Can you run fast barefoot? This guy can!


Can you run fast barefoot? This guy can!

The Barefoot Contestant
The Adirondack Daily Enterprise

LAKE PLACID — Most people will never run a marathon, or even a half marathon. But one Capital Region man ran a half marathon on Sunday while wearing no shoes.

Bill Hoffman finished the Lake Placid Half Marathon running barefoot. Hoffman finished the 13.1-mile race 42nd overall in 1 hour, 40 minutes and 55.9 seconds. The Clifton Park resident said he couldn’t run until less than a decade ago, but now that he goes without shoes, he has finished dozens of ultra marathons. To continue reading, please visit...

The barefoot contestant
The Adirondack Daily Enterprise
Bill Hoffman finished the Lake Placid Half Marathon running barefoot. Hoffman finished the 13.1-mile race 42nd overall in 1 hour, 40 minutes and 55.9 ...
I noticed that they used the words "Punishment of barefoot running", I don't regard it as punishment. I feel like I am being punished when I am squeezed into tight shoes that have laces that are always undoing themselves. Obviously the journalist is not a barefoot runner.

Agree wholeheartedly with the observation of ‘punishment ‘. I put on my old hikers yesterday for fence building purposes- ouch. By the end of the day my feet were achy, sweaty, completely unhappy. Barefooting is definitely no punishment.

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