First barefoot run of the season


Apr 29, 2011
New Hampshire
3 miles and my feet feel great! It was a great day for it--high of 74 but 67 when I ran--record breaking temps in NH. Have only run in huaraches or Stems since October.
I did do occasional gravel bucket training over the winter--10 to 30 minutes every week or two. This was in small pea stone gravel. My pads were starting to feel a bit thinner so I switched to large sharp gravel for my last session. I only did 5 minutes of standing about but my foot pads really seemed to respond with more thickness. I didn't try to quantify that though so it could be my imagination.
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Try avoiding to be a "seasonal" barefoot runner. During the winter months get out there at least once a week, even if it's for a mile and run barefoot. I made a gravel bucket for sh*ts and g*ggles awhile ago, I never used it. Personally I don't believe a gravel bucket can simulate real conditions, that's just me.

Here is a good video about gravel bucket training:
Ah, I neglected to mention the Reynaud's, which keeps me from being BF (or from wanting to be BF) in the colder months. I do get a little jealous of those who can run in the cold or those who don't have cold, but min shoes and the occasional gravel bucket seems like the next best thing
wow...that looks intense!
...and somewhat obnoxious (noise wise). I think my wife would be less than receptive to me doing this in the living room! lol
That's Todd, and he actually trained in those buckets, then set the Guinness world record for the longest barefoot run at 102.65 miles.
That's Todd, and he actually trained in those buckets, then set the Guinness world record for the longest barefoot run at 102.65 miles.
Well I guess that lends legitimacy to his intensity then doesn't it =)
I had my first big barefoot run the other day too! I've spent the long COLD winter in Soft Star RunAmoc moccasins. In Colorado we actually got heaps of snow & lots of bitter wind (strangely my home state of Michigan didn't really get winter this year?)
Anyway, if anyone experiences terrible calf and ankle soreness do not fear. My muscles were shredded the first few barefoot runs of the season, despite training and running a successful minimalist half marathon in February. It's very weird how the skin gets your legs to wake up and do different things. Even just walking barefoot these days has had me limping out of bed in the mornings, like I'm lifting weights with my feet and calves again. I guess I've gotten sloppy in my shoes.
Also something I've noticed about the soles of my feet - despite being in shoes all winter I straight up did a 4-miler on my first barefoot run of the season and they were fine. Good form is more important than tough soles, IMHO.

Good to be back on the forums! Sorry I disappeared. Unemployment & life change will do that to a person. :rolleyes:
But you're back in the game now! :barefoot:

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