Barefoot Heel Strikers Rejoice, New Kenyan Barefoot Study Indicates that You Are Not Alone!

hhhmmm.....I have never disregarded the idea that body position and posture is actually more important than foot strike.
I think a lot of times when we use the words "heel strike" on this forum we are referring to the classic knee locked, leaning back, heel first, painful to watch "heel strike".

If someone was to "heal strike" while barefoot they would likely stop locking their knee and practice overall better posture (compared to a shoed runner).

I like the idea of the mid-foot strike for me, because it encourages me to think about good posture/form.....but I'm willing to bet that foot strike is not nearly as important as posture. (assuming you can cleanly separate the two from each other).

Overall an interesting article.
I think this is like the fourth or fifth time this has been posted here now. Please check out the other threads for other comments on this.

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