Hello from Ypsilanti Michigan

Mark Wilkinson

Hello everyone!

I am new to barefoot running and came across this site in my search for a good barefoot forum. I used to run 4 miles 3-4 times a week for an entire summer. After the colder months rolled in I stopped running and never started back up. That was two years ago. I just recently decided to start back up so I hit the internet and discovered barefoot running. I had always thought my old running shoes were a little "slow" (this is the only word I could use to describe it), it always felt like I was running through sand, but I just figured that's what running felt like and plowed ahead.

After my first time out in my VFF's I found out that running does not have to feel like that! Running in my VFF's was exhilarating and made running fun again. Of course being the person I am I didn't do proper research before going out and my calves paid for it dearly. But I have been doing a lot of reading and recently ditched the VFF's for full barefoot and I couldn't be happier. I am still working on form as I have gotten some blisters on the tips of two of my toes on each foot, but I am having a blast. I am up to 2 miles barefoot (after about a week), which I understand might be a bit much, but I have no soreness of any kind after a run.

I look forward to being a part of the community and contributing where I can! This has definitely turned into a passion for me, something that running shod never was.
Welcome, Mark. I enjoyed reading that. I always love to hear how new people come to barefoot running. I especially love it when they opt for bare after ditching the minshoes.
I take back my soreness comment though. :( From my rudimentary anatomy knowledge I seem to have strained my peroneus longus after doing some (apparently) too fancy footwork trying to avoid some rocks on the sidewalk. Live and learn.
Welcome, Mark. Take it slow and easy with the long view in mind. As you have already noticed, injuries are easy to come by when you do too much too soon (TMTS). Heal quickly, and enjoy your newfound freedom responsibly!
Glad to have you here Mark. As Phil already pointed out that even though it feels good that TMTS still can bite you. Roll it and pressure points will reduce the discomfort. Enjoy your stay with us. :)
Glad to see another Michigan runner....we are too few and far between over here =)

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