Children: The most vulgar hecklers


Apr 5, 2011
Warning: Thread contains language that may be offensive to some viewers.

So I was running just now, around a housing complex where I usually run. I pass a group of really young kids near a park, and they yell happily "Hey guy who never wears shoes!". I turn the corner, splash like a little child through a big puddle of warm water, then run into a group of young girls, ranging in age from 7 to about 14. These are the things they said to me on my several laps around.

First lap: One of them yells "Put shoes on you f*@#$r !"

Second lap: All of them are flipping me off, screaming "f*@#$r, f*@#$r , f*@#$r ."

Third lap: They start throwing sticks and bits of gravel in my path, still screaming various expletives at me!

That's when I just ran away from the housing complex and ran elsewhere. I tried to reason with them a little bit but gave up before I left. So, really, I'm just telling you guys this story because I'm a little shocked and also curious to know if anybody else has encountered such vulgar little brats before on their barefoot adventures. It makes me more than a little worried about the future of the world to be honest.

No I have never experienced

No I have never experienced anything like that. I would have probably walked up to them and punched each of them even though they are girls. Wow.
7 years old!  I don't let my

7 years old! I don't let my 8 year old son hang out with a bunch of his buddies outside somewhere.

You could talk to their parents, or tell them you will talk to their parents. Tell them you know where they live, and you'll be right over. ;-)
Sounds about right for that

Sounds about right for that age, sadly. I have not experienced anything like that but that can bea loud and brutal age grouping. Sorry this happened!
they were all girls?

they were all girls? Easy...just tell them that they better start running because they are all looking fat...that should shut them up.
NakedSoleNate wrote:they

NakedSoleNate said:
they were all girls? Easy...just tell them that they better start running because they are all looking fat...that should shut them up.

I like this idea tremendously, if it happens again I'll let you know how this plan works out. I didn't want to tell on them or anything because snitches get stitches and all that. I did tell them that their mom was going to put soap in their mouths, but apparently their mom doesn't care how they speak (so they say).

So I'm the only one that gets screamed at by packs of angry little girls around here? Sort of disheartening lol

What's the worst thing anybody has ever said to you guys then? I think I've encountered the worst thing I'll probably ever encounter at this point, so I can only go up the ladder of happiness or something like that.
I've never had anyone say

I've never had anyone say anything really rude while running (while just being barefoot though, I've had near violent encounters in establishments though...not on my part however).....while running, just really uncreative stuff....some where in the forums is a thread with a whole lot of things people have said to many of us....not sure where it is, but might be fun to try to find it some night when you are bored or drunk, or both....
I would contend it sounds

I would contend it sounds nothing like normal 7-14 year olds (which is a massive age range, that's second grade to ninth grade), regardless of gender. I work with that age group every day, having taught in middle schools, third grade, sixth grade, and currently fourth grade. Thats in low-income areas of Central and Southern Californa and in a low/mid income area of Hawaii. There are some hardcore kids in those groups, and some not so much. Kids curse, yeah. Kids can be mean. They hear it from the media, from their parents, and from their friends. I cursed when I was younger. So did you. Now, did you curse at some guy running down the street? No, but I bet some of your peers would have. "Kids today" is a terrible argument. Remember, at one point Elvis and the Beatles were destroying America.

And getting in to a power struggle or argument with a bunch of children over their language or behavior will only encourage them to act worse. If the kid is already at the brave/defiant point in their attitude that they'll yell at a random adult then your stern word and shaken finger won't mean squat. Because they know, what choo gonna do? Smack a 12 year old? Find their parents, fine. That might work, you'd be surprised at how stories and behaviors change once mom is around.

Or you could call them names back. I'd also try, "Nuh uh!" and "Your momma!"along with, "You're gonna get fat!" It'll totally work. Those children will be so mad at you then, oh man. What a super-burn. "I'm talking Orca fat! Huuuuge!"

Its too easy to see punk kids and worry about the world. No one is who they were freshman year of high school.

And this prompted such a long response because as a teacher I'm tired of hearing people come down on kids. Kids are good people. When a child is messed up and ignorant its because they are a child. (Please no one take the next statement personally, it is not directed at anyone) Adults have no such excuse. For every example you can bring me of some awful child anywhere any time I can bring you two examples of wonderful kids from my classroom this year.

*climbs off soapbox and replaces it under couch*
There really is not a less

There really is not a less human age group in the world than pre-teen/teen girls. They are terrible mean people, who will eventually grow up and most will even regret being that terrible person. Don't encourage them. Either leave, or call some version of authorities that can actually do something (like kick them out). Most likely not their moms considering they've obvously not been taught respect at home. But don't yell back, or you are no better than a pre-teen girl. And trust me you want to be better than a pre-teen girl.
Man that sucks....yeah but I

Man that sucks....yeah but I agree, being soft-spoken, shy girl in middle school was like being in a war zone as I remember it.

I had some kids yell slang-jive at me in the park not too long ago, both going out and coming back through their housing development. They were around 9-12. Little gang of boys. Not sure if it was insulting though (?) They kept yelling out some kind of initals like "B.K. MAaaaaaaaan!!" and laughing at me. No idea what they were talking about. Probably some inside joke. (The initials weren't B.J. thank god...)

The worst I've ever gotten from a kid is a teenager yelled out his car window "Crazy barefoot B*tch!!" I took that in stride because it was random, and whenever someone yells from the comfort of their car to criticize my athleticism I consider them supremely jealous that I can do what I do. A lot of fat people yell at me from their car windows. It's amusing as all get out!! :lol:
Nice soapboxin', Dirtbag. I

Nice soapboxin', Dirtbag.

I haven't experienced anything that nasty from any child or anyone who wasn't in a car or on a bike. But I'll echo ajb422 and say that girls of a certain age are highly occupied with status and conformity games, so I guess that's not that surprising.

In general I find that kids are the most accepting of what I'm doing. They're either fascinated or (this is really advanced) see it as no big deal.

Barefoot Mary said:
The worst I've ever gotten from a kid is a teenager yelled out his car window "Crazy barefoot B*tch!!"

That should so TOTALLY be your new screen name!
As a Black man, I guess, for

As a Black man, I guess, for once, I have stereotypical profiling working in my favor. The worse I've gotten is "Put some shoes on!" or looks of horror from passers by.

Nothing snide hurled within ear-shot.......yet.

Maybe folks are fearful of an ethnic fit of rage.

Hey, my brutha card got revoked years ago....but they don't need to know that.
NYAB wrote:Maybe folks are

NYAB said:
Maybe folks are fearful of an ethnic fit of rage.

Hey, my brutha card got revoked years ago....but they don't need to know that.

C'mon man, I almost snorted coffee all over my keyboard after that one.