Boy I had me some FAST barefoot form going on...


Dec 9, 2011
for about 200 feet that is. :p I was parked at Wally mart on Saturday, and wanted to cross a busy 4-way stop intersection in a retail center to go to some other stores. I was barefoot, and it was hot as hades. So I sprinted across the 4-way stop intersection, FAST barefoot form, lifting and kicking those feet up high behind me. Wish I could have had a video of it to study, or known what my pace was.

All I can say is, dangit why can't I run that fast all the time???
nothin like hot pavement too keep you flying!
there was one 1/2 mile run i did last year in very cold rain (upper 30s, very wet track)---my goal was to levitate 1/2 inch above that track.