BF running on msnbc

The podiatrist in the report

The podiatrist in the report said that a runner should have their feet correctly analyzed and evaluated before attempting to run barefoot.

Fair enough, provided she can advise me of exactly what criteria are of significance vis-a-vis-the evaluation.

I'll go on record here saying that I have leveraged my well earned title of "doctor" many times when trying to expedite things with the cable company or equivelent (but never my mechanic, shhhhhhh.....don't want him to start seeing $$$$$).

That's all she's doing, posturing, "I'm a podiatrist, I know".

BS, she don't know jack about BFRunning, after all, why in the world would the average podiatrist?

My podiatrist happens to be very knowledgable on the subject.......he should be, after all, I mean... he does get updates from me at least weekly!
Danjo wrote:And not only does

Danjo said:
And not only does the injury free idea make us look bad when people are injured... but it also adds a sense of guilt to injury, which is ridiculous.It would be nice to de-emphasize the "injury-free" part and explain that we are able to actually learn from our injuries, and thats why we can run with less/no pain...

D*mn, Danjo, this observation is sharp. Thank you.

I've had a few aches lately and have been feeling kind of shy about having them. But I never felt guilty about being in pain (100x worse, BTW) when I was wearing foam blocks!

What you're really talking about is the difference between a faith and an art. It only makes sense to feel guilty about being injured being barefoot if you take it on faith, "barefoot running must be better."

But if it's an art -- that is, a skill and a passion that people invent and cultivate -- then it's open to celebration and question.

So imagine, what if someone came out with a definitive study that showed that barefoot runners got injured more often than shod ones? Which is so totally not going to happen, because BF running does make you more aware of your body. But say such a study did come out. Would I stop running BF? No way.

I wouldn't keep running because I have faith that BFR is inherently better and I "must" be doing something wrong. I'd keep running barefoot because it feels like nothing else I've tried. There is this extraordinary connection between my body and its surroundings.... the awareness of what's happening around me, the silence of my feet on the streets and the path, the delicious splay of my toes in the mud, the doglike, tongue-flapping, joy of just going. L'Chaim!
stomper wrote:So imagine,

stomper said:
So imagine, what if someone came out with a definitive study that showed that barefoot runners got injured more often than shod ones? Which is so totally not going to happen, because BF running does make you more aware of your body. But say such a study did come out. Would I stop running BF? No way.
Well said! I enjoy barefoot running because I enjoy barefoot running. Sure, it's not painful like running in shoes, and I'm a lot faster than when I run in shoes. But I shouldn't really need any kind of justification for why I do it.
If a study came out that said

If a study came out that said Alcohol is bad for the liver, I might try to curb my beer drinking...oh wait, Alcohol IS bad for the liver and I enjoy it!
BrunoRuns wrote: Alcohol IS

BrunoRuns said:
Alcohol IS bad for the liver and I enjoy it!

 how do you pronounce

how do you pronounce L'Chaim!?!? I think I've heard this before, but the word I'm thinking of and what is spelled is so different that I'm thinkin' it's wrong.
Well. The L is not very


The L is not very emphasised, the CH like the end of 'och', not 'ock', AI like 'eye', but then the I comes back with the M to sound a bit like 'im. At the end of the day it has 3 syllables with the emphasis on the middle one - L-Cheye-im

The alternative spelling is probably easier to read phonetically - l'chayim!

"To Life'.
You can hear Chaim Topol

You can hear Chaim Topol himself & friends pronounce it correctly dozens of times in this YouTube video

of a scene from Fiddler On the Roof. They put us PWI runners to shame.
Now that I just watched the

Now that I just watched the entire 5:48 video I'm in a dancing mood.

Got some costume ideas for tonight as well.

They sure did know how to party back in the old country!

I guess long before Budweiser's time Vodka was helping white men of all ethnic backgrounds dance.
 LOL, that post was perfect!!

LOL, that post was perfect!! I love this musical!! This is more than likely where I heard this from!
Ha ha ha - the "expert" on

Ha ha ha - the "expert" on feet , the podiatrist doesn't have a clue!

I wonder, wouldn't it be cool if she secretly went out the next day and gave BFR a try and had a true epiphany!


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