Is it normal for my calves and Achilles tendons to STILL hurt?

Hubby (Capmikee) has always

Hubby (Capmikee) has always overthought his form and he's had so much more pain than me. It's a real hindrance. Running at night might help you relax or running in the shallow end of a pool - that helped me alt when I was starting out. The water is really relaxing.
C. Beth, you must be young! 

C. Beth, you must be young! I've entered that age when everything aches when I wake up in the morning, no matter what I've done - or not done.

Seriously, you've gotten some really good advice and feedback, here. I think you're doing fine, and are just still getting used to the new form. Of course, I'm assuming it is significantly different from your previous shod running form, like it was for me. It can take longer than you think it should to get used to something completely different. I'm betting in another couple weeks the everyday aches will be behind you.
Tender Toes Mark--I'm

Tender Toes Mark--I'm 33...old enough that my body tells me when I've done too much, but I guess I'm young enough that I don't have every-morning aches. So that's what I gotta look forward to, huh? Ugh! :p

Things seem to be coming back together! My calves & Achilles are way better the last couple of days. I ran this morning, and it was the best my legs and feet have felt lately. My arches have been giving me some issues too but they were mostly better today.

I think the key was that I was more relaxed today, and less focused on thank you to those of you who gave me that reminder. I needed it!
@Abide - Interesting to hear

@Abide - Interesting to hear you are always achy like I am. I've been taking an extended break. Being almost 50, I'm assuing this break will let my feet heal well and be better off when I start up again. Maybe this week...
bfrbouch wrote:mad:Abide -

bfrbouch said:
@Abide - Interesting to hear you are always achy like I am. I've been taking an extended break. Being almost 50, I'm assuing this break will let my feet heal well and be better off when I start up again. Maybe this week...

Hey bfrbouch welcome!

You know what has been really helpful for me is to simply stretch, flex and just move my feet frequently. They still feel achy, but I don't feel like I am going to fall over anymore when I stand up, or jump out of the bed.
Welcome, BFR!

Welcome, BFR!

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