Barefoot on muddy trails?

I absolutely love barefoot runs on the trails! Having said that, I do it for the health, and the pleasure of running with the free feeling barefoot gives you. When it's really muddy, especially with little bumps or "holes" I just slow down a bit so if I do slip some, I'm not going to do a face-plant or anything. The feeling of just running through mud, water, dirt etc is amazing! Enjoy it!
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It is really good fun to get out in the mud, and yes it can be slippery but I find that with practice you develop really good balance and 'traction control'. It also has the great advantage that you don't have to worry about washing your trainers after a muddy run.

A word of caution though. If it is cold and wet, stop to take a look at your feet once in a while. I did a cross country half marathon in winter on a flooded course and it was not pretty. My feet softened in the water, they were numb from the cold and under the water/mud were flints and stones. I don't want anyone else to make the same mistake, so be a bit careful.

Other than that just have fun.
hey, don't mistake the comment I made earlier. I love running in mud, and even in things that 'look like' mud, without revealing too many details. Actually, any natural surface or substance is ok with me. But slippery mud, especially when you add a gradient of considerable, um, gradiness, can send me flying. Of course, even that can be fun :matey:
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