Jeremy in Asheville, NC


Aug 23, 2010
Hi all:

Greetings from a new runner -- and even newer minimalist runner -- in lovely Asheville, NC. I've been an avid cyclist for years but took up running just this past May. In late July I started having some joint discomfort, and a friend told me about "Born to Run" and fivefingers. I read the book (completely entertaining and inspiring, even apart from the biomechanical talk) and transitioned to a forefoot strike over the course of several weeks. Eventually the discomfort went away, although I was still wearing running shoes.

Last weekend I finally invested in a pair of fivefingers (the Bikila style) and took them for a spin on Tuesday. One word: heaven. Literally from the first step it just felt right. Even though a different set of muscles was firing, it felt natural, and the impromptu foot massage was a nice surprise. Another bonus: I beat my fastest pace by 44 seconds on the first outing, and I wasn't even concentrating on that!

I'm glad to see the BRS exists, and I look forward to harnessing the resources of the group and meeting likeminded souls as I continue to grow in this sport.

Best wishes,
Welcome, Jeremy!

Welcome, Jeremy!
Welcome to the crew, Jeremy. 

Welcome to the crew, Jeremy. It's a nice change when you've been doing something else, and to start running this way versus traditional heel-striking makes it that much more comfortable and sustainable. I love Asheville; I'm from just over the mountains on the Tennessee side, and it looks like I'll be becoming a fellow NC resident next summer in Raleigh.
Welcome! I have been barefoot

Welcome! I have been barefoot running and running in water shoes for awhile, and I just got my first Bikilas - I love them, too. Good luck!
Welcome Jeremy!  I took up

Welcome Jeremy! I took up running just a little over a year ago when I discovered that running is fun so long as I'm barefoot!

Hi, Phil! I'm in the Raleigh, NC area. Be sure to give a shout when you've made the move and we'll get together for a run or a beer or both.


 Many thanks for the kind

Many thanks for the kind welcome, all. I'm about to wrap up week 2 of running in fivefingers, and so far so good. I even wore them all last weekend and can't wait to do so again this weekend. My calves have been a bit sore after each run, but on the plus side my, er, gluteals seem to be getting a better workout as well. Hooray!

Karen - thanks for the

Karen - thanks for the invite. We're actually planning on living in the Apex, Holly Springs, or nearby communities so my wife and 3 boys can have the great Wake County schools while I drive to FayetteNam every day to work.

I love and deeply appreciate combat experienced soldiers (I am one myself), but I don't want my kids growing up among masses of them just back from that violent experience, still immersed in a combative environment continuously, and without the maturity that more of life adds to distill and balance that experience into something healthy. That and the schools everywhere else near Ft. Bragg are atrocious in their scores and the classes they offer as well as those they don't. My wife is a high school math/science teacher/geek, so the schools are important to her personally as well.

Have a great Raleigh day!
 A big wave from just over

A big wave from just over the hill, nature runner. Have you found others of us in the area?
wordnrrrd wrote: A big wave

wordnrrrd said:
A big wave from just over the hill, nature runner. Have you found others of us in the area?

I actually haven't found others in the area. I have found a group that runs in five fingers in Johnson City,Tn. I have heard there are some in Asheville? So far no luck here in my area.
I'm in Asheville too! (but

I'm in Asheville too! (but rarely on this site) Hit me on FB for a run sometime.

I'm only doing a mile or so every other day right now. (starting all over with Jason Robillard's training plan)

So far, I don't know any other BFR's in Asheville. (but I'm a pretty busy guy who tends to run alone) I was a VFF runner last spring, and thought I was being careful enough... Alas, I overtrained my feet (and as I've now figured out, was using incorrect form still) so I had to take a few MONTHS off to heal! Please, please read this link!

I feel all VFF runners should consider starting all over truly barefoot. I did, and must say it is even better than the VFF experience! I still wear my KSO's for hiking in the cold and whenever shoes are neccessary. However, being truly bare really does make it much easier to get a proper stride. (Hopefully overuse of parentheses isn't also a peeve.)

-Mo aka inventor of sarcks

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