Do you listen to music? In the you use a light?


Chapter Presidents
May 19, 2011
Well, I've been running for 2 1/2 mo now, thanks to minimalist footwear and my bare feet! Still no joint problems! Now that it's summer in Texas, I've taken to running in the AM or at night. That brings me to a couple of questions for you experience people. Since what you don't hear and don't see CAN hurt you...

1) Do you listen to music? If you do, what sort of head phones do you use? I haven't listened to music my last 2 runs and I can't decide which I like better...

2) If you run in the dark, do you use a cap light or something similar? What have you tried that works well at keeping you "sole side down"??

Incidentally, my wife and I are running a 5K sat in Plano, called the Firefly. It starts at 9, when it's good and dark and we all got black shirts and 2 led constant or flashing arm bands. This should look really cool or really crazy to passers by!

I prefer not listening to

I prefer not listening to music. If I'm not too motivated but still want to run I will listen to podcasts, it puts me in the right mood. I like This American Life, Studio 360, Fesh Air, and a friend recommended the Moth but I didn't listen to it yet.

I use an iPod shuffle with the earphones it came with. They get sweaty but usually stay on.

When I run at night we have enough street lights in our area to see or guess most obstacles. I've read that some people wear headlamps around their waist or ankles. You want the light to be low to see texture better. I'm wondering if the LED constant light would fit on your ankle and give you enough light? That would look cool.
I decided to leave the iPod

I decided to leave the iPod at home for the first threeish months of my transition to make sure I was more aware of what was going on around me. I don't really know now what made me decide I was ready to start using it again, but at this point, I think there are some days where it really helps distract me from overanalyzing my form and such. I can get in the zone and just go, and I only think about adjusting footfall, keeping knees high, etc. if something starts to ache. On the other hand, those few months without music also helped me realize that I don't need the music like I thought I did. Sure, it's a lot of fun to blare the latest Britney album (don't judge me!! :p), but some days I just need a bit of time to clear my head, and then it's really nice just to take off and go without.

As for running in the dark, I haven't done it enough yet to be able to say for sure, but I'm inclined to say that if were were street lamps on my route, I wouldn't bother.
When I ran shod, I always

When I ran shod, I always listened to music, but when I started running BF I stopped. The other day I turned the music on and had the best run of my BF career. I don't know whether I'll do it all the time, but it definitely distracted me from counting, paying attention to my form, etc. Everything just felt great!

We have a lot of street lights in our neighborhood so running in the dark isn't really an issue for me. I've considered doing a night time trail run using a head lamp but so far I've chickened out every time. It just doesn't seem like enough light for me to feel comfortable doing it unless I'm in VFFs or something.
Sad to say, but most of what

Sad to say, but most of what "fits" in my life has to smack with ease of accessability, or it gets squeazed out. Trails are something that will have to sit on the "guilty pleasure" shelf to be done on weekends I don't have the kids in a location I travel to.

I paid close attention to my form for the first mile or so last night, but after that, I actually enjoyed the sounds of the frogs, cars, the wind, my breathing, the solitude, etc and sorta got lost in it. I can honestly, but sadly, say, that was the first time I really ran for the fun of being on the run. Since going to the VFFs and barefoot, I've found running "fun", but it was still getting to the end to see if there was any pain that motivated me...this was different. I think that's why I'm undecided if I want music or not, but I'll probably flip flop. Sometimes it's fun to be driven by the music. I don't listen to headphones when I lift weights either.

I think, for now, the headphones will stay off. I actually got some head phones with the soft rubber covers that come in 3 sizes to pick the right ones that fit your "hears holes" be quite frank, they sucked ass! It was like listening to the radio on low with the windows down in the car while driving down the highway! There was so much wind noise being picked up, I took them off after a total of maybe 3min. I guess I found out I like running without the music by accident, but I'd still like the option.

Our neighborhood usually seems very well lit, but I changed my rout. One section I hit was along a main road, but there were few cars, and it was dark with trees, ruts and no side walk when there were no headlights. I managed to pick through it, and that was it's own sort of fun, but it was hard to see there. I figured something like a head band with a small but bright LED, like my phone's camera flash - flashlight ap, would come in handy. Someone at work mentioned glasses with lights on them. Supose if they were reasonably priced and light, that could work.

Thanks for the replies y'all!

After I shed the shoes, I

After I shed the shoes, I began shedding everything else to. There went the MP3 player, the waist hydration belt, the HRM, the GPS. I'm sure the desire to shed the nonsense goes back to the core of our primal being. It's not just about running naturally with the feet but running naturally with the whole body, the mind.

I find myself running in the dark a lot without a light due to poor planning on my part, laziness, or maybe more of that primalistic nature. In the beginning, I used to make a point of carrying some light device with me, but these past couple of years, I just run with the dark.
I quit using headphones once

I quit using headphones once I ditched my shoes. Also it is safer for me because I do 98% sidewalk and side of the road running, so no music lets me hear for cars and bikers.

I have used my handheld flashlight before on a night run. I want to get a headlamp for the future.
dmcchesney wrote:I quit

dmcchesney said:
I quit using headphones once I ditched my shoes. Also it is safer for me because I do 98% sidewalk and side of the road running, so no music lets me hear for cars and bikers.

I have used my handheld flashlight before on a night run. I want to get a headlamp for the future.

Yeah, let me know if you find a nice light compact one. The ones I've seen look like a mini flashlight attached to a halo system for your noggin! One even has a batter pack around the back side.

I stopped listening to

I stopped listening to music while running 10 years ago, best thing I ever did. Music ruins the essence of the run. I am a huge fan of music as well, but running should be more about nature, your surroundings, and your body.

As far as running barefoot in the dark, I do it all the time. Some roads have street lamps some dont, it's risky at times, but I enjoy it. Right now the sun starts to come out at 5:00am which is when I start my runs, spring/summer is great. Winter time i am running in complete darkness, with no lights on me.
dmcchesney wrote:I was

dmcchesney said:

One for the front and one for the back?

Here are some fairly inexpensive options I've found so far...may give them a try:

Brighter one?

LL Bean hat:

These you could clip on wrist bands or something...

This one is like yours, same co:

Nicer version in grey:

Those are the best ones for light and inexpensive that I found so far. I'll probably narrow it down and pick a head band one and a cap...

You can also use the head

You can also use the head lamps around your waist, just loosen the strap all the way out. Since the light is closer to the ground, you will see better.
I stopped running with ear

I stopped running with ear buds or music because I did poorly with form with it. I like to keep them off now to hear the critters in the woods around me. Lots af rodents!
I haven't looked for a head

I haven't looked for a head lamp yet. Since I'm in Houston, TX, I do a lot of early morning running, but my streets are well lit, so no worries there.

I've also moved to Branca sandals instead of completely barefoot. There is a parking lot behind my house that can give me about a 1/3 mile loop of smooth concrete, but the actual streets are really rough and were tearing up my tootsies. Maybe I should have stuck with it, but I'm impatient to rebuild. Did a marathon on New Years Day and decided not long after that following my break, I'd rebuild without shoes. I took a couple months off to let my totally pissed-off right knee and hip calm down, and I've had no joint issues since. Up to 2 1/2 miles now. I'm 50.

As for the music, I LOVE running to music! I have a mix tape of soundtracks and etc that a running buddy on another running board made - so much cool stuff - Lord of the Rings, Superman, Fanfare for the Common Man, 2001:Space Odyssey and, of course, Rocky! I was running into the sunrise once when Rocky was playing - so awesome!

But lately, I've been running without a watch. Only thing I wish I had it for is to make sure my heart rate isn't too high in this heat. I also always wear my reflective wrist band with my name and info in it. Don't want to fall out and have no one know who the heck I am or how to call my husband.

Would be happy to pass along that mix if anyone wants it.
Jonny as a guy who works with

Jonny as a guy who works with LEDs, I can say that you do not want to go cheap on them. Those hat lights are pretty useless and won't help at all. Also you want a rechargeable one that will last you >30 hrs on high power so you know you have a huge battery in there.
I used to run listening to my

I used to run listening to my ipod. About a month ago i tried chi running and ditched the ipod in favor of a metronome. Whjen I run at night I run in areas that have enough light that I don't normally need a carryable light.
No music for me.  Most of

No music for me. Most of what I like has a tempo of 120-170 bpm. The beat throws off my cadance (200).

Running in the dark is wonderfu without a lamp. It is amazing how much your eyes adjust to the darkness. You have to know the route you are running, however. A moonless night in a forest is not a good idea.

You'll be able to see any large objects. Small objects, like glass or pebbles, you will likely miss, even with a good headlamp. You'd have to flood the area with light to see them.

My night runs, usually in the winter, I do on my "home stretch". I am usually there enough in the daytime to notice whether something new (a new broken bottle) has appeared. For the rest, well, that's just part of the risks of life.


I did not read every one of

I did not read every one of the responses so I might repeat something

1) Do you listen to music? If you do, what sort of head phones do you use? I haven't listened to music my last 2 runs and I can't decide which I like better...

Yes I listen to music sometimes, and sometimes I listen to audiobooks and sometimes I listen to nothing. It just depends on my mood. I use Sennheiser PMX80 headphones and found them to be the best. THey are comfortable, last several years and are reasonably prices for the amazing sound they produce. They are also sweatproof.

2) If you run in the dark, do you use a cap light or something similar? What have you tried that works well at keeping you "sole side down"??

I prefer a headlamp but also have an LED handheld for trails to I can shine it around. The headlamp is a Black Diamond Icon Headlamp I used for mountaineering and it works great for long runs. It has a 6 different light brightnesses and combinations with the brightest being a 3 watt LED. Battery life ranges from about 4-12 hours. the newer lights have 7 settings and 3 vs 2 batteries for even longer life, 145 hours on the low setting. VERY BRIGHT!
I agree with Paleo! I'm a

I agree with Paleo! I'm a real music head, but most of the music I listen to is sooooooo off my pace that it messes me up. The more I run in silence or with a podcast or news, the better my body feels after the run. I've gotten some of my worst blisters listening to lady gaga and sprinting everywhere for 3 miles. Hahahah.
Thanks for the responses,

Thanks for the responses, y'all! I like the idea of listening to a book on tape or something like that. Maybe I can learn a foreign language while I run, or something...once the form is second nature to me. Scooter, I'm def going to check out those head phones. My work out partner uses something similar, but his connects wirelessly via blue tooth or something.

For now, I like running without headphones or my iPod around my forearm (band/holder I have won't fit on my upper arm without cutting off circulation). I'm definitely going to carry water with me, either in a bottle or a belt. It's crazy not to when you run in Texas! I saw someone running in a headlight with a red blinking light at the back of the head this morning and I just kept thinking of Men in Black with those 2 people riding the tandum bike with the lights all over them and I think I'll stick to sidewalks in the neighborhood for now, so I don't have to worry about charging batteries or anything on my head. I may change my mind later on if I'm putting in some long miles in the dead of night.


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