Hello from New Mexico

Ya et eeh! (Hello) I'm from New Mexico. Some people don't know, it's part of the United States. I'm a barefoot runner, sometimes. I run with shoes sometimes. I run all year, because it's nice here and we can. I kinda slow and I don't run very fast. In the words of the infamous "Jimmy", "when I run, I feel like a happy person."
Welcome to the group Eldon. We are almost neighbors with the beautiful state of AZ separating us, so close enough. Glad you joined the Utah Chapter, we are a quiet few. I noticed you are doing a Moab trail marathon in another thread. Are you into Ultras yet? I am either helping out or running in these. http://www.ultra-adventures.com/ Check out the site, some of the events might be close enough for you to consider.
thanks Rick, i dont think i could finish an ultra. under the cutoff anyways. i checked out the link, i may consider volunteering...that sounds pretty awesome though. those are some of my favorite places. love the Grand Canyon. im hoping to go r2r this year, if i can figure out the logistics...
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