Burn on the feet


Feb 3, 2024

I am Caroline I am 32 years old. I am French. I am a medical student in fifth year of general curriculum. My primary formation was to be a nurse. I have no medical antecedent no allergy.
I have been walking and beginning to run barefoot for two months and using vibram five fingers at the hospital or Luna sandals. I went running some days after the snow. I walked barefoot in the snow at home too. ( i am used to cold exposure since i have been taking ice bath for two years doing the wim hof method) I had very intense itching that prevented me from sleeping only relieved by cold exposure. I saw a dermatologist at the hospital who saw both of my feet he said it looked like a burnt and the other one looks like engelure. Here are the pictures at different stades it has been evolving since three weeks. It hurts when I am walking if I have the ball touch first so I don’t walk normally. Those last days i have been wearing socks at home cause it is more sensitive ( the current stade is the picture where it is the most red. )

Thank you in advance for your advice.
I stopped running it is painful no matter what the shoes is. Walking ends up being painful too since I have to adjust my posture in an unnatural one. I can’t post all the pictures. It says they are too large.


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Here are some others pictures I was able to attach but the better one are said to be too big.
I use an app called Image Size to reduce my large pictures.

Also, didn’t you say you were running on salt that melts the ice?

Dr. Mark should be by soon.
Caroline the story and pics sound like superficial frostbite
good news is you are feeling it and the toes do not look necrotic.
let time heal it and if blisters peel sometimes wound or burn cream can prevent infection.
and use the VFF in the snow :)
This is what i got above the feet. The dermatologist said it was frostbite too but really on the above? ( just looking to understand)
The chronology is weird for the feet. It snowed on the 20/01/2024 I went running / walking on salt that melt the ice on the 21/01
23/01 28/01
And the itching and the redness began close to the 5 February ( thanks to the pictures I have the date ). it took a long time no compared to the 24-48 hours in the Mayo Clinic article . It might be frostnip?


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