Formatting and image button problem

I have changed the name of

I have changed the name of this thread, so I can find it later should I have to search for it. Thanks.
i was thinking something

i was thinking something along the same lines as Dune - why not give us buttons in the non-rich section? like bold, italics, IMG, link etc... and i dont need any complex stuff, why not something that just asks for the IMG http address and then inserts it in the html? same thing for the link, it can ask for http and what you want to call it then it just inserts it.

...that and make the enter button work :)

@Dune - is the "" what you are talking about? i will have to try that.
That's not something I can

That's not something I can just click to enable. We'd have to hire someone who writes code. Right now, we have other priorities that need to be handled first. Perhaps we can put this on our Like to Have list for the future.
I know typing a few extra

I know typing a few extra characters to make bold text seems tedious... but when I think of it I'm reminded of the Star Trek movie where they went back in time to save the whales and Scotty discovers he has to actually type what he wants instead of merely speaking to the computer and says "How quaint!"

If you don't do it on a regular basis even typing http://www every time you want to go to a site can get to be quite tedious; whereas if you do it all the time, it becomes just something you do. I mentioned before that I remember having to type everything from the command line when I was young. There was no option. Everything required the C prompt. It was the tape drives that made you want to slit your wrists! Waiting five minutes (or twenty five minutes!?!) for your program to load with absolutely NO guarantee it would work, and then have to do it again for the fifth time! Oy!! Makes me want to bash my head into a wall just remembering the good old days. Did I mention I was insanely jealous of Matthew Broderick's character in War Games because he had a floppy disk drive, a phone modem, and a speaker (and program) to allow his computer to speak? I felt like Fred Flintstone! :Sp

The only thing that could possibly get me to take umbrage with keystroked alterations to text would be if you type everything in the way it's supposed to be, but it comes out looking like the mish mash you just typed.. no bold, no italics, just a mess. I see that all the time on other sites.. like when smileys don't work ;-)

So far I've never seen that problem here... I was just showing what would set me off IF it ever happened |(

John T.
I hear ya!  I actually do

I hear ya! I actually do miss the days of old. I still have my first computer upstairs, a Radio Shack Tandy 1000HX. I have the Deskmate software that came with it too, and it still boots up and works! Yeah! You go monochrome! One floppy disk drive, so you had to do a disk swap everytime you wanted to copy something, an actual 3-1/2 incher, none of that 5-1/4 inch crap for me! Still, nothing as badass as the 8 INCH DISKETTES we used to deal with at work. Those monsters were insane!