Felt like I hit my limit last night.

Shaun Mac

Aug 12, 2011
Went to do a run last evening. 31 deg. F. 15-20 mph NW winds, right at sunset.

Put on my Underarmor cold gear tights, my Zensah calf sleeves (for warmth, not support) my running shorts, merino wool base layer, long sleeve BRS shirt, fleece vest, stocking hat, and took off.

Chip seal just hurts so much more when it's cold, I did two laps around town 1.8 miles per lap, so a 3.6 mile total run. Each lap has about a .8 mile section where the chip seal is especially rough, I can handle it pretty well when it's warm but last night it stung bad, my cold feet had bad ground feel, and took the first lap to warm up, my toes never did in the wind. 2nd lap was pretty much in the dark.

It was weird, when I would get to the 3 block section of new smooth aphalt it was like an instant warming sensation, my feet stopped stinging and felt warmer, then I would go from that to the real rough section and it was like "bam!" slow down, try to focus on form. Toe lift went out the window apparently, got some scuffage on 2 toes. Did step on one little tiny rock with 3 blocks to go that drew a little blood. The only thing good was that on the "normal" chip seal my pace picked right back up, and even though I whined some, I was able to do the whole run, but that windy 31 deg. felt cold on the toes.
yeah our feet are a little

yeah our feet are a little more sensitive in the cold apparently. I've had the same experience where the rough roads I love in the summer are brutal tools of pain and suffering in november... ;)
Very normal.  You'll learn to

Very normal. You'll learn to get through it. By the end of winter, you will be amazed at what you can traverse.

What really warmed you up there though was that BRS shirt! Hee!
I'm experiecing the same

I'm experiecing the same thing. I'm glad it's normal. At first I thought I was just being a wuss. I'm glad it will eventually become tolerable until the spring. I plan on sticking to the coldweather runs outside. Only using the dreadmill on cold AND wet days.