Bull Island 4 Miler

Spreading the word, Wendy,

Spreading the word, Wendy, spreading the word. :cool:
Hey, I finally read the WebMD

Hey, I finally read the WebMD article through, WTF? It is a load of horse hockey? People with Rheumatoid Arthritis shouldn't run barefoot, why the heck not? It has been the best thing for my RA. And TJ, do you really have to touch up your pedicure that often? Mine is good until the nail grows out far enough to show a gap :) I wrote a rough draft article about it yesterday, LOL
Can't wait to read your

Can't wait to read your article. Yes, I should touch up every week or so, since I have such long boney toes, they scrape across everything. :cry:
Elijah here...finally.  The

Elijah here...finally. The spelling was close enough Wendy :) and thanks for the inspiration on Saturday! Glad to finally go bare for a race. It's definitley something I'll be doing more often. I did an easy 8 bare yesterday and felt great too. While I was warming up, my wife heard some of the local "good ole boys" saying some unkind words about my lack of footwear. Good to know I could have lapped them if I wanted too.
e, you tell them "good ole

e, you tell them "good ole boys" they don't want me coming over there.

;-) Yea right.
YAY!  Great to see you here! 

YAY! Great to see you here! I was really annoyed that there was no mention of you being barefoot on the Peninsula Track club website. They have your pic up, but it doesn't show your feet. They have made such a fuss over me running barefoot I was sure they would mention it with your pic :-( I'm thinking of going out to Yorktown next weekend and running the course for the 4th of July race to see if I can do it barefoot. I about killed me last year, but I had only been running barefoot for a few weeks. I'll also try to get out to Sandy Bottom and see how I handle the gravel since I know part of the race is gravel. I really want to do it barefoot, but I don't want it to take me over an hour again.

Thanks for putting up the

Thanks for putting up the pics. They do look scenic but the mosquitoes certainly put a damper on taking it in. I'd like to do another one soon but my next race will probably be the ASYMCA Mud Run. It's only and 8k but in the dead heat of summer, and the last 2 miles are through hilly , powdery sand dunes...brutal! Those Yorktown roads are tough on the toes. Good luck Barefooting those miles Wendy. Keep that cadence fast. I'm trying to get a trail race at York River State Park going. They currently have a 5k but I'd like to get a 15+ miler organized. If it comes to fruition, I'll try to get the word out.
Background? Ohhhhh that

Background? Ohhhhh that background. I found it. lol Welcome to BRS, ewheeldrive.
I did the ASYMCA Mudd Run

I did the ASYMCA Mudd Run last year, it was a blast! If we are still here in August I'll run it again. Those dunes at the end are killer! Barefoot is the only way to go for that race. I can't imagine continuing to run after the sand and river crossing, the sand in your shoes must have chewed your feet to bits! My daughter ran the kids run barefoot too.

If anyone is interested in more pics of this race, you can see them at:




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