Kevlar Socks


Sep 19, 2010
Kevlar hockey socks. Sounds like a sock that might be tough enough for barefoot running. The socks are made of 35% Kevlar and are designed to reduce cuts from skates. Yesterday I tested a pair with a 12k run. I ran on a variety of surfaces from snow covered trails, asphalt, gravel to chip-seal. One hole was the result. After re-examining the sock I discovered the hole was in the unprotected part of the sock. These are the most abrasion resistant sock I have run with to-date.

Gord's Frozen Ass Fifty in feb should have no chipseal and very little gravel (based on last year) so i think I may have found the sock for the 50k.

Besides the test it was a beautiful spring like day, perfect for running:)

Tristan-OH wrote:Ok I might

Tristan-OH said:
Ok I might be missing something, but what good does kevlar do if its not in the area you need it and still wore through them in one run?

I am looking for the worlds toughest sock. With all its flaws it is the best I have found. I plan cut off the foot portion of the sock and just use the kevlar cloth, which seems to standup. If it does not work change it :)
Cool. that might be a good

Cool. that might be a good idea for a new minimalist solution if you could get the sole to be kevlar... I've heard of many running in socks and even coating them in like plasti-dip but kevlar sounds much better! I've got kevlar pants and stuff for the chainsaw, but never heard of kevlar socks before!
I should look for an old pair

I should look for an old pair of kevlar pants and make socks. The kevlar socks are little short on protective material to fully cover the sole.

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