Hello from Hong Kong

WCW Chris

May 19, 2014
Hong Kong
This is Chris from Hong Kong. I just started to run barefoot/minimalist shoes running this March. I was inspired by a guy running barefoot(barefooters are very rare in Hong Kong btw) when i was riding my mountain bike.
I initially think "Wow that guy is really tough." but didn't know why he ran barefoot. After a while of googling, I decided to take it up and it feels great and liberating. I have never thought running can be such a fun back in those days wearing thick trainer. Can't wait to improve and get fitter(of course i am taking it slowly):embarrassed:. Btw English is not my native language. Do pardon me if you are having hard time to understand my writing.:p
Hi again, Chris! Welcome. Your English is just fine. :barefoot:
Hi from across the pond.
Welcome Chris!

I also had no idea how fun barefoot would be! Cheers