Hello from Michigan


Oct 28, 2010
Hello friends!

I was kindly pointed to this forum by Robert. This looks like a great resource! I'm currently running in VFF, but have dabbled in BF. I did a 6 mile BF run over the summer, and did some indoor track workouts BF. The Vice President of the track club said he'd never seen anything like it. As track club has moved back indoors for the winter, I'm thinking about more BF runs.The track club might make me pad around in socks but that's okay.

Two years ago I had knee problems that stopped me from running, but read The Book (Born To Run) and since switching to VFF I've been able to run again.

I love racing, especially 5Ks. If I'm lucky, maybe I'll get to meet some SE Michigan BFers in person one day at a race!
Welcome, Jocelyn!

Welcome, Jocelyn!