived lies to the public, and the public, believing in those who are considered authorities, will believe those lies/fallacies to be factual.
Thanks, Paraganek.  It's

Thanks, Paraganek. It's important for all barefoot runners to be a part of this very important study. I'm already in that study. I think my stint ends next month. I am happy to report, I never missed a run due to an injury caused by my running barefoot. :cool:
Paragnek, I am still building

Paragnek, I am still building up my mileage and am just under the 10 miles a week, a requirement for this study. While my feet can run up to 4 miles at a time, my legs are still to weak to do this on a regular basis and I am needing to make sure I have enough rest time depending on the runs. Every so often I feel a twinge in that calf that I had injured that had caused me to be off for two months and so it makes me afraid of re-injury and I back off. Before the injury I was at 15-20 miles a week. I'll get there again, I'm just taking it a little at a time. Don't want to do TMTS.
Barefoot TJ wrote:  Do we

Barefoot TJ said:
Do we call this cheating? Oh, don't let a shod runner hear you call them a cheater. They don't like that. But is it true? Could running in shoes with all the bells and whistles, or any shoe for that matter, be compared to taking performance enhancing-steroids, be compared to cheating? Hey, just putting it out there. You tell me.

If our argument is that barefoot running is better and healthier then that would imply that running in shoes is more difficult and is the exact opposite of performance enhancing drugs. So running minimal and barefoot would be the cheating since it makes good form so easy.
Well then again, cusioned and

Well then again, cusioned and supportive shoes help people run through pain... and to continue running while the body is breaking down all the way up to the point when there is a crisis... does have a drug sound to it.
Shoes can aide in running

Shoes can aide in running farther and faster than the body can safely handle. Sounds like a steroid to me, bigger, stronger, faster.....
Yes, ajb, Ken Bob said the

Yes, ajb, Ken Bob said the very same thing to me on the phone a while back. I told him running in shoes was like cheating and cited basically what ajw and Nick said (A J s! Do you guys know each other?! Hee.) about extreme temps running, kareening across difficult surfaces, masking injury. Of course, the great and all-knowing Ken Bob said that we have the advantage, since we have better form and experience less injuries. And of course, he is right, but I like to stir the pot sometimes. I think it's a good question, and is very thought-provoking. I still don't see how someone can cheat with nothing but what God gave them, their own bodies, their own talents, their own experience, their own brains, their own feet. That's my point.
See TJ, heres where I think

See TJ, heres where I think shoes can be cheating. Can the runner run this far or this fast barefoot? Being barefoot we have to be aware of what we are stepping on and how we step. Steroids are used to make people bigger, stronger, and faster. Shoes do two of those things. They probably don't make you bigger, but they do mask the terrain which makes you "stronger" (no pain from ground surface) and allow you to run faster.

I personally don't care if one wants to use shoes or not, but I can see how footwear can be considered cheating. It's kind of like running in min shoes for a new runner to the natural running style. They go much farther and faster than they should because the shoes mask problems and hide them until something bad happens.
As someone who has found

As someone who has found myself running faster and more comfortably barefoot than I was with shoes (and placing very decently in races for my age) after only being completely barefoot since July, I have trouble accepting the idea that people can't run as fast barefoot as in shoes. Very gravely dirt roads might be an exception, but are any races held on those?
But not elite races or

But not elite races or marathons, races that people are competing in for major records? I know that trail running and ultra distance is becoming popular, but it's not like Olympics or World Championships, which is what the article was basically referring to, right? They don't hold those kinds of races on the back roads of Idaho, which is what I'm talking about.

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