Does anyone else write?


Feb 24, 2011
I'm just curious if there are any other budding writers or some that are already published. I have written here and there, but never had anything published. I have had been told a few times that I should try to get a book published, but that just seems to take so much time. haha. Of course, the way things are looking for me with the roommate and my house in AZ, I am thinking that I'm going to have to get something published just to make it through school. LOL. I tend to write more along the lines of sci-fi and fantasy. I have an entire series plotted out. Just finding the time to actually sit down and write is where I fall short. I might make October "write a novel month". hahaha. Anyone else want to join? We can swap some writing and pre-edit before sending it to a few publishers. hehe
I've dabbled at it, and tried to get some poetry published a million years ago, in college (I'm old). My undergrad advisor tried to get me to seek publication of my thesis, but I knew I wasn't going to pursue my masters in the same field and was moving cross country at the time so I didn't. I tried my hand at playwrighting in a couple collaborations, but both were frustrating. Two people with strong creative visions trying to compromise is tough. I still have an ongoing haiku battle with a friend, in which we send haiku to the other in attempt to top one another. It's goofy, but keeps me sharp(er than I would be if i didn't).

I enjoy writing, and have channeled that into my blog (shameless plug: I find I enjoy writing in an essay/rant/personal narrative format more than others these days and the blog is perfect for that. I would really like to update it more frequently and I need to be a better self-editor (drafting one day, reviewing, editing, and revising the next before I hit the oh-so-easy-to-click publish button). As my schedule becomes more routine this fall I intend to.
Nothing serious. Just poetry. I had this one published in a collection of college poetry:

Wanna hear it?

Here it goes...


I looked into his little eyes
And he said let me live or let me die
The clock was ticking

My poverty was causing his pain
I thought of drowning him in the pool of my shame
And the clock kept ticking

His cries and screams kept piercing my veins
I was virtually going insane
But the clock kept ticking

Every minute counted and it was all up to me
When I suddenly realized sacrifice was a beautiful thing
And the clock stopped ticking

So whatcha think?