How long did it take you to run your first race?


Jul 17, 2012
Alberta, Canada
How long from the time you started running (or running barefoot) till you ran your first race?
DO IT! It's so much fun. I'm not competitive at all, but it doesn't matter, it's so fun, especially if you like people watching. Also, it's totally motivating. I wish that every time I made it a mile or so, someone on the side of the road could be there ready to cheer me on. You can walk what you can't run, plenty do at the 5ks. Never ever thought I'd be the type to like races, but they are a blast at any speed.
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Slow and steady sounds good to me. September sounds a little too soon for me but spring sounds like a good time line to shoot for.
I don't think you have to run the whole thing. Most 5k's have the option to walk/run, which is not that far off from what you are doing, even distance wise. I would think september is reasonable as long as you plan it to walk/run.
I just ran my first barefoot race after about 1.5 years of mixed barefoot and huarache running. Before today I was always wearing the huaraches for races out of an abundance of caution to make sure I can handle whatever the course throws at me. In this case, it was the (inaugural) Liberty Mile in downtown Pittsburgh and it was easy enough to survey the whole course in advance. I didn't see any other barefooters, but a nice older couple suggested I try VFFs. It rained this afternoon so the streets were even clean. The air was not. By the end I had a gritty, acrid coating on the inside of my mouth and lungs and I'll probably hack up something unholy in the morning. But I finished in 6:33 and now I have a mile PR to try to beat next year.

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