I love you guys! You saved me from being THIS person!


Chapter Presidents
May 19, 2011
So I'm in RunOn, picking up my race packet for the Barefoot Race "Shoes for Orphan Soles" and it just didn't seem right to pick up the packet wearing anything on my feet. As I'm waiting by the packet pick up desk for someone to help me, I can't help but hear one of the shoe-slingers advising a woman that running and standing in her shoes will break them down and she'll need to replace them every 6mo to 500 miles. I couldn't hear what she was saying to him, but he was persistent and mentioned it about 3 times. I couldn't help but think, wow...it's the blind leading the blind. He's preaching cushion and she hasn't done her homework.

Long story short, I was counting my blessings that day!

And you are so welcome!  Just

And you are so welcome! Just goes to show we have a lot more work to do.

I ran past this lady running with this man. They apparently met on that run because as I passed them going the other way in my bare feet, I heard him tell her that the VFFs he was running in were only meant for short distances, like sprinting. I couldn't contain myself. I shouted, "Not true! I know people who have run ultra marathons up to 100 miles in those things!"

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