Beer Mile

Duh, we DO run to drink. I think we should make this another annual BRS Portland Chapter event. Heh heh heh.
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We just have to make sure we have a good and reliable DD, not Mike...

And not me...the second worst alcoholic. Lol. In fact, we will definitely have to get someone not even in the group. And we have to run it in the trails, and not on pavement, because it would be SO awesome to trip on all the roots and fall down the ravines!!!
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what you talking about that i'm not reliable? i got us home safely after the shamrock even though i was a bit hammered. i'm a professional drunk driver.
One of my running groups is setting up one of these for the fall (and I hope I do not fall). Being part of the Hash House Harriers, it appears to be a given that this would be in the yearly agenda.
One of my running groups is setting up one of these for the fall (and I hope I do not fall). Being part of the Hash House Harriers, it appears to be a given that this would be in the yearly agenda.

Is it on a soft, rubbery track, I hope? We have a soft, rubbery track here in downtown and that would be the "safest' place to do ours. But, I am surrounded by those suffering from testosterone poisoning, so they may find being drunk on a rubber track a little to wussy for them. Not to mention, the cops probably wouldn't like drunk people running around on public property. BWAHAHAHAAAA!!!
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No soft rubber tracks for us hearty Canadians, we tend to run on crazy stuff like gravel and crushed glass. It adds to the challenge.;)

But seriously, there are a couple of tracks that we run on but definitely not rubber.