Happy New Year from newb in Seattle

Dale Fiorillo

Jan 2, 2012
Kent, Wa
Hi everybody. I have walked 18 half marathons all over the country with the usual shoe induced miseries. After stumbling across Born To Run (no pun intended) I read all the books and bought the "fingers." Now, I can't run - period.An aortic aneurism caps my maximum heart at 80%, so I can walk faster than I can run! I have been barefoot in my condo for 4 years, so I have a somewhat prepared foot for a graduated training program. I am 69, and have no need for speed, but I would be supremely happy to see my times just stay around 3:45. My wife and I do 3 events a year, and I will be happy to post opinions. Next event will be the wonderful Squim to Port Angeles, and if all goes well my first minimalist excurision. Dale.

PS If anyone in the Seattle area wants a challenging 9 mile trail workout go to the Lake Youngs Watershed trail.
Welcome, Dale.  I had the

Welcome, Dale. I had the priviledge of seeing some speed walkers for the first time in person during a recent 25K/50K. I was really impressed with how they moved. This one guy even explained to me that they have speed walking competitions and have to follow exact rules. He explained there was a certain way that your feet have to stride, place, and land. I was amazed. These speed walkers really have a sport all there own. Very cool.
Welcome, have you thought

Welcome, have you thought about trying to train your body to run at a certain heart rate? I've increased my pace over 4 minutes at the same heart rate in the past 4 months.
One of my college profs was a

One of my college profs was a competitive speedwalker and wrote for the national organization (PR major). She explained the rules to us in class one day and I was blown away by the specifics of the stride requirements and such. Funny how that memory sticks almost 10 years later...
Chaserwilliams, you are the

Chaserwilliams, you are the first to mention the hrm. I have been reading the forums for weeks, and have read 8 books, this seems a neglected tool in the barefoot arena. I consider myself a very experienced user of the hrm, mostly from cycling. I don't use it on foot as any running at all pushes me past my maximum of 128 bpm. I am anxious to see how much the barefoot/minimalist approach makes in my hr. tnx, Dale.

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