CootCraig from Pueblo, CO. USA (new runner)


May 11, 2011

I'm 58 years old and would like to start running for enjoyment and health. I recently learned of the book "Born to Run" and found the Google group: Minimalist Runner - Barefoot, Sandals, Shoes

This is the first time I've thought that running might be something to enjoy.

Today I built a pair of Invisible Shoes huaraches and ran 3 blocks out and 3 blocks back. A week ago I started about 6 blocks a day barefoot. I will get Barefoot Ted's book shortly

In summary, I'm a beginner who hopes to build up slowly and avoid the dreaded "Too much too soon".
Welcome, Craig! A lot of us

Welcome, Craig! A lot of us here were inspired by Born to Run, so you're in good company (if I do say so myself! :p)!

Just one tip for starting out: Try to run purely bf as much as possible in the beginning. I know the huaraches are a lot of fun, but there's really nothing like listening to your own skin to know when to stop and avoid TMTS! Maybe leave the huaraches for when you're out and about in public, at least for the first couple months.

Also, don't think that your lack of running experience is a bad thing! In this case, it's actually what may save you from a lot of injuries that "runners" who switch to bf often experience in the beginning. You get to start off learning to enjoy the sport, rather that being constantly nagged by that little voice saying, You used to be faster. You used to run further. That voice is the cause of so many TMTS woes...

So anyway, have fun with this new and awesome sport! Glad you're here! :)
Barfuß Chelsea

Barfuß Chelsea said:
Welcome, Craig! A lot of us here were inspired by Born to Run, so you're in good company (if I do say so myself! :p)!

Just one tip for starting out: Try to run purely bf as much as possible in the beginning. I know the huaraches are a lot of fun, but there's really nothing like listening to your own skin to know when to stop and avoid TMTS! Maybe leave the huaraches for when you're out and about in public, at least for the first couple months.

Yes, I noticed right away that the huaraches removed unpleasant sensations. I will ramp up barefoot running with care and carry the sandals for walking.

Barfuß Chelsea said:
Also, don't think that your lack of running experience is a bad thing! In this case, it's actually what may save you from a lot of injuries that "runners" who switch to bf often experience in the beginning. You get to start off learning to enjoy the sport, rather that being constantly nagged by that little voice saying, You used to be faster. You used to run further. That voice is the cause of so many TMTS woes...

I commonly remark on how miserable the average street runners look and thought I would rather be happy than run. The miminalist running stuff I've read makes me think running can be fun.

FWIW, I've hated wearing shoes my whole life and wear ratty old camp moccasin slippers as much as I can get away with.
Welcome, Coot!  Glad you are

Welcome, Coot! Glad you are having fun with it.
Welcome, Craig.  Sounds like

Welcome, Craig. Sounds like you've got a good plan, a good head on your shoulders, and a great new fitness plan for life ahead of you. Just stay away from the "irrational exuberance" that could produce TMTS injuries, and you'll be fine. Enjoy!
I am a tenderfoot.  I did a

I am a tenderfoot. I did a short trail hike from Altadena, CA on 5/13. Also did some walking on LA area beaches. No visible blisters or sores, but some soreness, raw feeling in the front footpad. I will minimize my walking until at least Saturday. I walked barefoot just a sort distance on the beach, otherwise wore 4mm Cherry huaraches or camp mocassins.

Looking forward to getting Barefoot Ken Bob's book.
I like that you are starting

I like that you are starting to run barefoot yet have no running experience. Perfect!
 Hopefully my first 3 months

Hopefully my first 3 months will be uneventful. I have Barefoot Ken Bob's book on the way and I've printed out the "Lose the Shoes" plan from Barefoot Running University. I already spend a lot of time barefoot and walking in moccasin slippers so I'm starting with stages 2/3 from "Lose the Shoes" plan.

Running in place, and short distances on smooth sidewalks 3 times a week.

Patience, patience.

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