Crazy? Nah.


Apr 5, 2011
So, I introduced myself in Abide's thread the other day, but I kind of wanted to share my little story just for kicks as well.

I'm 19, from Pittsburgh, PA and haven't ever been a strict runner. I played ultimate frisbee for years in highschool and in leagues during the summer, but couldn't ever get into running just for the sake of running. I tried several times over the years to get into it, but would always end up with week long periods of constant shin splints, knee pain associated with an old injury, and extreme foot discomfort. It didn't matter what shoes I wore when I ran, or how slowly I ran, I always had these problems.

So a week or so ago, maybe two now (time's a blur) my friend postulated that perhaps humans aren't meant to be running in shoes during one of our philosophical conversations during a game of super smash brothers (N64 of course). This got me to thinking, and then researching. I stumbled upon this website, as well as Ken Bob's, and a few others, and then later that day I gave BFR a shot.

I told my parents what I was doing, they called me crazy, yelled at me about glass and heroin needles, but to no avail. I busted out of the door full of energy and reckless bravado, walked into the street wincing at all the tiny little stones at the end of my driveway, started to feel some doubt as I tip toed around a bunch of broken glass, then said "screw it, let's do this" and started running. Went a mile, got back, looked at my feet, noticed that nothing was wrong with them except some burning sensations, and was hooked.

I've been out a bunch of times now, I'm up to 2 miles at a decent feeling pace. My parents still think I'm crazy, but I don't really care that much. My feet feel fine (except for a tiny little blister), and no pain in any muscles or joints!

My favorite thing I've run on so far is painted cement (like for crosswalks and stuff) because it's soft and cool and awesome. I got to run through a bunch of puddles like a kid too, that was also awesome. The worst thing I've run on was some grass with a lot of mysteriously sharp things in it, but even that was really interesting.

Races in the future? Who knows? Right now I'm just enjoying the flavors of different surfaces, the relief of puddles, and the odd stares of people who think I'm crazy.

Also, I'd just like to thank all you people on these forums for the knowledge that let me get a good start at my new favorite past time (other than playing guitar and frisbee). Sorry if the post was too long, but it's too late.
That's sweet congrats and

That's sweet congrats and welcome! Your story is great.

Even tho I HATE the Pens, I won't hold that against you :p lol I'm from Michigan so I'm a Wings fan!
Abide -  Yeah, life is all

Abide - Yeah, life is all about doing new things at the drop of a hat.

And I'm sure we can get along Wings fan, I cheer for the underdog no matter what team it is. Might as well, there's only like 2 people actually from Pittsburgh on the Penguins team anyway :lol:.
Great story! It's awesome

Great story! It's awesome that you experience and enjoy all the different textures. It make the journey more interesting than the destination.
StratGreat story. The moment


Great story. The moment people discover their feet are not flawed are fascinating events. I know I remember my moment in great detail.

Have fun with it and build up your barefoot actives slowly.
That just warms my little

That just warms my little fuzzy heart. :)
Nothing like a cool  grocery

Nothing like a cool grocery store floor on a hot summer day, most of time if you're just shopping, you don't run into alot of debris. Unless you are on trails ( my personal favorite! Barefoot hiking ) just a thought. Feet may get a little black on the bottoms, but that's a badge of honor haha!
Dude, we need to get

Dude, we need to get together.... guitar, frisbee (I play disc golf... same vein), barefoot running... AND you're crazy. My kinda guy. I'm up to 2 miles now, too.

BTW, your story could just as easily been mine (which I've yet to share in the Intro thread), except substitute "wife" for "parents."
Strat - Good to meet you! And

Strat - Good to meet you! And just so you know... parents are supposed to think you're crazy. That's their job. Just like its your job to prove them wrong. Well, at least that's the way its been with me.

Oh... and the lines in the road... awwwwyeah. Love it. Next to mud its my favorite.
Strat1015 wrote:Gkikas what

Strat1015 said:
Gkikas what kind of music do you like to play dude? I stick to blues because it's too much fun to play.

Sorry for the delay... I play mostly electric Texas gonzo overdrive double rockabilly jump blues ska reggae.

This is me playin' some blues -
Very nice, Gkikas.  My son

Very nice, Gkikas. My son plays guitar. He takes lessons. He's 8. He loves it.
Welcome Strat!   Your parents

Welcome Strat! Your parents think you're crazy. You think they don't know what's going on. Everybody tends toward the middle by and by. Good for you! There are lots of newbie runners here and some aren't old farts like me. It IS avery good sort of place, I believe.

Run well! and enjoy the "burn" as you call it. It's your feet waking up.
It's nice to see a fellow

It's nice to see a fellow Pittsburgher who sees the light..

I go to the University of Pittsburgh, and I stick out like a hairy pu**y on campus.

What area you live in? I challenge you to a Schenley Park barefoot run!

Gkikas -  Nice blues dude,

Gkikas - Nice blues dude, how long have you been playing? I've got just over a year and a half under my belt, only missing a few days here and there. Hopefully starting a little band this summer with some friends. Your video reminds me that I need to get a tube amp.

Joe- I went to Pitt last semester! I ran out of money though, so now I go to CCAC over in Boyce. I live in Turtle Creek right next to Monroeville. We'll definitely have to race in Schenley sooner or later this summer. I have to get a vehicle of some sort though, so I'll let you know. Pittsburgh native?

Sorry for the late reply, been busy writing papers and such for finals week. And also running around barefoot a lot.

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