I'm about to puke!

Barefoot TJ

Staff member
Mar 5, 2010
Okay, so I'm looking at our growing fan base on the Facebook box to your right, when I see a guy sucking on someone's foot! Grodie! That is SO disgusting! Can we remove him as a "fan?" Earlier, I saw a naked guy laying on a little girl's pink bedding on a little girl's bed in a little girl's room in our FB box. He had her pillow covering his you-know-whats. I swear some people are just sick!
We need a disclaimer like the

We need a disclaimer like the SBL that this is not a site for people with foot fetishes. Or naked people in general. (Though I have seen quite a few nudist jokes on some of the forums about footwear rules.)
I accepted a friend request

I accepted a friend request in the piles of pending friend requests not really paying attention to the avatar since I was in a hurry to get through all my email a little while back. It was a girl wearing white stockings with pearls wrapped all around her legs...well, I'm guessing it was a girl because it only showed legs. I realized later, after I saw that avatar pop up, that he/she was no barefoot runner! Yikes!
 Yeah, the fetishists will be

Yeah, the fetishists will be loving this site if they aren't already here, with all of out barefoot avatars and talk about dirty feet and callus care.

oy, :(
The SBL is heavily moderated,

The SBL is heavily moderated, and each post must be approved before it is published. Each membership application is reviewed in depth by a medium sized commitee, but still fetishists slip through.

My suggestion is to not associate real names and e-mail addresses to an account here, and just ignore the fetishists, moderating out any posts that they might leave.

Rather than have to watch closly what we post, staying annonomous is probably the best bet.

Facebook really opens up the gate to the fetishist, look at the thousands of "likes" they can troll through.

I know a guy in the SBL who's picture of his feet turned up on a fetish site with someone claiming that they were their own!

In general I would recommend AVOIDING some of the shots that might be snatched and posted in sites like that, especialy if your face is clear in it.

One example of a cool pic that MAYBE should'nt be used is C.Beth. Run.'s avitar.

If a fetishist likes it, her face may turn up all over web. Just advising, that's all.

I've been in the SBL for many years, and have come to the realization that you really need to be careful what you write and post .

I made a mistake here just last week!

I'll leave it alone, but think about this:

The picture of my legs and feet in the food line following the race clearly shows my number and name of the race.

I googled it to see what turned up, and some slow guy around my age from the 2009 event popped up.

Page two had 2010 results, with my full name and city. No big deal, my head's not in it.

BUT, a fetishist could now find my phone number or anything else!

Foot fetishism (an oxymoron by the way) is found predominantly in males, and a large portion of these guys LOVE dirty outdoor soles. Interest in men's feet also can be found among gay men.

Since barefoot running produces tough dirty soles, we really can't hide that aspect here in our posts and pictures.

It comes as a surprise to most, but females especialy should be reminded that approximatly 20% of men find tough dirty female feet sexually attractive. Since most of those guys never express that part of them or admit to it, they can develope into "creepy" interwebs

types while otherwise living a relatively normal life.

Don't let your real names and faces get hijacked!
Yes, but keep ths in mind:In

Yes, but keep ths in mind:

In the SBL, we are not allowed to spell out the word! We must write fet1$h or something like that.

The reason?

The fetishists use the word for search, and the SBL does not want it's stuff popping up in any of those searches.

If someone put in fetish barefoot you just might pop up somewhere!
They'd have to have patience

They'd have to have patience though.

I just googled "fetish barefoot" and got 501,000 hits.
Not sure.....I googled that

Not sure.....I googled that and I guess as long as there are no fetishists looking to stalk Jr. members of dog food groups you'll be safe.

Dog food forum? It gets complicated or something?
Geez, Board!  But be sure to

Geez, Board! But be sure to type all those fet words over here, huh? Just messing with ya!

Fet, yes you can stay, but you may want to worry about those with paw fetishes. ;-) Silly puppy.
Yes, the dog food forum! 

Yes, the dog food forum! I guess my secret is out! I never post there, but I had to join to be able to read the info. I love my dogs, what can I say?! I want them to live long and have food that's good for them; you'd be surprised at the crap that's in regular dog food! (Of course, not the kind I buy!)
LB, I'm curious where you got

LB, I'm curious where you got the 20% statistic :p
Zum, my wife has been a 24/7

Zum, my wife has been a 24/7 8 months per year barefooter for decades, and we live in a major metropolitan area in the north.

She is barefoot everywhere, and concluded that the 20% figure was accurate.

We are frequently together out and about, and I can spot the guys easily enough as well. My estimate also is 20%.

When she puts on flip flops for any reason, the guys all act normal.

SBL members have also reported a 20% guestimate.

Gay guy barefooters report a 20% figure too.

Human sexual researchers have reported that the most common "fetish" involves feet or shoes, and that of those dirty bare soles ranks way above stilletos or any other variation.

Some of these researchers have come to the conclusion that 20% is actually low, and that correct data is impossible to collect because guys won't admit to it.

It's very rare that a guy admits it to my wife, but every trip out some guy wants to talk to her about her bare feet!

After a while you can just tell.

The breakdown some long-time SBL barefooters have come to believe is :

20% of western men hate bare feet in public on women

20% don't like it, but don't get disgusted by it at all.

20% are indifferent

20% think it's cute or sexy or fun

20% are sexually aroused by it

Some gay members report similar numbers regarding guy's views of guys bare feet.

Some, but not a significant number of gay women like bare feet on females.

Very few heterosexual women find bare feet sexualy arousing on men, but they do exist, which is one reason women find it so hard to believe that a larger than expected number of men are attracted to barefoot women.

My wife tells her single friends that if they want to meet guys they should just ditch the shoes for a while to see what happens.
 hey, if some dude wants to

hey, if some dude wants to use my feet for his pleasure...I think, I might take that as a compliment :)....and they can hijack my name and face anytime, as long as they hijack my debt as well ;-). To each his own :-D.
Interesting stats LB, I'm a

Interesting stats LB, I'm a little naive to that and just hadn't thought about that whole aspect of it much because of my own interests in being barefoot. To be honest, it does bother me a little...because my being barefoot has very little to do with my wanting to be sexually desirable.
Longboard wrote:One example

Longboard said:
One example of a cool pic that MAYBE should'nt be used is C.Beth. Run.'s avitar.

Wow, I hadn't even thought of that! I'll consider it though; thanks, Longboard.

I'm pretty careful about Internet security, considering how much I do share online via my blogs. My pics and my family's pics are all over my blog, so I'm careful not to disclose exactly where I live, or their real first names/our last name. But I never thought about not posting a pic of my bare feet and my face.... Gah. It's a good point though.
P.S. I guess this means I

P.S. I guess this means I shouldn't post an avatar of myself sucking my own toes, huh? ;-)

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