Barefoot Half Marathon in the UK?

My post marathon (in vibrams) goal was to run a half marathon barefoot, which I anticipated would take most of summer for conditioning my soles.

Last week though I went out for a 13 mile road run, the first half barefoot and the second half in vibrams. I managed the entire distance barefoot !

I wondered if anyone knew of a barefoot friendly half marathon in central England, ideally around July / August time?

We will have a new module on the site shortly, and once we announce that, be sure to also post this question in your UK Chapter, since the new module will notify the members of your chapter.
Well I eventually ran an official barefoot half marathon - The Perkins Great Eastern Run in Peterborough, United Kingdom.
90% was pretty easy going with only two half mile stretches of rough road surface. The second of those was freshly laid chip and seal so should be fine come next year.
My daily mile and blog postings have a little more detail.

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