Greetings from Italy!


Mar 5, 2017
Hi everybody!

My name is Riccardo, I'm writing you from Italy.
I came to this forum because I was looking for a forum about barefoot running and here I am.

My story. I had 3 injuries in the last 18 months, the last one a microfracture of my calcaneal bone due to stress. Then I decided to start going minimal and study barefoot running by myself.

I'm starting now my transition to barefoot, and I've decided to run directly without shoes because, in my opinion, minimalist running is very different from barefoot running. I'm approaching my transition very very slow (1 km of running 3 times the first week, now is my second week and I'm running only 1,2 km, next week I will runn 1,4 km and so on).
I'm having little problems with blisters. I came on this forum to ask what to do about them and to learn something from expert barefoot runners.

This is my story.
Welcome! :barefoot:
Hi Riccardo and welcome !

You are doing it the right way. Minimalist running definitely is different from barefoot running.
Your transition reminds me when I was starting. I was also running about 1km 3 times a week and having blisters.
Keep it up, don't give up. It will only get better. The blisters will go away after 3-4 weeks.

In bocca al lupo.
ehi @paraganek is that you in the video "confession of a barefoot trail runner"?!?!? I've watched it lot of times! So great! Great trails there in the States, here in Italy they are full of little bastard rocks that are very very painful. In fact, I'm trying to run barefoot on the asphalt first, and then, when my feet's sole will be ok, I will try to run barefoot on trail, very carefully. In the meantime, barefoot running on the asphalt and fivefingers for trails ;) I think it should be the right compromise for me.
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ehi @paraganek is that you in the video "confession of a barefoot trail runner"?!?!? I've watched it lot of times! So great! Great trails there in the States, here in Italy they are full of little bastard rocks that are very very painful. In fact, I'm trying to run barefoot on the asphalt first, and then, when my feet's sole will be ok, I will try to run barefoot on trail, very carefully. In the meantime, barefoot running on the asphalt and fivefingers for trails ;) I think it should be the right compromise for me.

Hi Nerevar,

Yes, it is me. I shot the "Confession of a barefoot trail runner" sometime during my second year of BF running.
Running on pavement first and moving to trails later is the right idea I think.
I ran BF on pavement my whole first year before hitting any trails and it worked for me.
Look like you are on the right track :)
Have fun !
Looks for trails or ask people where there may be trails that are not overcrowded with a lot of hard debris, one that has patches of sand or hard packed soil. Some would say that the harder trails, like gravel, sticks, etc., would condition your feet as well as teach you how to run gently. You have to find what works for you, and no one way is right for everyone, but if you find one way isn't working for you, try the other way.
Eh, TJ, I have trails on the hills around my city. We have a very very big forest (extended for almost 20-30 km) full of trails, hills from 0 meters to 450 meters high. I know those trails like my pockets, they are full of all kind of terrains: mud, grass, dirt, little rocks and big rocks. Inside the woods, specially in the single trails, it's often a very soft terrain, but on the biggest trails there are often rocks, because in those hills there were a lot of mine even in 1800, and in the past our ancestors used to travel trough those hills with horses and carriages...we call them "mulattiere" - muletrack, roads for mules, not for humans eheheh

I was a little mule when I ran with shoes, slow but unstoppable. Now it looks like I go faster without shoes but my feet are not ready yet, specially their skin! I should have hoofs, like horses :(
How much time did you spend running on trail before your feet adapted to this new terrain? was that painful?
When it started getting painful I only did a short trail section and stopped.
Returned next week and added a bit more.
Your feet will gradually adapt.
It probably took me about 6 months to get strong enough to run comfortably on all local trails.
What he said. ^ ;)
When it started getting painful I only did a short trail section and stopped.
Returned next week and added a bit more.
Your feet will gradually adapt.
It probably took me about 6 months to get strong enough to run comfortably on all local trails.

You mean: painful for your feet's sole, or painful for your muscles? Because I think that after a year of running barefoot or minimal your muscles should be adapted, shouldn't they?
You mean: painful for your feet's sole, or painful for your muscles? Because I think that after a year of running barefoot or minimal your muscles should be adapted, shouldn't they?
Quite right. By painful I meant sole tenderness when running on the trail debris.
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No, not so sensible. Only my toes are sensitive. I have only two little blisters (5mm diameters). No blisters on the ball of the foot, so I think that my toes have to adapt to this new kind of running. Consider that I started my running transition only 2 weeks ago :D I'm walking barefoot or minimal since November, but I'm running barefoot only in the last two weeks.
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Ciao Riccardo,

mi chiamo Stefano, ho quasi 54 anni e vivo a Lido di Camaiore (LU). Ovviamente corro scalzo. O meglio, corricchio.

Che ne dici se proviamo a unire le forze per fondare una comunità di barefooter italiani, che faccia capo al sito dell'amico Ken Bob?

Io nei giorni scorsi ho provato ad aprire un chapter dandogli nome Italy (e forse ci sono riuscito), ma devo ammettere che di informatica ne capisco assai poco.

Rimango in attesa di un Tuo riscontro per vedere cosa possiamo fare insieme.

Un caro saluto,


P.S. - Quanto al correr scalzo, agli inizi le vesciche -che in Toscana si chiamano galle- sono un male necessario. Non arrenderTi e tra un paio di mesi non te le ricorderai nemmeno.
Ciao Riccardo,

mi chiamo Stefano, ho quasi 54 anni e vivo a Lido di Camaiore (LU). Ovviamente corro scalzo. O meglio, corricchio.

Che ne dici se proviamo a unire le forze per fondare una comunità di barefooter italiani, che faccia capo al sito dell'amico Ken Bob?

Io nei giorni scorsi ho provato ad aprire un chapter dandogli nome Italy (e forse ci sono riuscito), ma devo ammettere che di informatica ne capisco assai poco.

Rimango in attesa di un Tuo riscontro per vedere cosa possiamo fare insieme.

Un caro saluto,


P.S. - Quanto al correr scalzo, agli inizi le vesciche -che in Toscana si chiamano galle- sono un male necessario. Non arrenderTi e tra un paio di mesi non te le ricorderai nemmeno.
Stefano, are you saying you wish to start a Italy Chapter with the BRS?
Deat TJ,
I did it a couple of days ago, but I just opened it. I'm not so skilled and able to take care of it by myself. my feeling with pcs and latest technologies is not so high.
That's why I wrote to Nerevar, just to let italian baefooters, who visit this site, to meet and help each other trying to become a community.
What about the idea? Do you mind it?
Deat TJ,
I did it a couple of days ago, but I just opened it. I'm not so skilled and able to take care of it by myself. my feeling with pcs and latest technologies is not so high.
That's why I wrote to Nerevar, just to let italian baefooters, who visit this site, to meet and help each other trying to become a community.
What about the idea? Do you mind it?
I'm not sure that I understand. You created a chapter somewhere else? What's the link to it?
Welcome Riccardo

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