I miss beer (why running in the mornings just isn't the same)


Jul 18, 2010
Okay... I'll come clean. I like having a beer after a workout. If it's winter and I am skiing then it's usually wine, but after a good ole summer BFR I am finding it hard to believe there's anything better for recovery than a nice cold brew.

Recently... in part to avoid the summer heat... I started BFR in the mornings and although it's enjoyable... I felt like something was missing. Then it dawned on me.... no beer . At least this is the case for me as I'm finding it hard to justify a pre-work shot of fermented ale... so I guess I'll just have to go without... or at least save my morning runs for the weekends.

On second thought... maybe the heat wasn't really that bad. ;)

S. Pimp.
Well, there's always ice cold

Well, there's always ice cold chocolate milk ;) Besides, it's got to be noon somewhere in the world by the time you're finished with your run :party:
How about running at night?

How about running at night?
 um....why can't you have one

um....why can't you have one beer in the morning??

NakedSoleNate said:
um....why can't you have one beer in the morning??

Like shoes... I think it's a social norm thing. Even my Dad, who drinks a six pack a day, doesn't touch the stuff before noon. Unlike shoes... no one has yet written a best seller about the benefits of morning consumption.
 Vonagut ROCKS

Vonagut ROCKS
You never read Kurt

You never read Kurt Vonnegut's "Breakfast of Champions?"
I just love how this forum

I just love how this forum always try to find ways for the members to drink more. Morning beer, wine iskiate and so on... 8)
I was going to say IT'S 5

I was going to say IT'S 5 O'CLOCK SOMEWHERE... but you guys are setting the bar at NOON...


I'll drink to that........;o)
Maybe this is why I want so

Maybe this is why I want so badly to meet some local BFRs... I sure do miss beer, people to drink it with, and the rationalization of exercise to make the calories "not count"!
Larry and I were thinking up

Larry and I were thinking up some chia shots (think jello shots), they'll be available in the pub as soon as I figure out how to make them tastey.
If I am not working the next

If I am not working the next day, I don't mind having a beer after a run, but not before. It takes away from my workout before the run. I am not much of a drinker like I use to be long ago.

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