Finding a new place (or Troubles in Paradise)


Feb 24, 2011
Okay, this doesn't have much to do with running...I'm probably just going to be venting. So if you don't want to hear it, then skip this for your own sanity...hahaha.

Before I moved out here for graduate school I asked my friend (who just happens to be my ex of 5 years) if he was 100% sure we would be roommates out here. I was not going to really be having any income to speak of for the next five years, so I needed his assistance to ensure that I could get through graduate school fairly debt free. Since I had paid the rent and, later, the mortgage for the five years we were together, I figured that this would not be too much to ask. I would pay utilities and groceries and do more of the housework. He said it would be fine and told me not to worry about it.

Now that I'm here, 2 1/2 months later, he has decided that he wants to live alone. SON OF A BITCH!!! So now I still have the house in Tucson that I am trying to rent. The rental place told me that they usually rent within 30 days. It has now been over 80. Oh, and I just got an email from them yesterday. After 30 years in business, they are filing for bankruptcy. This, the day after my roommate decides he doesn't want to honor his previous agreement. So now I have to pay for rent and utilities on my own, still paying for the place in Tucson (which even rented will be costing me money every month), and I will have no transportation. We only shipped over one vehicle as we knew that parking would be rough over here. I have told him that it will be sold and we will split the money. It should sell for a decent amount and we can both get a small vehicle. He was a bit pissed about that, but I paid for half of the vehicle and I'm not going to just let him take it without giving me some consideration in return. I didn't get my truck sold until a month ago. I could've shipped it out here if he had decided this BS earlier.

So the last couple of days I've been a complete spazz trying to find a place to live. I really didn't want to be doing this upon starting in a new city/state, starting a new job, and starting a new course of study. He seems to think that I'm being a bit bitchy over this. A bit?!?!? He's lucky he's not at the bottom of the ocean right now. I mean, I have enough saving to be able to last probably at least a year and a half...depending on how soon I can get a new property manager to take over and get my house rented. I also have a decent amount in my 401k that I can borrow against that should...I say should...allow me to finish the remaining 3 to 3 1/2 years without taking on student loan debt. But I am just super pissed right now because I asked him specifically about this before accepting the offer to come out here.

Anyway, if you have managed to read through this, thanks and I apologize. I just needed to vent somewhere. Beers anyone? haha.
I did a decent 3.7 mile run yesterday. I am doing a 14 mile run tomorrow. It will be interesting to see how that works.
sue for breach of contract? if you want to go that long, drawn out route.
Sorry to hear that, man - remember: Sometimes, ex'es are ex'es for a reason...go for a long run, then try to go with the flow...Hunter S. Thompson once said "All energy flows according to the whims of the Great Magnet. What a fool I was to defy Him." Things will sort themselves out.

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