I did it!! 100-mile Barefoot for Breast Cancer Challenge Complete!


Apr 4, 2010
Today I was able to finish up my 100-mile barefoot challenge for Making Strides Against Breast Cancer with a total of 100.47 miles. Two states, two countries, two continents, sun & rain, hot & cold, some was walking, some was running, but it was 100% barefoot. I cannot believe I actually made it. Here is a link to some pics of my barefoot time in Germany including my feet at mile 100... http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=38793&l=fc56c7796f&id=146170668726907 If anyone was or is interested in sponsoring my efforts by donating toward the cause, you can visit http://main.acsevents.org/site/TR?px=1350404&fr_id=28038&pg=personal Thank for letting me share! And, thanks to everyone for their support and encouragement. Sherri
Congrats, Sherri!

Congrats, Sherri!
100 miles !!!!I don't know

100 miles !!!!

I don't know what's wrong with the link but I got a Microsoft authentication page. The direct link to the pictures is: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=38793&l=fc56c7796f&id=146170668726907

I love the picture with the mud. Mud between the toes feels so good!

Those pictures remind me of

Those pictures remind me of the thread at "that other place" called The Thread of the Traveling Feet that Dennis started up.
It was definitely a victory

It was definitely a victory lap because I was dancing and jogging around in a little grassy yard behind my hotel to Shakira's Waka Waka for part of that. I was just so happy to have reached my goal. :)

Also, I think  fixed the

Also, I think fixed the links. I guess because I copied that info from my work email, it was trying to redirect everyone to that application.


Right on girl!! Good for you

Right on girl!! Good for you for all of your hard work supporting the your fellow women and their fight against the beast of breasts!
Congratulations, Sherri!

Congratulations, Sherri! You. Are. Awesome!
Wow, Sherri!  That's a lot. 

Wow, Sherri! That's a lot. You're good people.

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