Hello from Mississippi


Oct 2, 2011
I would like to dispel all rumors that Mississippi is a bunch of hillbillies who run around barefoot. Unfortunately, everyone here still runs in shoes!

After getting injured, taking a year off of running and thinking I would never really run again, I picked up the book Born to Run. I was an all-the-time shoe wearing person--even in my house. But I decided I'd give barefoot running a shot. Is

I am now running all distances in either my Vibrams or my barefeet. I feel better than I ever have running. The aches and pains and inflammation I used to deal with after my runs are gone. I'm a believer!
Welcome and glad you have

Welcome and glad you have found your running bliss once again.

By the way, the rumor of Mississippi being a bunch of hillbillies

could be true, just like Canadian's are a bunch of igloo living dog-sledders. We do live in houses too at least for the summer months, the snow does melt up here sometimes. ;-)
Resurrect that thread!   I'd

Resurrect that thread! I'd like to hear what Marsupial carries in her pouch. Or is she a he? Oops. I guess it's possible. Welcome! Glad you're doing so well with the barefoot lifestyle...and living barefoot inside your house!
I could tell you were a she

I could tell you were a she by those dainty little feet.
I'm a she too, BTW. 

I'm a she too, BTW. :)
Su:Welcome to the family. 


Welcome to the family. I've been to Mississippi, and I can assure you that there are no hillbillies there other than transplants, as there are no hills. I'm a hillbilly from East Tennessee, but that's not why I run barefoot, although such causality has been insinuated to me a time or two. Glad to have you with us and enjoying BFR as much as so many of us already are. It's a heck of a lot more fun and massively more sustainable. Enjoy!

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