Concurrent Strength & Endurance Training 2018: Cycle II

Bare Lee

Jul 25, 2011
Saint Paul
The basic plan is the same, except this cycle I will prioritize aerobic and mobility over lifting. I think as I age, these fitness components are at least as important as maintaining some semblance of strength. The aerobic component, of course, is crucial to cardio-vascular health, the single most important health/fitness indicator. I can also feel my body slowly stiffening, so I need to get serious about the mobility component as well. Plus, I think more mobility work will help me ward of the recent niggles I've experienced while lifting.

So, for Aerobic, I will continue to try to ride my bike 30 minutes a day, first thing in the morning, and perhaps try to get in a longer bike ride once a week on the weekends, or whenever the weather is most clement. I was able to get in four rides during the last week of Cycle I, so I think I'm primed and committed to waking up in the dark and cold and saddling up for 4-5 miles. It definitely makes the coffee taste that much better afterwards.

For Mobility, I will try to work that in sometime during the day, or at the end of my biking and/or lifting, using half-understood yoga routines, or somersaults or other "groundwork" as Dan John recommends. The centerpiece, as always, for me, is the hamstring stretch. When the hammies are limber, everything else seems to fall into place.

For Lifting, I'll continue to try to do my six main lifts on a Push-Pull split:

Push: Squat, Overhead Press, Bench Press
Pull: Deadlift, Row, Pulldown/Chinup

using my Iron Ratio, which is based on my Squat:

Squat = 1
Deadlift = 1.15
Bench Press = .75
Row = .6
Overhead Press = .5
Pulldown = ?

I will also continue with my microloading protocol, adding one pound to my Squat 1RM every iteration of the Push-Pull split until the rate of increase becomes too hard or too easy. So the formulas in my Exel workset are pretty simple:

Squat 1RM + 1 lb x 1 x 90% = 3 x 3 for the Squat sets x reps
Squat 1RM + 1 lb x 1.15 x 90% = 3 x 3 for the Deadlift sets x reps, or, x 95% = 4 x 2
Squat 1RM + 1 lb x .75 x 85% = 3 x 5 for the Bench Press,
Squat 1RM + 1 lb x .5 x 85% = 3 x 5 for the Overhead Press,
Squat 1RM + 1 lb x .6 x 85% = 3 x 5 for the Pendlay Row

Upper body lifts will be done 3 x 5 @ 85% 1RM, and the Squats and Deadlifts 3 x 3 @ 90% 1RM.

For Conditioning, I'll try to do 10-15 minutes of sled work on Push days, and either a rope pull or HIIT on my rower on my Pull days.

Since I effectively took the last four weeks of Cycle I off, I will spend the first few weeks of this cycle building back up to a decent base. I'll do this by starting off at 185 for the squat, and then add 10 pounds per workout until I reach 235 at the end of Week 2. After that I'll start microloading. The loads will probably feel a little too easy and light for a while, but that's ok, as it will allow me to spend more of my mental and physical resources on getting the aerobic, mobility, and conditioning components up to par with the lifting. My lifting and aerobic fitness haven't been equals since I had to give up running a few years ago. Time to fix that.

Cycle II 2018.jpg

---------------Week 1: Cycle II---------------

Sunday, 18.02.25

Monday, 18.02.26

Tuesday, 18.02.27
4.5 mi Bike Ride, 1 mi Commute.

I'm not sure, but after week of riding every 2-3 days, I think I noticed a slight increase in aerobic fitness--the cycling seemed a little easier.

Lifting: Push
SQ: 2 x 3 @ 185

Wednesday, 18.02.28
DL: 3 x 3 @ 185
Rw: 3 x 5 @ 135

Thursday, 18.03.01
SQ: 3 x 3 @ 195

Friday, 18.03.02
DL: 3 x 3 @ 225

Aerobic: 42 mins Rowing

Saturday, 18.03.03
4.5 mi Bike Ride, 1 mi Commute.

Ice breaking--the wire in our drain that's supposed to keep it free of ice dams wasn't plugged in, and got frozen into the ice after the last big storm. Had a lot of fun playing with ice and water with my son.

---------------Week 2: Cycle II---------------

Sunday, 18.03.04
More ice breaking, then a one mile trip to the store with my son on our bikes.

Monday, 18.03.05
4.5 mi Bike Ride, 1 mi Commute.

Tuesday, 18.03.06
Some sledding, got a slight Charlie Horse in my right leg. Oh brother.

Wednesday, 18.03.07
4.5 mi Bike Ride, 1 mi Bike Commute.

OK, I think that's it for the 'Push/Pull split & aerobic every morning' program. I'm going to try my EOD approach again. It's always worked in the past. I know a little of both lifting and biking everyday is probably optimal, but I just can't motivate consistently for it. Meanwhile, I get more and more out of shape.

Thursday, 18.03.08

Friday, 18.03.09

Saturday, 18.03.10

---------------Week 3: Cycle II---------------

Sunday, 18.03.11

Monday, 18.03.12
SQ: 2 x 3 @ 185
BP: 2 x 5 @ 135
TKOP: 2 x 5 @ 95

OK, back on the bandwagon. I think I've decided to go back to my EOD routine, except I ran out of time and only did the Push lifts. Next lifting session, I'll try to get all six main lifts in. Felt good to lift again.

Tuesday, 18.03.13
2 mi, Bike Commute.

Feeling a little sore from the lifting on Monday, feels good.

Wednesday, 18.03.14

SQ: 3 x 3 @ 195
BP: 3 x 5 @ 140
DL: 3 x 3 @ 225
Rw: 3 x 5 @ 135

Ran out of time for the upper body vertical push/pull (OP & PD). But I like this order.

Thursday, 18.03.15
2 mi, Bike Commute.

Friday, 18.03.16
SQ: 3 x 3 @ 205
BP: 3 x 5 @ 145
TKOP: 2 x 5 @ 95

Hmnn, looks like I'm back on the Push/Pull split.

Saturday, 18.03.17
4.5 mi Bike Ride, 1 mi Bike Commute.

Lifting: Pull
SLDL: 3 x 3 @ 235
Rw: 3 x 5 @ 135
PD: 3 x 5 @ 150

Did the Deadlifts stiff-legged, to save on my knees a bit.

Tried Pulldowns for the first time since I replaced the pulleys with ones with ball bearings. Feels like they decreased resistance by 30 pounds or so.

---------------Week 4: Cycle II---------------

Sunday, 18.03.18
SQ: 3 x 3 @ 215
BP: 3 x 5 @ 155
TKOP: 2 x 5 @ 105

Aerobic: 3.1 mi evening bike ride with kids to fairgrounds and back. My son couldn't believe the huge, empty parking lot we were pedaling around in would become the Midway full of rides and games once the fair came to town again in late August.

Monday, 18.03.19
DL: 3 x 3 @ 245
Rw: 3 x 5 @ 135
PD: 3 x 5 @ 150

Got home a little before 6pm and really didn't feel like working out. So I told my wife to tell me I had to work out or else no dinner. Got it done in 15 minutes.

I must admit, I like these easier loads. We'll see what happens when I get to normal resistance. I may slow the pace of micro-increases way down. Keep things as easy as possible in order to maintain consistency even on off days, which seem to be increasing with age.

Tuesday, 18.03.20

Wednesday, 18.03.21

Thursday, 18.03.22

Friday, 18.03.23

Saturday, 18.03.24
SQ: 3 x 3 @ 225
BP: 3 x 5 @ 165

Aerobic: 3 mi bike commute

---------------Week 5: Cycle II---------------

Sunday, 18.03.25
DL: 3 x 3 @ 265
Rw: 3 x 5 @ 145

Monday, 18.03.26

Tuesday, 18.03.27

Wednesday, 18.03.28

Thursday, 18.03.29

Friday, 18.03.30

Saturday, 18.03.31
SQ: 1/2/2/2 @ 235

First time I used the belt in a while. Felt looser than the last time, so I guess I've lost a little weight.

---------------Week 6: Cycle II---------------

Sunday, 18.04.01
DL: 2 x 3 @ 275
Rw: 3 x 5 @ 145
PD: 3 x 5 @ 150

I skipped the last set of DLs, because last week when I did 265 I felt a little tightness in my glutes afterwards, the same spot that led to crippling pain a few years ago. I'll be sitting around 275 for a week or so now, so no hurry to get in three full sets. Next time.

Still experimenting with PD loads. 150 feels a little light, so I'll increase gradually until I find a good resistance. More and more, though, I'm viewing Rows and PDs as assistance, even though they work two of the six basic force/direction vectors--vertical and horizontal upper body pull.

Monday, 18.04.02
SQ: 3 x 3 @ 235
BP: 3 x 5 @ 165
TKOP: 2 x 5 @ 105

OK, made it up to my baseline load (235) for the squat without any niggles. Now it's time to microload yet again. The next goal is a 3RM Squat of 275, and a 3RM DL of 315. After that, I'll see if I want to stay pat, or keep pushing for new PRs. It's halfway tempting to stay pat at my current loads, as I really like it when the loads feel easy, but I guess that would get old pretty quick.

Tuesday, 18.04.03
Shoveled 8-10 inches of heavy snow from our biggish driveway and sidewalk. My lower back felt a bit fatigued, so I decided not to risk straining it with deadlifts.

Wednesday, 18.04.04
SQ: 3 x 3 @ 236

Had a beer with a friend before working out. Very demotivating. Skipped the presses.

Thursday, 18.04.05

Friday, 18.04.06

Saturday, 18.04.07

---------------Week 7: Cycle II---------------

Sunday, 18.04.08

Monday, 18.04.09

Tuesday, 18.04.10

Wednesday, 18.04.11

Thursday, 18.04.12

Friday, 18.04.13

Saturday, 18.04.14

---------------Week 8: Cycle II---------------

Sunday, 18.04.15
Lots of shoveling. 14" of snow.

Monday, 18.04.16

Tuesday, 18.04.17

Wednesday, 18.04.18
4.5 mi Bike Ride.

SQ: 2 x 3 @ 135
BP: 2 x 5 @ 135

Thursday, 18.04.19
RDL: 3 x 3 @ 225

A little priming for Cycle III.

Friday, 18.04.20

Saturday, 18.04.21
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Well this year has been a nice change in pace compared to last year from the lifting standpoint. Running on the other hand seems to be getting tougher as the year goes on. Therefore this cycle I am going to get more serious about losing some weight. I am going to start tracking weekly weight and calories on at least 5 of 7 days per week. I will try to target 3,000 calories during the week, like a 70/30 plan or something. Also limiting myself to one bottle of beer a night during the week. I should probably work on brewing lower alcohol beer to limit the calories per bottle then I can enjoy more than one occasionally. I prefer beers in the 6%+ range.

Some things coming up that I need to plan in:
Mar 31 - 42 mile fatass in the Lakes
May 5 - a week in Snowdonia
June 18 - Bike tour
June 29 - Wicklow way
Sep 22 - Snowdon 100

---------------Week 1: Cycle II---------------
Monday, 18.02.26

Deadlift - 5@90, 5@105, 8@120
TBDL - 5x10@87kgs

Bike commute - 35k

It's freezing and biking in it sucks. I read BL's complaints about it being 0 and I realized he meant 0f not 0c, -5c is awful, 0f would suck.

Tuesday, 18.02.27
Press - 5@40, 5@45, 10@55, 3x8,2x10@40
Farmers - 5x80m@87kgs

Bike commute-35k

Wednesday, 18.02.28
Run - 17k

Thursday, 18.03.01
Nada, decided to take a rest day. Was feeling pretty beat down today.

Friday, 18.03.02
Squats - 3@70, 3@80, 8@95, 5x10@60
Low Pulls - 5x10@70kgs

Bike Commute - 35k

Saturday, 18.03.03
Bench - 3@75, 3@85, 10@95, 5x10@60
Pull downs - 3x8@60

Run - 3 hours on hills in the Ardennes, I'm out of hill shape.

Volunteered at a favorite race of mine over the weekend. I have my eye on it for next year.

Sunday, 18.03.04
Not enough sleep.

---------------Week 2: Cycle II---------------
Monday, 18.03.05

Bike commute - 35k

Slept in today to catch up. Deadlifts tomorrow.

Tuesday, 18.03.06
DL - 3@100, 3@115, 8 @125
TBDL - 5x10@87

Bike Commute - 35k

Wednesday, 18.03.07
Run - 18k
Walk - 10k

Thursday, 18.03.08
Press - 3@40, 3@50, [email protected], 5x10@40
Farmers - 5x80m@87

Friday, 18.03.09
Bike Commute - 35k

Saturday, 18.03.10
Run - 3hrs
---------------Week 3: Cycle II---------------
Sunday, 18.03.11

Squats - 5@80, 3@90, 6@100, 5x10@60
Low Pulls - 5x10@80kgs

Monday, 18.03.12
Bench - 5@70, 3@85, 6@100, 5x10@60
Pull downs - 3x10@60

Tuesday, 18.03.13
Bike Commute - 35k

Wednesday, 18.03.14
DL - 5@100, 3@120, 6@140
TBDL - 5x10@87

Bike Commute - 35k

Thursday, 18.03.15
Press - 5@40, 3@50, 6@60, 5x10@40
Farmers - 5x80m@87

Bike Commute - 35k

Friday, 18.03.16
Run - 2 hours

Saturday, 18.03.17
Run - 2 hours, was meaning to go longer but it was freezing and I wasn't dressed appropriately.

---------------Week 4: Cycle II---------------
Had my weight down to 209lbs on Saturday, so slight budges are happening but slowly, really shooting from 205 by Easter weekend. Really happy with the lifting progress though.

Sunday, 18.03.18
Squats - 5@70, 5@80, 10@90, 5x10@65
Low Pulls - 1x20@70kgs, 3x10@85kgs

That was heavy, my arms are still pumped hours later.

Monday, 18.03.19
Bench - 5@70, 5@80, 10@90, 5x10@65
Pull downs - 3x10@65

Bike commute - 35k

Tuesday, 18.03.20
Run - 17k

Wednesday, 18.03.21
Bike Commute -035k

Thursday, 18.03.22
DL - 5@95, 5@110, 10@120
TBDL - 5x10@92

Bike Commute - 35k

Friday, 18.03.23
Press - 5@40, 5@45, 10@50, [email protected]
Farmers - 5x80m@92

Bike Commute - 35k

Saturday, 18.03.24
---------------Week 5: Cycle II---------------
Sunday, 18.03.25

Squats - 3@75, 3@85, 8@95, 5x10@65
Low Pulls - 5x10@90kgs

And I pulled a muscle in my back and maybe threw a rib out. Good news is lifting was fine the next day, bad news was it was hard to breathe.

Monday, 18.03.26
Bench - 5@75, 5@85, 8@95, 5x10@65
Pull downs - 5x10@65

Bike commute - 35k

Tuesday, 18.03.27
DL - 3@100, 3@115, 6@130
TBDL - 5x10@92

Bike Commute - 35k

Wednesday, 18.03.28
Press - 3@40, 3@50, 8@55, [email protected]
Farmers - 5x80m@92

Bike Commute - 35k

Last lifting day for the week, heading over seas to run a 42 miler in the lakes over the weekend. I might try a back to back long run Saturday and Sunday. I am pretty sure its gonna be brutal, i am way undertrained for this.

Thursday, 18.03.29
Bike Commute - 17k

Friday, 18.03.30

Saturday, 18.03.31
Run - 45k
Had a nice two days of running up here. Race got shortened a bit due to the snow and wind up top. I wasn't too disappointed.


---------------Week 6: Cycle II---------------
Sunday, 18.04.01

Hike - 35k

Monday, 18.04.02

Tuesday, 18.04.03
Bike Commute - 35k

Still sore from the weekend and surprisingly still 212 lbs... too much beer maybe? I think this week I'm taking a deload week and then onto the 531 week Sunday.

Wednesday, 18.04.04
Squats - 3x5@60, 3x10@50
Low Pulls - 3x10@50

Bike Commute - 35k

Thursday, 18.04.05
Bench - 3x5@60, 3x10@60
Pull downs - 3x10@40

Bike Commute - 35k

Friday, 18.04.06
Bike Commute - 35k

Lifting session got hosed. Just did some light deadlifts and presses.

Saturday, 18.04.07

Sunday, 18.04.08
Squats - 5@80,3@90, [email protected], 5x10@65
Low pulls - 3x10@70, 20@70

Set the low-pulls a little low, after doing them I can still feel the muscle pull. Squats were tough, the 5x10 really made me work. Glad I took a deload week this week. The wights are getting heavier and the sessions are taking longer.

---------------Week 7: Cycle II---------------
Monday, 18.04.09

Tuesday, 18.04.10

Wednesday, 18.04.11

Thursday, 18.04.12

Friday, 18.04.13

Saturday, 18.04.14

---------------Week 8: Cycle II---------------
Sunday, 18.04.15

Mountain biking 25k

Squats - 5@70, 5@80, [email protected], 5x10@65
Low pulls - 5x10@85

Monday, 18.04.16
Tuesday, 18.04.17

Wednesday, 18.04.18

Thursday, 18.04.19

Friday, 18.04.20

Saturday, 18.04.21
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hi guys. long time no type/read/etc.

life is crazy up and down. my running and very intermittent weight-based exercise has been way down due to a variety of the usual things (working full time, shuttling kids to school/gym/etc, watching the kid not yet in school, wife health problems, and so on). things in cancerland seem to be going in the undesirable direction after several blessed months of the desired direction. who among us mere mortals knows what the future holds?

anyways, i still think about you guys even if i don't have the emotional energy to engage as much as i would like nor the time. at this stage, i am primarily trying to force myself to go to bed on time on a regular basis. it is amazing how quickly colds/flu/etc pass when you get enough rest! and it tends to ward off depression and other things we hope not to have too much of.

plan for this cycle: maintain balance through a multipronged strategy of a little exercise, more sleep, developing/relying on support networks, quality time with wife and family, and of course that "trust in god" thing.

It's freezing and biking in it sucks. I read BL's complaints about it being 0 and I realized he meant 0f not 0c, -5c is awful, 0f would suck.
Yeah, then throw in windchill!

Thursday and Saturday nights we got two 6"+ snow storms, and a lot of my neighborhood streets are still not plowed, so I skipped the cycling this morning. I got tires with studs in them, but they can't really cut through the loose, car-churned snow. They actually do better in fresh snow. Anyway, the streets should be plowed today, and temps are supposed to get up over freezing this week, so morning temps should be around 20F/-5C, which is reasonable. I have lots of cold-weather gear too, so no excuses. I do believe just getting outside is an important part of fitness and well-being. If I lived in the desert, I would probably lift outside too.

Good luck with the weight loss and the one-beer per night limit! I'm trying to cut out beer altogether during the week, like I used to before getting married. I agree though, I like ales in the 6%+ range. Got some Hopslam a few weeks ago, and that stuff is 10% I think.

BTW, Here's an article that confirms my belief that fitness comes before weight loss:

Good to hear from BA. Hang in there! I agree, good sleep is another crucial element to well-being. For me, it really hinges on working out daily. Even my short bike rides of last week helped promote a full night of restful sleep afterwards. When I don't exercise, I almost always get insomnia and wake up at 2-3am.
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yeah, somehow i need to start running around a little bit. the weather has (?briefly) moved away from its ridiculous cold followed by super wet phase so maybe i can at least run in circles for 15 minutes while waiting for my proto-gymnasts to do their practice. it will probably help with emotional stability, too.
Today was 20f and 50kph head winds so I wimped out on this morning. I'm using the excuse of being sore and needing a rest day. But yeah as long as you are dressed for it though its not a big deal, it just came as a surprise when all winter its been in the 40s and I am usually in shorts.

BA thats a great idea to run while the kids are in sports. Its a terrible waste of time just waiting around for them to finish.
I've also been focusing on sleep, I have been keeping a good 7.5 hour average for a while now and you are right really helps the emotional stability. The kids emotional stability too. And quality time, thanks for the reminder!

one pound down!!! Trying to build the habits of counting calories and not snacking.
The kids emotional stability too. And quality time, thanks for the reminder!

no problem! that's what i'm here for. or, here every once in a while for. :(

thursday, it was like 40F and rainy during gymnastics, so i could only force myself to do about 0.7mi of back-and-forth on the little road before i bailed out. but, then on sunday i convinced my daughter to chase me on her bicycle for about 5.8mi. man, parenting (done "right", anyway) is incredibly labor intensive, but that massive investment is finally paying some dividends: after 9 years, she finally leaves space between herself and other people so she doesn't crash into them (e.g., ME!) and waits for reasonable gaps before darting between the pedestrians. and all that without being told or reminded! i thought the day would never come. i remember her blasting down the same mini-hills on a low-slung tricycle with her feet off the pedals at age 3 doing about 10 miles an hour weaving between people with me running furiously after her hoping she wouldn't die before i caught up to her. good times! enjoy every moment (even the annoying ones) because next thing you know, they'll be picking our nursing homes.... :)
well, the evolution of "concurrent" keeps changing. :) first bare lee has to take care of his knees. now, it turns out that i might have a "genetic connective tissue disorder". so for the moment, i have been strictly forbidden from working out with weights heavier than 5-lb dumbbells. :) i begged for an empty 15-lb barbell and was told, "no!" it isn't like i have been lifting anything significant lately anyway, but i am bummed about not being able to do meaningful overhead presses for shoulder maintenance nor realizing bare lee's dream of a "really strong back". running is still approved, so i am trying to keep that going around everything else in my life: i have actually gotten out every day or two for the last couple weeks.

so that is life. keep on keeping on, guys.
well, the evolution of "concurrent" keeps changing. :) first bare lee has to take care of his knees. now, it turns out that i might have a "genetic connective tissue disorder". so for the moment, i have been strictly forbidden from working out with weights heavier than 5-lb dumbbells. :) i begged for an empty 15-lb barbell and was told, "no!" it isn't like i have been lifting anything significant lately anyway, but i am bummed about not being able to do meaningful overhead presses for shoulder maintenance nor realizing bare lee's dream of a "really strong back". running is still approved, so i am trying to keep that going around everything else in my life: i have actually gotten out every day or two for the last couple weeks.

so that is life. keep on keeping on, guys.
Sorry to hear that BA, when it rains it pours!

I don't know anything about GCTD, but I would definitely get a second opinion as to whether or not you should or shouldn't do weights. Two out of three orthos told me to stop squats and deadlifts when it was revealed that I have degenerative menisci, but I've found my knees are actually healthier when I do them, that is, the knees don't act up as much. And it seems suspicious that running is still OK for you, as many would agree any sort of activity involving repetitive stress is more harmful than weightlifting, if the latter is done correctly (i.e., not a dumb young kid with poor technique trying to set PRs without a proper training program). So one suspects that the old bias against strength-training and for aerobic activity might be in play here.

Anyway, I wish you the best with this!

These days I dream of really strong naps . . .
well, the issue isn't so much about tearing up joints as it is blowing out your aorta. which, i am told, can ruin your WHOLE day. for the moment, my aorta appears to be fine (and possibly on the small side of average rather than the expected massively distended side). eventually, i hope to get some clarification as to what is sensible and what is not. of course, the joy of "disease" is that no-one really knows anything and the ecstasy of rare diseases is that even fewer people know even less. :)

oh, and naps would be truly amazing.
well, the issue isn't so much about tearing up joints as it is blowing out your aorta. which, i am told, can ruin your WHOLE day. for the moment, my aorta appears to be fine (and possibly on the small side of average rather than the expected massively distended side). eventually, i hope to get some clarification as to what is sensible and what is not. of course, the joy of "disease" is that no-one really knows anything and the ecstasy of rare diseases is that even fewer people know even less. :)

oh, and naps would be truly amazing.
Opps, sorry, I thought we were talking skeletal-muscular stuff here. Yes, blowing out one's aorta is bad for business.

Hope you get some good news soon! It would be terrible to have to give up exercise. I think it would still be wise to get a second or third opinion though, and do due diligence yourself. Remember, doctors are B students with an A student's work ethic.
Opps, sorry, I thought we were talking skeletal-muscular stuff here. Yes, blowing out one's aorta is bad for business.

Hope you get some good news soon! It would be terrible to have to give up exercise. I think it would still be wise to get a second or third opinion though, and do due diligence yourself. Remember, doctors are B students with an A student's work ethic.

Ha so what are the A students up to?

Sorry to hear about the news BA. Hopefully you get it figure out.
Ha so what are the A students up to?

Still sore from the weekend and surprisingly still 212 lbs...

Are you planning on writing a report of your weekend? It's nice to live/run vicariously through you.
... too much beer maybe?

Yah think? I've actually been losing a bit of weight by eating even smaller dinners, but I wake up pretty hungry. Beer is the real keystone however, that be true. My taste for it does seem to be diminishing, but I still look forward to a pre-dinner IPA as soon as I get home every evening. And then wine with the meal. Empty calories.

This late winter snow and cold has also made it hard to motivate for my bike rides. Such a wuss.

Of course, the problem with losing weight is that, at my age, I will become more wrinkly. Hmnn, cardio vascular health or more youthful appearance . . . tough decision.

Are you planning on writing a report of your weekend? It's nice to live/run vicariously through you.

Yah think? I've actually been losing a bit of weight by eating even smaller dinners, but I wake up pretty hungry. Beer is the real keystone however, that be true. My taste for it does seem to be diminishing, but I still look forward to a pre-dinner IPA as soon as I get home every evening. And then wine with the meal. Empty calories.

This late winter snow and cold has also made it hard to motivate for my bike rides. Such a wuss.

Of course, the problem with losing weight is that, at my age, I will become more wrinkly. Hmnn, cardio vascular health or more youthful appearance . . . tough decision.

Yes I will try doing a writeup, I will post it here when done. I need to get it done in the next couple of weeks or else I will fall behind with the other trips. Wish I could somehow bring a laptop with me, then I could do a daily journal. Guess I could always do paper and pen?

Yeah I need to cut it back to a beer a day, I have kegs and bottles so its a slippery slope once I get started on the kegs. I will be sending your bottles your way soon, still trying to find the right sized box.

They do say cutting calories is the fountain of youth. I would imagine after a few weeks of lower calories your body would get used to it. But I get irritable when I am hungry. I probably should rotate a lower calorie day with regular days. I have been eating a lot more protein and that does help with the hunger.

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