Article: Pitfalls of Transitioning from Shod to Barefoot: A Newbie's Perspective


Apr 4, 2010
That is a fantastic synopsis of the issues facing those of us new to barefoot running. I particularly like the issue of shortening your stride. As a taller runner, it was pounded into me since high school to reach out and use those long legs to pull in as much ground as possible per step. Over stirding is a huge source of injuries for runners, shod or minimalist. It was very difficult for me to retrain my legs to turn over quicker while making shorter strides. Sometimes I feel like the Roadrunner, but it really does work.

Thanks again Terry for the great article. it should be required reading for anyone who's just starting out.
Thanks, dirtdemon. The hardest for me was taking it slow. It's so much fun that you want to keep going. That's the worst thing a newbie can do in my opinion. Taking it slow improves your chances of an injury free transition. The other hard part for me was cadence. I'm so used to a 150ish step cadence. Picking up the pace helped me improve my form greatly.
Excellent points, Barefoot Terry. "Too much, too soon" is the problem. I started barefoot running in mid-February and had a couple minor bouts of overdoing it, but thankfully no acute or chronic injury resulted. Things that have helped me slowly build barefoot mileage are not running barefoot on consecutive days (not a rule, just prudent. In time consecutive days can be incorporated which I've only done recenly), learning to focus on lifting the feet and not the foot strike, keeping the hips forward and the torso straight, maintaining the quick cadence as Terry pointed out, and relaxing (probably the most important thing). I've had many good barefoot runs, but only recently has the fruit of my work been paying off. Take your time, have fun, and in time you'll be amazing.

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