Article: DQed for Running in Bare Feet! By Janice Nicholls


May 13, 2010
Hey Janice sorry to hear you gotdq'd.It is really frustrating to hear about it. I'm definitely writing a letter.At the very least maybe barefoot runners and triatheletes will look upon a dq as a badge of honor for actually racing barefoot :)
That's a massive bummer. I think you're taking the right approach looking at the race as a positive anyway, seeing how you would have placed and ignoring that DQ (which would be easier said than done for me). After all, we do this for fun. Right?

I've done one tri here in Hawaii where I remember the rules specifically saying, "You must wear shoes" and I've done tris where I've seen barefooters out on the course. Guess it's a case-by-race (see what I did there?) basis. I race in my VFFs.

I'll write in too. There is no good reason for the rule to be on the books.

Race hard! Keep on swimming.
that rule is useless and unjustified. It should be fought against and i'd love to hear why it is there at all.

The bad part is that fighting the DQ is probably futile since the rule stands and a rule is a rule as long as it is in effect. Hoever it should be taken out of the reglement at the earliest possible.

How are such rules created... Many questions...

Keep the good part in mind and take the challenge further!
It sounds like besides the DQ the day was a resounding success. I would be fuming about the DQ so I think you are handling it quite well. I will be sure to write a letter. It seems so weird that you were singled out.
No such rule in USA Triathlons!

I think you should be arguing to the Ontario Tri Board that based on the rule language you quoted, it looks like everyone should have been disqualified! I haven't seen anyone wear anything on their feet during the swim and they exit/run into transition BAREFOOT! You aren't allowed to ride your bike in transition and many athletes run out barefoot because their shoes are already clipped to their pedals! After the ride, many leave their shoes attached to their bike and run back into transition barefoot. In most races, there are more sharp and dangerous objects scattered about in transition than on the run course.
Very good points, Pete, that she should bring up to them. -TJ
I'm a long time runner and triathlete. I haven't done any triathlons in the last year or so as I've been focusing on my barefoot running. I'm going to send a letter to all these addresses to hopefully get this rediculous law taken out.
This reminds me of the days when women weren't allowed to participate in marathons. It eventually changed but not before some women had to endure the consequences of the narrow-minded thinking -- as you did. Sorry you had to pay the price for being one of the pioneers.
Here in Alberta the same thing is happening. A friend of mine was DQed for barefoot running in the Chinook Half Ironman in Calgary. I am hoping he will come and tell his story.
...their reasoning for the ban. It looks like a relic rule, kind of knee-jerk wording and sentiment.

In my opinion, people who opt to participate in such a race are already accepting a big chunk of liability on their shoulders. What's a little more? (if you ascribe to the belief that BF is more dangerous.) Or maybe they feel that BF is an unfair advantage!

But Janice, your attitude sets a good example for us all. You can't control the world but you can control how you respond to it. Good for you!
Dear Triathlonmagazine.canada,I want to call you to task a bit to reconsider the triathalon rule prohibiting Barefoot Running.Isn't the world a little farther along than that? Legitimate research and many happy healthy runners throughout the world now bear witness to the legitimacy of Barefoot Running.If nothing else, leave it to the discretion of your atheletes, who know the risks and benefits better, and for whom the added liability, if any, would be negligable.Please give this matter some consideration. It might even be the basis for a timely and important article!Thank you!Sincerely,Joseph Christopher
Janice, you have a great attitude about the race. It IS more important that you did well in the race rather than what THEY think of your running barefoot. However, that does suck to have a DQ next to your name. I plan to write to them as well. I hope that even if your DQ is not overturned, that we still get them to wake up to the new reality that barefoot runners are part of the general running/racing community and we are not going away! I hope to hear on the BRS site that they change their minds.
Well, it isn't really fair after all, you're running unhindered by footwear, and competing against all those other folks whose running technique is almost certainly negatively affected by their footwear to some degree....

Just kidding, competition should be about finding the best way for you to run naturally, without using any assistive devices that give you an unfair advangage. I wouldn't call running shoes, "assistive", but certainly bare feet are not assistive, their a natural part of our bodies. Obviously the rules are not reasonable, and rules should be based on reason, not ignorance.

Have fun,

-barefoot ken bob

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