I have a problem (and need some suggestions)


A little background info. I'm really new to running. I started out on the asphalt BF running. I often used a multi user asphalt trai, but not always sometimes city streetsl. I beach run in BF as well. I just started trail running, and plan to do a lot more trail running. For trail running I use a 4mm invisible shoe(which I love so far). OK so I no longer asphalt run. I don't find asphalt to be rewarding in how it feels to my feet. So I'm a focused beach/trail runner.

OK so my problem.....It started with asphalt running. I don't have the problem on the beach with the ocean sounds in the background. I do have the problem trail running though.

What happens is I am very quiet as I run. So if I am approaching walkers from behind, or a slow runner. I end up scaring them. Often once I get about 15 feet behind them I say something like "cmon up behind ya". In that process of speaking up I scare them. Or if I don't say anything they don't realize I'm behind them until I'm breathing on there neck. Of couse they then get startled as well.

So I have not figured out a way to resolve this. I'm wondering if others are quiet enough when they run to experience this type of similar situation. What can be done to let them know we are behind them without startling them ? A few scenarios are it is two runners , or more talking not paying attention behind them, one person with headphones on, or one person with no headphones. Either way their oblivious to their surroundings. I do not wear a ipod during trail running.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to resolve this ? Is there a way to grab the person/s attention without startling them ? Or should I just not woory about it ? It's their problem for not paying more attention.......

Please don't tell me to wear a bell around my neck. What is funny is they seem slightly upset I scraed them, but yet I can't stand how damn loud they can be. By "they" I mean a more conventional shoe runner.
Perhaps whistling a happy

Perhaps whistling a happy tune when you're a couple dozen yards behind someone. Headphone wearers must take on themselves (and I am one sometimes) the responsibility for their own handicapped situational awareness, understanding that they have deliberately chosen that handicap for themselves. A smile and a kind word after a good startle usually goes a long way as well. Enjoy the trails and beach that so many of us don't have regular access to!
My line is "Sneakin' up

My line is "Sneakin' up behind ya." The friendly smile and wave as you go by helps. Beyond that, it's on them

Yes, we are quiet when the form is on. I've done the same thing with deer.

Maybe if it worries you, you could carry a whistle and toot as you approach.

You get points as a sensitive soul for even caring.
Two words: air horn.

Two words: air horn. ;)
Sometimes I sniffle when I'm

Sometimes I sniffle when I'm a few yards back, but that doesn't work unless the surroundings are quiet. Just the other day while running in my Condo complex sidewalk I ran around someone on the grass and he freaked out, uttered "Jesus Christ" then asked me to watch where I was going. Didn't even come close to touching him. HA all I said was excuse me.

I like the whistle suggestion! I wonder if I can whistle....
Yesterday I ran 4 miles BF

Yesterday I ran 4 miles BF (my first BF miles of the year) because I am a self proclaimed weather weenie. :) But it was so nice yesterday that I felt great. I found myself whistling "Deck the Halls". Don't know why. Must be something about BF running, but I never whistled when I ran w/shoes. And I don't when I have my VFFs on, just BF. Cool...

But still when I am coming up behind someone, I'll say "on your left" just so they know I'm there (as if the "Deck the Halls" tune wasn't a giveaway!)

May have to look into a red running outfit w/white trim. ;-)
Normally I sort of think its

Normally I sort of think its amusing and just go with it. People don't die from being alittle startled. Now if its and older person or someone with a large dog I usually cough. If I scare younger people I find it amusing. I don't find it amusing to scare people over about the age of 60 out doing their morning walk or risk a dog thinking I'm trying to sneak up on him. Coughing seems to be a nice inbetween of loudness and not so loud you scare them.
I have never mastered

I have never mastered whistling. I suppose I could announce myself a bit earlier "passing on your .......". Would be a functional announcement, and if they still get surprised. Well they can't say they were not warned.

I see I'm not the only one with this problem.......
Air horn!  That's hysterical,

Air horn! That's hysterical, Smelph! I'm cracking up.
Yeah. I love the air horn

Yeah. I love the air horn too! Hahaha!

I've wondered about this myself. Thought about the whistling, but I can't whistle to save my life. I usually just say "on your left/right" and if I startle them I often quickly apologize and smile. Most people are pretty cool about it.
Screaming. Loud sustained

Screaming. Loud sustained screaming. For your whole run. This will warn others you are approaching and give you the most amazing anaerobic workout ever. If plain, wordless, battle cries aren't your thing, I suggest popping Slayer into the old iPod and singing along. No one will ever be surprised by your approach again. Or want to run with you again.

Honestly, sometimes when I pass someone (Ha, pass someone. Me. Right.) I make a small motorcycle noise like revving my engine up. It's not really for them, it keeps me entertained. Brrrrrrummmm....
Funny, DB!

Funny, DB!
I usually do the sniffle or

I usually do the sniffle or cough thing like Bruno and AJB, or clear my throat. I've found that even with people talking they will often hear that (I will do it several times if I have to).
Dirtbag wrote: Screaming.

Dirtbag said:
Screaming. Loud sustained screaming. For your whole run. This will warn others you are approaching and give you the most amazing anaerobic workout ever. If plain, wordless, battle cries aren't your thing, I suggest popping Slayer into the old iPod and singing along. No one will ever be surprised by your approach again. Or want to run with you again.

lol this completely cracked me up. How many times has this gotten either the cops or the men in white coats called on you.
When I ran in shoes I used to

When I ran in shoes I used to scuff my shoe's heel once or twice when I was a bit back from folk and they usually hear it well enough. Don't fancy doing that BF but haven't had that situation yet in my skins...
I've been cussed out a couple

I've been cussed out a couple times for scaring people during my first year of of barefooting. Now I mostly just cough a couple times 50 yards back or so...if I could sing I would... in Opera... in Italian...that would get their attention.
On the weekend I was coming

On the weekend I was coming back from my long slow run and decided to sprint the final hill. Two people side by side taking up the footpath and the woman was constantly talking not even taking a breath.
I passed them nearly running into a tree to give them enough room. The woman screams at the top of her lungs. The guy can't stop laughing.
I waved and said sorry in a cheery voice and then collapsed at the top of the hill on the other side of the road.
I was huffing and puffing so I figured I was making enough noise to know I was behind them but alas no.
Did someone mention Slayer? Raining Blood comes to mind as a happy go lucky kind of tune to scream!

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