ATTENTION EVERYONE!!! Please fill out this survey on BFR/MR and injuries


Jun 23, 2010
ATTENTION EVERYONE!!! Please fill out this survey. It takes just a few minutes, yet the data we gather will be mind-opening! Please and thank you!

The survey form

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Someone told me last night at the Albuquerque Roadrunners meeting (great great bunch of folks, more on that later) that everyone in the room fell into one of two categories, runners who had been injured and runners who would be injured. It got me to thinking. . . what is our injury rate and can we learn from each other beyond individual anecdotes?

Can we start a survey of BRS members? Replies can just include question number and a short response

1. how long have you been a barefoot/minimalist runner (specify which)?

2. what is your average weekly mileage?

3. what is your injury prevention regimen (stretching, foam roller, etc.) rate your use 1-10, one being very low, 10 being very dedicated?

4. what injuries have you sustained and when? (ex: week 4 of running barefoot/minimalist, PF) rate injury 1-10

5. how long did it take you to really overcome injury (back to previous mileage/week)?

6 input: short response with information about injury (due to wearing regular shoes at work, VFF caused problem, TMTS, etc. this is subjective I know.

I thought about using surveymonkey for this, but don't have time to set up. No pride in authorship here. . . just hoping to learn more/what to do better.

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1.  Been running 2 years, 3

1. Been running 2 years, 3 months barefoot

2. 25-30 the first year; 15-25 the second year

3. Stretching - 1

4. I have never been injured from running barefoot. The problems I have with my feet are directly due to the damage caused by wearing shoes.

5. N/A - since I'm still trying to overcome injury caused by shoes and doesn't pertain to barefoot running

6. N/A - MN due to wrong kinds of shoes previously worn/ran in; PF due to the same and allergic reaction to medication
Thanks TJ,I'm compiling

Thanks TJ,

I'm compiling results and will share when it seems like most who care to share have done so.

Sweet! I'll have a go...1. 

Sweet! I'll have a go...

1. Mostly barefoot for 8 months

2. 10 - 12 miles per week

3. Lots of Yoga (at least 3x a week + 30 minutes each session) 8 ... I used to ice but I don't anymore. Don't use rollers or anything. Just massage. I'd give that one a 4.

4. In my 4th month I had pretty bad TOFP, maybe a stress reaction (it wasn't technically a sprain) running completely barefoot. Injury was probaby a 7. It hurt, I had to limp around a bit, but I didn't go to the doctor.

5. About 2 weeks, 10-14 days. Something like that.

6 input: I went too far and my feet couldn't handle the strain. Went on a barefoot run that turned into a 6+ miles when I was still working on 3 milers. I got lost on a route that was unfamilliar to me. Yeah, I guess you can do too much too soon barefoot! Merp.
 1. Barefoot about 98% of

1. Barefoot about 98% of the time, 1 year 3 months

2. 20-30

3. Crossfit - 10

4. TOFP (probably tendonitis in my foot)

5. 1-2 days

6 Each time I have gotten TOFP it was when I wore my VFF's, it still affects me if I wear them just more mildly now.
paraganek wrote:Hi

paraganek said:
Hi Sara,sounds like an interesting idea, what about using Google Docs, something like this concept ?I can help.
Very cool what you did with the Google spreadsheet. Didn't know you could do something like that. Thanks for sharing that.
Google has all kinds of free

Google has all kinds of free aps. And now that I know you are efficient with it Para, I may recruit you to do some work for the BRS. ;-) Specifically for the upcoming IBRD.
Great!  We'll be in contact.

Great! We'll be in contact.
 Nice survey form

Nice survey form Paraganek!

If you can alter it to increase the mileage options I'll be happy to complete it. I've averaged 61.5 mpw since last March.

Another suggestion would be to add an "Other" option to the injuries section with space to describe it.


Is the Google form Para

Is the Google form Para created legit? I filled it out just to see what might happen. Anyway, here's my 2 cents worth:

1. how long have you been a barefoot/minimalist runner (specify which)?

18 months, half my mileage bfr, half minimal due to weather and/or terrain.

2. what is your average weekly mileage?

I averaged 16mpw this year.

3. what is your injury prevention regimen (stretching, foam roller, etc.) rate your use 1-10, one being very low, 10 being very dedicated?

Nothing really. Stretch sometimes (if I'm not lazy - I liked that on the form Para created). Usually I just dress and run; no prep and no problems.

4. what injuries have you sustained and when? (ex: week 4 of running barefoot/minimalist, PF) rate injury 1-10

At 15 months I got TOFP (maybe stress fracture?). I think it was from sprinting bf, which I don't usually do. I was feeling "fast" that day. Afterwards, I noticed the pain. For a few days afterwards it hurt after I ran, hardly at all during the run, and not at all from walking. Pain was ~2 out of 10. I had to lay-off running two weeks to let it really heal, but then I was back to my previous mileage.
Otherwise just the occassional blister (it has occassionally slowed me down for a few days).

5. how long did it take you to really overcome injury (back to previous mileage/week)? See #4 above.

6 input: short response with information about injury (due to wearing regular shoes at work, VFF caused problem, TMTS, etc. this is subjective I know. See #4 above.
 1.  how long have you been a

1. how long have you been a barefoot/minimalist runner (specify which)?

hmm I think like four months or so now. A combination

2. what is your average weekly mileage?

It was around 55-75 before I hurt myself but about 25% of that was shod.

3. what is your injury prevention regimen (stretching, foam roller, etc.) rate your use 1-10, one being very low, 10 being very dedicated?

I don't really have one. I guess I consider crosstraining to be my injury prevention. I'm not "dedicated" but I do it all the time since I like it. I'll rank me a 5.

4. what injuries have you sustained and when? (ex: week 4 of running barefoot/minimalist, PF) rate injury 1-10

5. how long did it take you to really overcome injury (back to previous mileage/week)?

Around 2 months in I got some PTT issues it lasted about a month I could run on it so I guess I'll rate it a 3. Around 3 months in I got a stress reaction. Lasted about a month. I probably could of ran on it but why when that would be uncomfortable and have the possibility of a fracture so I'll rank that a 6.

6 input: short response with information about injury (due to wearing regular shoes at work, VFF caused problem, TMTS, etc. this is subjective I know.

The PTT I blame on growing pains. I don't think slowing down would of helped. The stress reaction started from running to fast and hard down a very steep trail hill and then following it up with another long run the next day. Probably a diet poor in calcium didn't help.
DNEchris wrote: If you can

DNEchris said:
If you can alter it to increase the mileage options I'll be happy to complete it. Another suggestion would be to add an "Other" option to the injuries section with space to describe it.


It is not legit until Sara approves it.
Hi paraganek, I love it,

Hi paraganek,

I love it, thanks for taking the time. By this message I'm asking anyone who sent their responses through this forum to enter it on the google survey. I really think we can learn a lot here. My suspicion, other than TMTS is that using VFF's or other minimalist shoes creates more injuries - I don't use them and so am not invested in this aspect.

Thanks to EVERYONE who takes the time to share. TJ, you are the queen bee here, what can we do to get more people to fill out the survey?

Happy weekend to you all - we're off to Orlando so the husband can run Disney on Sunday!

Uh, I could block everyone's

Uh, I could block everyone's account to the site until they have answered the survey? Will that work? Bzzzzzzz. Hee.

I'll sticky this thread and copy Para's links to the opening post. How's that?
Oh, and I changed the

Oh, and I changed the thread's title and included MR.
1.  how long have you been a

1. how long have you been a barefoot/minimalist runner (specify which)?

2. what is your average weekly mileage?
-no clue, but it varies anywhere from 0 to 40

3. what is your injury prevention regimen (stretching, foam roller, etc.) rate your use 1-10, one being very low, 10 being very dedicated?
- i dont do anything on a regular basis, i might stretch every now and then. 1

4. what injuries have you sustained and when? (ex: week 4 of running barefoot/minimalist, PF) rate injury 1-10
- other than blisters i havent sustained any injuries, maybe really sore feet when i first started out

5. how long did it take you to really overcome injury (back to previous mileage/week)?
-took about 1 day for my feet to feel better

6 input: short response with information about injury (due to wearing regular shoes at work, VFF caused problem, TMTS, etc. this is subjective I know.
-N/A due to no real injuries.
Okay, you guys, please post

Okay, you guys, please post your answers to the survey links above in the opening post. You can share here too, but just make sure to post to the actual survey. Thanks!

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